Maise Maze

1 year, 8 months ago

Collaboration between me and Kestralfyre

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Trinh had heard rumours of a corn maze on a farm about a half  day trip away, and she had finished her harvest for the year early and  decided to treat herself. Not thinking much about it she saddled up  Gourd and set out early that morning hoping to make it by mid day.

Bringing  Gourd was a mistake. The quick trip took all day with most of it being  on foot reminding the Jibita that they were moving and not eating  everything in site.

“Gourd, for the last time lets go. I didn’t  bring you out here to try every new patch of grass we pass.” Trinh  reminded the fat horse again. She was frustrated, she didn’t pack  anything for the night and hoped that she would be able to convince the  farmer to let her stay the night on their land and maybe work for a meal  or two.

As the sun was setting she let Gourd take a bit to drink  from a small stream that they had come across before mounting his back  and nudging him forward. Surprisingly he went.

Coming down from a  hill Trinh spotted a large field of maise, behind a pumpkin patch.  “Look! We almost made it,” She announced to the Jibita and urged him to  pick up the pace, “We may be able to make it before it gets too dark.


    For Dog, the trip had been infuriating, Vigilance had been  determined to make everything as difficult as possible. He had jumped a  fence and eaten some green beans he shouldn’t have, had startled some  dune dogs who really hadn’t taken it well and finally had splashed  through a puddle almost coating both him and Dog in mud. They had been  two days away when they heard about the maze and Dog had thought it  would be fun. He had most definitely been wrong.

   He swept his  hair out of his face as the maze became more and more obvious in the  distance. There was a pumpkin patch in his path and then looming behind  that sat a huge field of maise. Heading in a similar direction he could  see another, surprisingly familiar, very orange horse. Nudging Vigilance  in that direction he rode up beside them raising a hand in greeting.

   “Hello there! Trinh, wasn’t it?” he said warmly.


    “Gourd, you fatty!” Trinh exclaimed exasperatedly, “This is not your  pumpkin patch, you can’t eat these. You already ate my prize pumpkin  you can’t eat these.”

   The orange Jibita ignored his riders scoldings he was in heaven, an all you can eat buffet of his favorite crops.

    “Look I’ll find something for you to eat if you just go with me  Gourd,” Trinh tried to reason with her already stubborn pony,

    Gourd begrudgingly took his attention away from his snack when another  rider and jibita pair approached. The Jibita instantly recognized the  rider as the man who sneaks him midnight snacks, He approached the man  nickering at him eyeing his hands for more food.

   Trinh got  dragged along as her pain in the rear found a new target. She recognized  the horse instantly, she loved his markings and had tried to convince  his rider, who she forgot his name but knew it was something odd,to let  her try and create a mini me of the gorgeous jibita.

   “Oh, Hello,”  She greeted the man surprised he knew her name but she couldn’t  remember his, “I’m so sorry, I recognize you but I can’t remember your  name. I don’t meet a lot of people, so you would think I could remember  names and faces better but I really can’t.”


    Vigilance, completely ignoring both his rider and the new one nudges  Gourd with his nose, his tail flicking against the other horse’s side  mischievously.

   “Hey Gourd, hey buddy!” Dog says warmly as the  horse got closer. “Oh yeah, I’m Doug, or well Dog. Either works, but  most people go with Dog” he adds holding out his hand for Gourd to  examine.

   “I think I crashed at your place while I was travelling  maybe a year ago? So really not surprised you don’t remember” he added.  As he was talking he felt Vigilance jolt beneath him and start moving  faster towards the corn. Clearly he was impatient for the corn maze, or  just maybe eating some corn, or putting corn where corn didn’t belong  like saddlebags, or seeing how much trouble he could cause in the corn.

    “Are you guys headed for the maze too? We would love some company,  might help me keep this menace under control if he has another horse  around!” Dog admits as Vigilance gives a disgruntled snort at his words.


   Gourd huffed when he realized the male had no food for him to eat and turned to greet Vigilance.

    “Dog,” Trinh repeats, the name sounded familiar and her memory  kicked into place the man had stayed on her farm a few nights and helped  her harvest a bunch of strawberries. The other horse started to move  forward so Trinh quickly mounted Gourd to follow.

    “Yeah, I was  hoping to do it during the day and go home. But someone decided they had  to try everything we passed,” she answered catching up with the other  pair. “I hope they will behave, I really wasn’t expecting to spend the  night out here.”


"Still got a bottomless stomach then  huh?" Dog said with a grin, speaking half to the horse, half to his  rider. Vigilance twitched his ears in greeting back to Gourd, before  swinging his head to look eagerly at the maze ahead of them.

"I'm  hoping it's going to be more spooky at night. And don't worry. I have  some snacks in my pack that might bribe these two boys along if we need  too!" he said patting one of the saddlebags. Vigilance looked back at  the sound, clearly aware of the sugar cane usually hidden in that pack.  But his human didn't seem up for giving him any and he huffed  unimpressed by the lack of treat.


   Gourd huffed and  Trinh responded, “Yes, and somehow in the last year he learned how to  let himself into my crops. I was not happy to find my largest pumpkin  gone with only a trace left on someones face.” She finished her sentence  glaring at her Jibita.

