The First Three Instances

1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

This is an SU oc story about a creation called “Sparkling Wine”, not like the actual sparkling wine but instead gem shards crushed into glitter and added into wine.

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Not use to writing, this is just random lore stuff for my character, go easy on me.

First instance:A

The exact first was pretty much a haywire attempt of stopping her own marriage. To put it simply back when Golden was considered “young” she was asked to be married to another diamond who she admittedly couldn’t give less of a fuck about. Slight problem being, Golden didn’t know wtf marriage even was at the time. She eventually found out and her reaction was pretty much “Oh FUCK that”. However, the unfortunate time she found out was was the wedding day so she couldn’t just say she didn’t want to get married, or so she believed at the time. So seeing that this is Golden, she resorted to murdering the groom in his dressing room. New problem was that she now needed to dispose of the evidence; she didn’t just wanna leave the shards and dip in fear of people figuring out she had something to do with it. Do any of you know that one tradition where a person will break a bottle of wine on a car or something for good luck? Well the Diamond basically had one of those. So Golden crushed the gem up into tiny pieces,(they were a bit bigger than the edible glitter shape they’re crushed into now,  but this wasn’t intended to be drank at the time) opened the bottle, and shoved in the gem shards. She originally intended on writing a fake “running away” letter but heard someone coming and dipped(she did get rid of his ship though, interpret that as you will). She only discovered that the wine tasted good after accidentally taking a sip of it on her ride home. 

First instance: B

After the discovery of this, Golden ran a series of tests. The way Golden got the gems was by taking them from any diamond’s court she destroyed. In the meantime of these tests Golden came up with the name for Sparkling Wine, after seeing how the gem shards would sparkle in the wine. After a while it was deducted that the gems would need to be crushed into glitter for the best results(currently how they are now); which lead to the creation of the second “First Instance”.

Something I never bothered to mention about Sparkling Wine is that different gems make different tasting wine; with some tasting better or worse depending on the gem in question.

What defines what tastes better or worse? How strong a gem is based on the “mohs hardness scale”. The stronger the gem, the better the wine. This is actually why Golden goes for diamonds specifically over any other gem, this technically also makes moissanite an effective emergency-replacement for the wine in the same way it does for rings. (Though Golden still prefers to use actual diamonds)

What this has to do with First Instance B? B’s wine was made with a pearl (not Golden’s pearl fyi). So while some would consider B a success, Golden still classified it as a failure. 

First instance: C

After B was made, a new run of tests began.  Mainly trying to get a better grip on what tastes better and what doesn’t. This was honestly the easiest out of any of the tests to figure out. When it was put together, the third and final “First Instance” was made using a sapphire, it wasn’t a diamond but it was good enough for Golden to finally classify it as a success. So currently that is how it is being produced. Of course, no one is allowed to really speak of these “first instances” and anyone who is found attempting to will be… removed.

So don’t tell anyone I told this to ya… alright?