Midnight Chat

1 year, 8 months ago

(Wrote this close to two years ago, just uploading it now.)

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It had been a long and terrifying night.
The drive up to New Jersey from Virginia felt so much longer than it really was, and the three teenagers now huddled up in a dingy motel room could only stare down at the floor, occasionally exchanging glances with each other.
A few bags were piled up by the edge of the door with their shoes, but nothing was unpacked -- the eldest had told the younger two to keep their things together, just in case they had to get out in a hurry.
But for now they were safe.
Even if every second felt like an hour.

It was late now, and two members of the trio were comfortably tucked in on one of the beds. The third kept sitting at the edge, long hair obscuring most of his back from the others; he couldn't sleep. Not now, not with the possibility that someone would show up and drag them right back to the hell they had escaped from.
He sat up slightly, turning his head to look at the source of the voice. "Yeah, Bams?"
"...Why now?"
The man stiffened slightly. Why now? Why not any other time? Maybe if they had escaped earlier, she wouldn't-
"I- I had to. I couldn't- I can't- I can't watch this happen again. I-I can't see you go too-"
"No! I mean- That's not what I meant, you dumbass!"
There was a brief moment of silence, before the girl huffed and spoke up again. "We aren't even old enough to get licenses, how are we supposed to do anything? I can't get a job! Neither can Jade! We can't afford food!"
He sank down in his seat. "Go to sleep, Delilah. I'll get a job, I'll pay for everything you need. You don't have to worry about anything." His voice was exhausted, matched only by the dark circles under his eyes that nearly made him look much older than he was.
"Donn-" "Please. Just fucking go to sleep."
She stared back at him for a moment before growling under her breath, mumbling about how he was an idiot before rolling back over and curling up under the blanket. It was quiet once more. And when he finally thought they were asleep, he gently rubbed each of their backs, before standing up and trudging over to the other bed.
As he collapsed onto the bed, his thoughts briefly turned to his mother. What would she think of him now? Her car was wrecked, her children were all gone... if she ever found him, he'd be dead on the spot.
Bay didn't have much time to think upon it before sleep took hold.