The Wrath of Trinh

Collaboration with Kestralfyre

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Kess - 199

 The sun had set, dipping beneath the horizon mere moments ago. The sky was still painted with the bright red of the fading light and Tarkhan looked up from his perch on the edge of one of his fences. His scarred face was turned towards the blood red skies as definitely not his favourite stallion trotted up behind him. Wrath was a very large black and red haspar, a constant companion in Tarkhan’s life once he finally earned his trust. 

 The horse also looks up, letting out a low huff as they watch the red slowly drain from the sky. Wrath finally lowers his head a few minutes later, nudging at Tarkhan curiously. The horse seems disgruntled, almost questioning and Tarkhan feels himself smile.

 “Yeah big guy, she’s on my mind again. Sorry. Will get my head back on straight soon I promise!” he says warmly. Wrath lets out a low snort tucking himself so his back is almost across Tarkhans and his head rests on the fence. His tail flicks, loosened from its usual long braid. Tarkhan glances down to it, it was probably the longest it had ever been and he would need a trim soon enough. 

Mudd -  306

 It had been a long day for Trinh, there were so many weeds in her fields that she had to get rid of and Kamon just wouldn’t leave her alone. The past few days had been really rough and really busy today was one of the days where almost nothing went wrong. The rider had just cleaned up and was doing a final check on all of the ponies in her care.

 On her way into her home Trinh checked on Ghost, a Haspar mare, she had noticed the mare had been more touchy than usual and had started putting on weight. The rider had started to watch what the mare was eating tonight it dawned on Trinh, Ghost was with foal. 

 “Oh Guardians, not now,” Trinh groaned as she tried to figure out how this had happened. She never left the mare with a stallion unsupervised hoping to avoid this sort of situation, especially one where she had no knowledge of it. 

 The rider spent some time thinking trying to go over what she could be missing or what had changed and it dawned on her. “Damn Wrath,” Trinh nearly growled realizing the only stallion Ghost was alone with was Tarkhans sidekick.

 The female rider didn’t think she just acted, she nearly charged into her stable and quickly tacked up the first Jibita she laid eyes on, this poor soul just happened to be Kofye, and the pair took off towards Tarkhan. 

 On the journey Trinhs thoughts and emotions grew and grew as Kofye quickly closed the gap between them and Tar’s farm. When finally reaching the male’s land Trinh barely let Kofye come to a stop before almost throwing herself off the stallion.  “How dare you, you bastards!” she yelled pointing at the two males as Kofye slowly inched away from his raging rider. 

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 Tarkhan and Wrath sat quietly, enjoying their sunrise. Sierra is half asleep in the stable at the end of the field. Tarkhan had what he considered a free shelter rule. He didn’t shut the horses away unless he had to. Like if they were sick or hurt. They always had access to their own stalls and to the large barn he had. As he hopped off the fence to go into the house and cook some lunch the sound of hooves made him turn. He didn’t expect to see Trinh riding on a beautiful silver stallion. 

 As he opened his mouth to greet her, her rage filled words washed over him and he took a step back, swinging his hand behind his back to hide the sparks that flared over his fingers. He feels movement behind him and the next thing he knows Wrath has leapt over the fence, placing his body between his rider and the angry woman, ears pinned back, head low. Tarkhan quickly brings his non-sparky hand up and pulls Wrath back.

 “What… What did we do?” he says quietly. 

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 Kofye left a large but of distance between himself and his rider but made sure to move with her to not allow for her fury to be directed his way.

 Trinh just about stomped up to the two men who were the targets of her wrath, shoving a pointer finger in their faces. "I trusted you," she said glaring at the Haspar then turned to the human, "and you too you said they would be fine that he was a gentle giant and now I have to deal with the results."

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 Tarkhan looks puzzled, a frown on his face as he tries to work out what in the hell she could be talking about. He glances at Wrath and freezes at the shame he can feel rolling off of the Hasper. 

 “Wrath” he says firmly and Wrath looks at him, letting out a low huff as he nudges Tarkhan gently, stubbornly refusing to look at Trinh but staying between her and Tarkahn. 

 “Wrath, buddy, please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did?” he asks quietly. He puts a hand under Wraths chin and lifts his head to make the stallion look in his eyes. Wrath pulls away with a snort and Tarkhan looks up at Trinh nervously. 

 “To be fair, he has never done that before. I didn’t exactly expect you to leave him alone with a mare that was in heat! All I can do is apologise!” he says finally.

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"Excuse me, I left him alone?" She said, "If I recall you were there too, asking me about all my breeding projects. All while you had one of your own huh. Well you aren't getting the foal and I swear if there are any complications that risk Ghost and I mean any I will be back here for both of your hides."

Kofye watched as Trinh continued to yell at the other two males, he sensed her rage slowly fizzling out and slowly approached the female and rested his head gently on her shoulder hoping he could help cool her down.

"He has never done that before," Trinh scoffed, " It's part of nature, Ghost shouldn't have been in heat, it was too soon in the season!" 

She took a deep breath as she felt Kofye behind her and she realized how crazy she was sounding. 

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 Tarkhan raises his hands gently. He feels Wrath relax as Kofye seems to finally calm his rider, the large black stallion moves to Tarkhan’s side rather than in front of him and adopts a similar pose to Kofye and Trinh. 

 “I am insanely sorry this happened and I promise you I am not trying to drop my part of the blame. I will help you in any way I can to make this as easy on Ghost as possible. If there is anything you two need we can go and get it, and if it’s further afield we can ask Dog for help!” he says quietly before going pale. “Oh guardians. Dog is going to kill me for making you mad. I’m gonna owe the poor kid more puppies” he mutters quietly. “But I was serious, Wrath has been around mares in heat before and has never done this. I genuinely don’t know why he did it, sometimes I wish I could talk to him just to understand!” he grumbles. 