   “I was hoping for something not as  spooky! I am not a fan of going out at night, Shadowcats are not  something I want to mess with.” Trinh said looking around, “But maybe  two of us will keep them off.”

   She noticed that once Vigilance  had turned from the food he was ready to continue on into the maise.  “Hopefully snacks aren’t needed. Gourd has had enough for probably him  and Vigilance combine! Come on Gourd let's not make Vigilance wait any  longer.” then nudged Gourd forward who didn’t put up a fight.


   At her comment about Shadowcats Dog looks uneasy and gestures to the bow hung on the side of the saddle.

    “I hope not to need it, but I always have my bow handy. When you  wander you need to keep an eye peeled for food” he says with a smile.  Vigilance, bored by all the talking is marching his way into the maze.  Humans were so slow.

   “Clearly, someone is impatient” Dog says  laughing softly, getting a frustrated ear flick in response. The maze  loomed up over his head, even mounted on Vigilance’s back and he felt a  shiver run down his spine.

   “It’s taller than it looked from a distance” he admits looking around eagerly.


   Trinh nodded as Dog gestured at his bow, glad that he had a plan for if anything happened.

    “Yeah, corn can get really tall.” She said, “I personally don’t like  growing corn because of that, and it gives a good hiding spot for nasty  things.”

   They had ventured far enough into the maze to have  already taken 2 forced turns, a left and a right. At the end of this  strip was a 4 way stop, but half way there was right off shoot that had  another forced left turn. Without giving his rider a moment Gourd  instantly turned to into the off shoot picking up his pace. He snorted  at Vigilance a playful, ‘keep up!’

   “Gourd!” Trinh fussed trying to turn her Jibita around.


    Vigilance let out an amused snort and sped himself up to get level  with Gourd, he made sure he was level with the other horse, not pushing  ahead like he was trying to take control. After all, Gourd was a friend,  not competition!

   “These two are eager, clearly they are expecting a nice corny prize at the end” Dog said laughing as the two kept moving.

    “I’m curious, who looks after the rest of your herd while your away  from home like this?” he asks as Vigilance steers them down another side  path, the horse acting like he knew where he was going.


Gourd trotted along side of Lance happily swishing his tail.

"Very eager," Trinh said wondering why gourd was so eager, he wasn't this motivated without something being the cause.

"I  usually ask my aunt to come take care of my herd, but I didn't think  I'd be out this long," she ended the sentence with a groan, "Everyone  else should be ok, they are still in the pasture so they won't be  starving."

As quickly as Gourd had started down this path he stopped  finding some corn that had fallen and began to snack on his prize at the  new dead end they had hit.


   “I know the feeling, I  had to leave my others with a good friend, he’s keeping an eye on them,  luckily he doesn’t mind, they can spend the evening with his herd” Dog  admitted and then let out a soft laugh at the sight of what lay down the  end of the path. Vigilance let out a happy snort and trotted down next  to Gourd, tucking into some of the corn, tail lashing happily.

    “Well, this should have come as more of a surprise. But not even a  little shocked, you greedy beastie’s” Dog says with a laugh letting  Vigilance munch for a bit.

   “C’mon you two, we need to finish this maze before the ghosts come out!”.


   Gourd swishes his tail telling off the male human, nothing will take him away from his second dinner.

   Trinh rolled her eyes at her chubby pony, “Come on you, I’ll find you some pumpkins later ok buddy?”

    His ears perked up at the sound of his favorite food and gourd  slowly turned from the corn to begin following his rider’s lead again.

   “I thought you said they would keep each other in check,” Trinh teased Dog.


    “I hoped, but apparently I was wrong” Dog says laughing as the two  horses finally moved on. Vigilance seemed perturbed, pumpkins weren’t  his favourite, he was happy enjoying the corn. Dog sighed and slid from  the saddle, grabbing a few heads of corn and chucking them in his bag.

   “I will find someone to pay for these you greedy beastie!” Dog said as Vigilance let out a snort of amusement.

    “Let's find a new path huh?” he says as Vigilance turns down a few  new routes. His hooves making a soft sound along the ground.

“How big is this place?” Dog says curiously, mostly to himself.


    Trinh shrugged, “I really don’t know how big this place is, but it  couldn’t be too big. It would take a long time to clear the paths out as  nicely as this has been done.”

   Gourd carried on listening to his rider, only occasionally stopping to take a nibble at something.


Dog nods thoughtfully before pushing himself to his feet, standing on the saddle for a few seconds and peeking over the corn.

"If  we're looking for the center I think we went too far left!" he said  with a frown. Hearing this Vigilance takes the next right, and picks up  speed slightly. He hears Trinh and Gourd following closely and lets out a  whoop of success as the center of the maze appears at the end of the  corridor they are travelling.

“Well, that was surprisingly cool, less  spooky than I expected though. We should do this again sometime!” he  says flashing Trinh a warm smile. He digs through his pack and hands a  corn to each horse, after checking with Trinh of course. The two riders  part ways with hopes of meeting up for future events!