Interfector, brief piece of history

5 years, 4 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
4 5986

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 4 months ago

Explicit Violence

Interfector's story, I wrote this some time ago (read: 2011) and adapt it every now and then. Apologies for any spelling mistakes, my English wasn't always as good as it is now and it's possible I've overlooked them when editing later.

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Chapter 1

He opened his eyes slightly, he saw strange figures standing around him. 'Where am I?' it was the first thing he thought about. He saw bubbles and opened his yellow eyes wide open. He heard voices and strange bleeping sounds. More bubbles. He tried to move, he wanted to get out of this strange place. Red light was flickering while he tried to get away. He starded to get mad. Suddendly he felt sleepy, 'What have they done?' He didn't manage to keep his eyes open and blacked out.

Life in chains

He heard mumbling, low foices. They sounded familiar although he could not remember when he heard them before. Brightly yellow colored eyes opened. The mumbling stopped and for a short moment there was panic. It turned silent. He could see them: strange dark figures moving slowly around him. One of them stood out, it had big, round, red eyes. Bubbles touched him and he moved, shocked. More bubbles came while the fluid was leaking away. It started to get cold and he was having trouble breathing. Suddenly it was away and he felt a hard cold ground beneath him. Fluid was dripping off his one-legged body. He laid down on the cold metal, spitting out the fluid and snapping for oxygen. He blacked out again and the mumbling faded away.

The next time he woke up he was no longer wet. He could see much sharper now and breathing was easier. He looked around slowly. He saw pipes: gray, black and even white. They where filled with slightly green fluid and if you would look very closely you could see creatures drifting in the fluid. There was a lot of bright white light and many small colored buttons. The bleeping sounds were kind of annoying but otherwise also very familiar. Again he heard voices, very clear this time: "Project 8082 woke up" it was a woman speaking, a man with a very low voice answered: "Is it alright? It looks so dark and its missing on leg" the clear woman voice speaking again: "Yeah poor thing, we are already working on a leg for him" he closed his eyes and grinned 'I'm not poor' he thought. He felt something around his neck against his chest, it felt like it was part of him, but it was no flesh, bone or muscle. He opened his eyes again and tried to move again with succes: his leg and arms responded. He growled and tried to stand up. His claws slipped on the cold metal he was lying on, they made an awful sound. A painful sting and he was black out again.

He was chained, he could barely move because of them. He growled and pulled his head up. A hard noise and a painful shock in his neck was the result. The chains were fastened on the strong thing that he felt earlier around his chest and neck. He looked at the situation of his 'necklace'. It was the color of rust and there were three yellow, glowing gems in it. He stood up, realizing he could this time. He heard soft clapping sounds and turned his head slowly to the left. He saw a gray wall with a big window in it. Behind the dark colored glass were people standing. He could hear them talk but the sound was very numb. He looked to the right, there was only a wall. He tried to look behind him but was unable to because of the chains. He hissed softly and looked forward to an empty, gray wall. Was this his new environment? He tried to take a look at his new leg and figure out that it was the same gold color as his 'necklace'. It looked like his other leg (except for the color and the screws) it even had an huge claw on the big toe. He tried to move the claw and he was surprised: It actually moved! He stamped and moved with his new leg and it was working perfectly. Maybe it was even better than his original leg.

A door that he didn't notice before opened in the corner of his environment. Four men and two women walked in. One of them came closer to him, the others just stood aside the door and looked at the woman that was approaching him. She came in striking distance but because of his chains he couldn’t strike right, so he didn't. She came standing in front of him, out of striking range again. A voice sounded through a speaker on the wall: "Test his reflexes, begin simple". The woman nodded "Look into the direction given" she spoke to him. He recognized her voice, she was the same woman that called him poor.The woman pointed to the left, his right. He understood what they were expecting from him so he followed her movements with his eyes and head. He received a compliment after a successful test, nothing more. He was small enough for the humans to control him. He knew that after a while.

The humans taught him to open locks with the biggest gem on his collar. They also gave him a weapon: A big laser for on his back. He learned to control it and how he could activate it. He could simply summon it from two bands around his torso and tail. He learned more and more as he matured but also became more unmanageable. He disliked the human's authority more and more. When he was one and a half years old the humans couldn't handle him without weapons anymore. He was too big, too strong to be held by chains and smart enough to see through traps.