Bonfire Feast

Prompt for Moren Ezen Halloween Event! 1009 Words

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 Dog had spent part of his day dragging branches with Vigilance, and  had managed to bump into a familiar face. Trinh and Kidist had bumped  into them while they had been hauling the wood and the group of four had  started working together. Vigilance had been pushing at Dog, trying to  drag more and more as thought trying to outdo the mare. Kidist had  seemed completely unimpressed by his efforts.

   “I think someone  has a crush” Trinh said knowingly as she watched Vigilance prancing  around in front of Kidist, trying to show himself off. Dog let out a  soft laugh as he wrapped a rope around a bundle of branches.He shaved of  a few twigs to make it easier to tie.

   “He is never like  this around my girls, I think he realised quickly that they don’t care.  But now there is a new lady around” he said shaking his head. Between  him and Trinh they got the bundle tied to Vigilance, and quickly  gathered up a second tying it to Kidist and then led their horses back  to the quickly growing bonfire. Dog looked up at the mass of wood in  awe, eyes wide as he watched people carefully carry bundle up a path  literally built into it to add to the stack. It stood easily as tall as a  house, just dry wood, leaves, a few bits of fat soaked cloth tucked  here and there to make sure it burned.

   “Man, this thing would  keep me warm for the rest of the year” he said softly. “Not that we  could carry this much wood!” he added grinning.

   “I would be set  for rebuilding fences when Gourd knocks them down” chimes Trinh and Dog  laughs in agreement. The two spent most of the rest of the day  collecting wood with many of the other people there to see the giant  bonfire. As the sun began to set they found somewhere comfortable.

The  night had fallen quickly, the stars blinking into the sky almost like  eyes looking down at those waiting. A crowd had begun to gather around  the ever growing pile of wood and branches that would soon be aflame.  Now, as Dog and Vigilance sat waiting for the fire to be lit, Trinh and  Kidist were perched on the hill beside them. They had managed to find a  quieter place with a perfect view of what was going on. The two riders  were silent, the horses were bounding around each other curiously,  sniffing and nipping and just generally getting to know each other. They  were on long ropes, giving them as much freedom as they could without  having two wild horses running around.

   “Well, I’m glad to  see they are getting along, now that Vigilance has settled down” Dog  says glancing over his shoulder where Vigilance and Kidist were now  literally bouncing around each other. Trinh smiled at the two’s antics,  both Vigilance and Kidist were being very careful not to hurt each  other, or get too close to the two riders even if there play was a  little violent, as it often was with horses.

   Silence seemed to  be a common theme between Trinh and Dog, neither of them felt the need  to waste words as they watched the man leading the events walk over to  the bonfire with a torch, flickering with flame. He placed the torch  into the middle and Dog couldn’t help but smile as he saw the fire flow  up and over the wood. He felt something move next to him and saw  Vigilance by his side looking at the now roaring mass, glancing to the  left Trinh and Kidist were likewise mesmerized.

   The night  had been cool, winter trickling it’s way under people’s clothes and  biting at uncovered fingers. But the flames sent there fingers dancing  through the air warming Dog and Trinh and sending Vigilance and Kidist  into a moment of panic at the smell of smoke on the air.

   “Chill  you two, it’s okay” Dog says rising to his feet and gently stroking  Vigilance. He was happy to see Trinh doing the same with Kidist and it  didn’t take long to settle the two horses.

   “I always miss these  events” Dog admits quietly. “To much time wandering I suppose, I never  hear about them until too late. Then I have to find horse care and a  whole mess of things. I’m just lucky my friend wasn’t planning to come  out this year” he said with a soft sight, leaning gently on Vigilance.

    “Well you always know you can come by my home and find out about  what's coming up. I’m sure Vigilance won’t mind seeing Kidist, or Gourd  again!” Trinh says kindly and Dog nods.

   “Next time I will try and  bring my friend with me, I think you two would get on pretty well. He’s  a big guy, a little intimidating. But nice, friendly, if a bit quiet!”  Dog says with a small smile. Trinh nods thoughtfully and the two fall  quiet.

   The two stayed perched on there hill, watching the  flames burn brighter and brighter, before starting to burn down, getting  lower and dimmer as the night got cooler. The two horses were settled,  Kidist leaning against Vigilance looking sleepy as Dog finally sighed  softly and got back to his feet.

   “I think it's time me and  Vigilance got somewhere for the night” Dog said and Trihn nodded  standing herself and moving over to Kidist who twitched her ears  curiously. Dog saddled Vigilance back up and swung himself onto the  stallion who was instantly more alert at the idea of moving. Trinh was  mounted on Kidist and they gave each other a nod.

   “Ride safe! Let's not leave it so long before meeting up again” Dog said grinning as Trinh laughed softly and nodded.

    “Agreed. Swing by the farm some time, I could always do with a  helping hand!” she said turning Kidist towards home. Dog and Vigilance  waited until they were almost out of sight before sighing and setting  off for there long ride home.