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"I can manage," she sighed, "but thank you for the offer, I'm not paying a breeding fee for the accidental breeding by the way, so don't expect that."

Trinh stroked Kofye's neck as he leaned into her.

"I'm still not very happy with you" she said sternly, pointing at Wrath. 

Kofye gave her a gentle nudge as if to say let's hurry up. Trinh smiled at her stallion before turning back to Tar to say her farewells when her stomach interrupted her with the loudest rumble she had ever heard.

Trinhs face turned bright red in embarrassment, "Sorry it's been a long day, I should get going back home."

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 Tarkhan gives Wrath an, I’m totally not happy with you either kind of look before looking up at the sound of her stomach. He shakes his head when she mentions going back home and steps forward quietly. 

 “Uh, not sure you should ride hungry. I have some food I was working on. Kind of a fall tradition from when my parents were around. It’s nothing huge, just some pumpkin pie, cocoa, and chicken cause turkeys are way too much hassle for me to raise. But your welcome to join me for some?” he says warmly. “Give Wrath some time to think about what he has done!” he adds.

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Kofye huffed and moved away from his rider knowing that she wouldn't be leaving soon.

Trinh thought about the offer for a moment and prepared to decline before her stomach rumbled again, "I guess I could stay if you don't mind, thinking about it I don't know what I'd eat when I get home it is a long ride."

She was suddenly really nervous thinking about being welcomed in to Tarkhans home, she hadn't dealt this way in a really long time she felt like a kid again. 

"Is there somewhere I can set up Kofye to rest and maybe something for him too?" Trinh asked nervously laughing, "I might have rushed him the whole way over. So he probably needs something to get him some energy back"  

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 Tarkahn nods with a warm smile and looks around quickly, trying to work out the best thing to do with and for Kofye. 

 “If he’s okay with others I can put him in the main field. It’s only Sierra and Willow at the moment, Dogs got his herd with him. Or we can put him in my spare pasture, or with the cows… Whatever you feel is best really. As for food I have some warm corn mash and some hay he is welcome too? I give it to my lot to keep them snug for bed but it’s a good energy booster!” Tarkhan says before going quiet really quickly. He didn’t usually say so much but something about her just drew the words out of him.

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"Could I keep Kofye with Wrath?" She asked, "Corn mash and hay would be perfect, I doubt he'd be too picky at the moment though. And is there somewhere I can store his tack so he isn't stuck wearing it for too long?"

Kofye had started to explore the small area the group was standing, being careful to not stray too far before meandering his way over to Wrath to check out the other stallion. He wasn't paying much attention to the humans anymore.

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 Tarkhan glances at Wrath who doesn’t seem phased by the suggestion and nods. As long as the big guy was okay with Kofye staying in his yard for a bit, then he was fine with it.

 “The shed down the side of the house is where I store tack, and feed. The roof is pretty well tarred and Dog helps me keep it in good repair so no need to worry about damp or anything. It’s where the mash and such is as well and a spare feed bag!” Tarkhan says leading the way around to it. 

 Wrath, meanwhile, is following Kofye with his eyes, while moving his head as little as possible, it is clear he is trying to look like he isn’t paying any attention. 

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 “Come on Kofye,” Trinh said quietly to her Jibita before leading him along behind Tarkhan to the shed. Kofye followed his rider, paying no mind to the other stallion.

 “That’s good,” she said laughing, “It really wasn’t cloudy earlier so I don’t think we will need to worry about any rain.”

 After the group got to the shed Trinh quickly removed Kofye’s tack to allow the stallion to be more comfortable, the Jibita didn’t wait before he began to wander back towards Wrath.

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 Tarkhan got the mash ready, putting it into a small trough at the edge of the shed. He also grabbed a loose netted bag, stuffing it full of hay and hanging it at head height for Kofye. 

 “There, that should keep your belly nice and happy!” he says, giving the Jibita a warm smile before turning back to Trinh. 

 “You can put his tack on those hooks back there if you want, saddles I usually drape over the beams” he adds gesturing upwards to a thick wooden beam across the ceiling that has a variety of different shaped saddles. 

 Wrath let out a snort as Kofye approached, he nudged his head towards another trough that was full of water making sure he was aware it was there if he needed it.

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 Trinh quickly put the bridle onto one of the hooks Tarkhan had pointed to and when she hefted up the saddle to place on the beams she looked around for a moment not seeing them. A stirrup caught her eye and she looked up at the saddles hanging far out of her reach.

“Uh, Tarkhan, I think I’ll need some help. I’m not as tall as you or Dog,” she sheepishly admitted.

Kofye followed Wraths suggestion and checked out the water trough taking a drink or two before mozying his way to the food the male rider had put out for him. The stallion nickered at the Haspar and looked at the food set out inviting him to share a meal with the Jibita. 

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 Tarkhan chuckles, realising his mistake and scoops up the saddle reaching up effortlessly to drape it over the beam. He makes sure it’s balanced properly, and tucks the loose stirrup from his own saddle up again. 

 “There we go, stops them getting dirty or damp or anything being off the ground. I forget that not everyone is as tall as me, Dog uses a half log to stand on but I don’t think that would have helped you!” he gestures to a piece of a log, about a foot tall sitting in the corner. 


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Kofye looked up from his food as the humans left the two ponies and followed them wondering where his rider was going without him. Once they were inside he made his way back to where the male had put the food and started munching again while leaving room for Wrath to join if he wanted to. The two ponies were content with the others company while their riders left them to go inside.