1 year, 8 months ago
2405 1 1

Glacier and Domino had a very one sided argument earlier that day. Best we clear the air of that, right?

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Glacier’s footsteps were heavy on the grass and snow beneath her, tail anxiously curled and dragging behind her. Her attempt at helping Domino did nothing, his words kept repeating in her head. Freak. Weird. Creepy. Such deprecating words… so aware of what the outcome of all of this would be. She knew he’d know about the possibility of death for everybody in their party, Domino wasn’t an idiot, but she couldn’t provide comfort for something that was true. They had taken him away from the life he knew and thrown him into something he would’ve never been involved in normally, something that could be so deeply personal too. She had done that, more like. That necklace with a heavy iron chain had bound all of them together, the necklace she picked up without a second thought. She should’ve known better, this was all her fault. Glacier was already convinced she was the source of his misery in his last life, but she had bound him in ink and chains for this one too.

She soon came upon the lighthouse they had all resided in for the past… while. She couldn’t remember how long it’d be, months, years? All the events blended together in her head like paint in water, making a dark murky hole in her mind. Slipping past the large tree that was in front of the lighthouse, she opened the door. The creak that came from the door made her appearance known, and Rune looked over from the kitchen area. He gave a friendly wave and smile, his large bottom teeth accentuating the expression.

“Hey Glacier! Where have you been?” He asked, still working on whatever it was he was doing while speaking.

“Out on a walk.” Glacier’s usual cold and quiet voice responded. “It’s relatively nice out today, I may as well take advantage of it.”

“With the snow and all?”


The tension was thick, Rune could feel her attempts at staying unresponsive from a mile away. “Did something happen on your… walk?” He brought up with a slight hum.

“Well…” Glacier stayed quiet for a moment. She couldn’t bring it up, it’d be so disrespectful to Domino to out his struggles like that. “No, nothing significant.”

Rune’s brows furrowed, and he pushed up his glasses. “Do you need to talk?” His words were soft and hinted with concern.

“No, I’ll be fine.” She put up a hand, dismissively shaking her head along with the action. Glacier made her way to the spiral staircase in the middle of the room, hand delicately resting on the railing that lined it.

“I know I can’t make you talk, but know I’m here, alright?” Rune tried to reassure gently, not wishing to pry.

Glacier wanted to respond immediately, but she knew her words would come out more aggressive than intended. “I know, thank you for the offer. You’re a very kind person, Rune.” She said finally, going up the stairs to leave Rune alone. She swore she could hear him let out a sigh as she did.

The second floor had four beds, all with a chest at the foot of them. Her and her friends had personalized their own ‘area’, each bed having some kind fun flare to it. Glacier’s eye had fallen upon all the different beds, drawn to the four stuffed animals on one, various tools splayed on another, and finally one with all kinds of musical instruments. She lingers on the last one for a moment before sitting down on her own bed, legs hanging off the side. Glacier was always annoyed with how short beds could be, she always seemed to be too big for them, but she could never complain about it. It was comfortable and warm, so it was good for her. It was silent as Glacier stayed still, almost too afraid to make noise in a place she knew was safe. The lighthouse was always under threat of attack due to the enemies they had made, but when they were there nothing dared to come close. It was… peaceful, fun, sweeter than anything Glacier had ever known. Usually, everybody there was nice and welcoming, she didn’t even do something to gain that kindness. It felt unfair, like she didn’t deserve it for what she’s done.

Hesitantly, she reaches into her coat, hand going into a little bag on her hip. The bag had a few other items in it, but there was something much bigger and colder in there that drowned all of it out. Her hand clasped around and slowly pulled out a rock that was in a heart shape, a clawed thumb gently rubbing across the surface. She sighed fondly, looking at the stone always calmed her down, feeling all the scrapes and love it has been through over the years. Glacier remembered talking to it when she was afraid, keeping it close and hugging it as she tried to sleep, telling it what happened throughout her day. It was so stupid how she believed it was him, that he was apart of the rock and he was always there protecting her… but it was comforting. It always felt so hopeless with her family, but he changed that. Glacier felt her chest get tight at the thought, a stiff shudder going through her body. She had met him again in his new life out of pure coincidence and said nothing, terrified he’d reject her and blame her for all the misfortune that had happened. She was the cause of his death, after all, at least that’s what she had convinced herself of. It was selfish to want the old him back when the new him was so much happier, she can’t sacrifice his happiness for her own.

