A Place for Princess

5 years, 4 months ago

ARPG - Rockabye Goomdrop

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Magenta's gaze was one of utter fondness as she watched the adorable Kigu thimblet hold Princess within her arms. Princess being the name she had oh so lovingly bestowed upon her pink, starry baby goomdrop. Her goomdrop was a source of utter comfort to her, and she adored the pitiful looking creature with all her heart and soul. However, with her idol career taking up most of her time she was beginning to struggle with giving attention to her poor goom. The guilt of it was gnawing at her emotions, and she figured it was about time she found someone who could take care of her Princess whilst she was busying herself with her upcoming, grand concert. As she was eating breakfast one morning, idly scanning through the Daily Crumb as she tended to do, an ad had immediately caught her attention.

'Having difficulties raising your Baby Goomdrop?' it asked. And whilst raising her wasn't exactly a difficulty in of itself, Magenta figured this Kigu Thimblet, who dubbed herself as Behr, would be able to assist her with her trouble. And so, after giving Tira and Pixie a hasty explanation as to where she was hurrying off to in such a rush, Magenta was out the door and on her way to Behr's nursery. Once inside, Magenta found herself awed with how adorably decorated it was. The walls were covered in soft, pastel colors and teeny baby goomdrops looked quite cozy, all nestled within crib like beds. They obviously seemed well cared for, which made Magenta all the more certain this was the best decision. 

"Hello?" She called out, stepping over to a 'welcoming' desk which she figured was where she'd meet the Thimblet. 

"Hold on just a moment, dear!" A sweet, squeak of a voice called out before the tiny Midveiler came scurrying over. Magenta noted with amusement how fitting the teddy bear appearance was for someone named Behr. 

"Sorry for the brief wait, how may I-" Behr cut herself off as she looked at Magenta - (although Magenta wondered how exactly she could see her with that bear hoodie covering her face) - her mouth gaping open in shock. "Oh my, oh my my!!!" She squeaked, excitement dripping from her voice. "You're that idol from the Soda Pops!!! Magenta!! Oh my gosh!"

The Strudel let out a faint chuckle, having been more than used to this sort of reaction from other Midveilers. It certainly was flattering. "Indeed, always lovely to meet a fan!" She decided to play along for a brief moment, savoring the excited smile on the tiny Thimblet's face. Although, the Thimblet's adoration on her was quickly pushed to the side as soon as she noticed the creature nestled within the idol's arms.

"Oh!!! You have the most adorable little goomdrop!" Behr gasped, cooing and gushing over her. "She-ohhhh my goodness-she MATCHES you! She's all pink with those stars-you two are a match made in Heaven huh!?"

"I suppose you could say that...." The Strudel murmured, glancing fondly down at Princess. "Her name's Princess, and she's likely the sweetest goomdrop you'll ever meet...." A sigh escaped her as she continued, "however....with how demanding my job is I....admittedly don't have the time to care for her as I would like. It doesn't help that she's so stationary too.....sometimes I get so tired I even forget she's there." The guilty expression on her face didn't go unnoticed by the Thimblet.

"I see...." She nodded, suddenly all business like. "I'm guessing you noticed my ad in the paper, huh?"

"Yeah..." Magenta confirmed, lifting her head to look at the Thimblet. "Would you help us? I'd be willing to pay any cost, you name it!"

A gentle smile lit up Behr's countenance. "Of course I'd be willing to help! It's my job after all, dearie!" A bemused giggled escaped her. "I don't require your crumbs for my services, instead I'd rather you tell me a story!" 

Magenta tilted her head, her cerulean eyes holding a quizzical look to them. "A story?" She asked, "what sort?"

"Tell me how you met Princess!" Behr exclaimed, looking excited at the prospect of it. "Would you mind if I held her while you share?"

"Oh, not at all!" Magenta found herself gingerly handing the goom over to the eager Thimblet, smiling earnestly as Behr gently spoke sweet nothings to her. And thus, this is where she found herself presently, about to tell the tale of how Princess came into her life. 


The rain that was pouring outside felt torrential, and Magenta, alongside her idol cohorts, were scrambling as fast as their little legs could carry them, desperately hoping to find some sort of shelter. Unfortunately for them, however, they were quite far away from any form of civilization. 

"This is hopeless!" Tira whined, trying to shake some of the water out of her fur, despite knowing the futility of it. "We're never going to find any relief from this!"

"A lil rain never harmed anyone!" Pixie remarked in an attempt to assuage the brown colored Strudel.

"Yeah, but if you consider this a lil I sure as heck don't want to know what a lot would be...." Tira sighed. 

"C'mon girls, we just gotta keep on pushing.....I can't say I'm a fan of this either though, this rain is awfully cold..." Magenta shuddered as she spoke. Discomfort wasn't her main worry, if the trio stayed out too long they ran the risk of getting sick which could take a toll on their upcoming performance! They were only just starting out their career, and making a good impression on the public was very important! She was so distracted with this thought that she didn't notice the girls calling out to her until it was too late, with a gasp she tripped over something that had been in her path, falling face first into a puddle with a 'SPLASH'.

"Oh no, Magenta, are you alright!?" Tira gasped as the duo rushed to her aid. "Were you daydreaming or something? We were calling out to you!"

"Ahaha...." Magenta pitifully laughed, wiping globs of mud from her face. "I'm fine.....what did I trip over?"

"Looks like a rock...." Pixie pointed to the source. "Except......hey, this rock has eyes!!"

"Eyes?" Magenta asked, finding herself curious. She scootched over to the questionable rock, letting out a gasp as it looked at her with painful, dejected eyed. "I don't think this is a rock!" She exclaimed, picking it up and wiping off the large amount of mud that coated its entire body. 

"You're right, that's a goomdrop!" Tira cried, "what's this poor thing doing all alone out here!?" 

"I dunno, but judging by the amount of mud coating it.....it must have been here for a while..." Pixie's voice was sad as she gazed at the creature in Magenta's hands.

"Well.....we certainly aren't going to leave them here," Magenta spoke determinedly as she rose to her feet. "C'mon, lil one, we're going to get you out of this mess of a storm!" 

As the trio rushed onwards, Magenta could have sworn the glimmering look in the baby Goom's eyes was one of gratitude.


"That's awful!!!" Behr roared with disgruntlement. "What sicko leaves a baby goom out in the middle of a storm!? She certainly couldn't have gotten there herself!"

Magenta shook her head. "I wonder that too, but....I'm grateful I had tripped over her that day....otherwise we may never have taken the moment to examine her. She's important to me....not just me, the whole group..."

"Ooh..." Behr sniffled. "That's so touching.....I promise I'll watch after her like a hawk, and give her all the love in the world!" 

Magenta smiled, grateful. "You're wonderful, Behr, thank you....we'll be in this village for quite a bit so.....I promise I'll make the freetime to visit everyday.....would you be willing to teach me your ways so in the future I can give her the best life possible?"

"Of course, Magenta!!" Behr exclaimed. "I'll support you to the best of my abilities!"

"Thank you....so so much....." Magenta was so emotional she felt close to tears. 

"Say, wanna try singing a lullaby to the goomdrops?" Behr suggested, "I think they'll love your singing voice!"

The idol chuckled. "That sounds fun, let's do it!"

"Eee!" Behr squealed. "What're we waiting for, let's go!" With Princess nestled in one arm, Behr grabbed Magenta's arm with the other and ushered her onwards. Magenta shared a glance with her Goom and smiled at her, feeling at ease knowing she was going to get the attention she rightfully deserved.