The thoughts had such a tight grip on her that she felt like she’d choke right then and there, she was so muddled with emotions recently and she hated it. It made her feel weak, it was so pathetic for her to be upset like this. Despite the rampant thoughts that seemed to drown out any other noise, she heard the distinct noise of floorboards creaking and somebody coming up the spiral staircase. As quickly as she could, Glacier put the rock back into its bag and a hand instinctively went to the sword on her hip, heart pounding like she had been caught in the act of a crime. A familiar face soon revealed itself, a wide brimmed hat with a large feather donning their head.

“It’s me, don’t get all up and arms.” Domino chuckled, voice lower than Glacier had ever heard it.

“Ah, hello.” She greeted nervously, avoiding eye contact with the skeleton.

Domino seemed to stare before he walked over slowly, sitting next to her, but not too close. Glacier froze up, mouth opening slightly like she was going to protest, yet nothing came out. The two had no clue how to start a conversation after the one they already had previously. The tension was noticeable, and both wanted to cut it so badly. Thankfully, Domino spoke up after another moment or two of awkward silence.

“I’m sorry about what I did.” He spoke calmly. “I didn’t mean to say that, I didn’t mean it. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you like that.”

Glacier knew this had to come up, but it didn’t still her quickly beating heart. It felt like if she made one wrong step this would all blow up. “It’s fine, you were upset, I kept pestering you. You were justified in doing that.”

“No, I wasn’t.”


“Glacier. Don’t say that.” Domino’s tone was as stern as it could be, facing her. “It was unacceptable of me to do it, regardless if you kept pushing me. I…” He let in what could be described as a breath, though it was definitely impossible due to him having no organs. “I have been very stressed recently, watching so much chaos and death, but you are going through that too. We all are. I don’t have any right to act like that.”

Glacier gave him a sympathetic look, pulling her legs up to her chest. “You’re right. I forgive you, though, I have been rather… creepy.” She chuckled, a small attempt at clearing the air.

Domino tilted his head slightly, turning his head forward. He anxiously fiddled with the edge of his skirt. “Can I ask you something?”


“Why don’t you like me?” His words seemed to waver, hands gripping his skirt.

“What?” Glacier choked out.

“Don’t be like that, I notice your… hesitance towards me.” Domino grumbled. “I’m not an idiot, Glacier.”

“I never said you were.” She said defensively.

“My point stands! Ever since we met, I feel like you’re trying to avoid me!” His voice raised, getting louder as hands went off his skirt and out in front of him to emote more. “You’re usually nice but any time I try to get deeper or alone with you, you freeze!”

“I-” Glacier froze, knowing these accusations were all too true. She wanted to avoid the possibility of letting their past slip, knowing he’d be scared, confused, and angry about it. Being so caught up in that idea, she hadn’t realized she was acting so cold. She should’ve been aware of that, fuck. “I apologize for doing that, I never meant to do that. It’s just… you’re good. I don’t want to ruin you.” She worded awkwardly. “Not ruin, I just… you’re too nice for me to…” Glacier fell silent, unsure of how to continue with her sentence.

“I-I’m not a kid, Glacier.” He stammered. “You can’t ruin me! I’m older than all of you, how could you possibly-” Domino paused his slowly forming rant, his eyeless sockets not leaving her gaze. It felt like his look could pierce right through her soul. “Is it because I did that?” His voice had a distinct air of horror to it.

“Did… what?” Glacier asked, a sinking feeling in her stomach beginning to form.

“The scar on your mouth.” A hand ghosted over his teeth where it would appropriately be on him, slowly lowering his slightly trembling arm. “Is that why you don’t like looking at me?”

Glacier’s fins twitched, threatening to open up in shock at what he said. She hadn’t realized she was wordlessly staring with wide eyes. Domino’s jaw opened ever so slightly, like he was going to respond to the silence she had given him, but it closed with a ‘clink’.

“I-I- I know we didn’t know each other as well around that time.” He started, that wavering voice coming back. “But I didn’t mean to hurt you, I promise, I swear on my unlife.” Domino got out as quickly as he could, so quick Glacier couldn’t get a word in. “I’d never want to hurt you, I promise. You’re my friend.” He sat sideways after he finished the sentence, sitting on one leg and looking up at his party member. Anybody could sense his desperation. “Please.”

The feeling Glacier had got so much worse, looking into his sockets and hearing his voice break like somebody who was about to start crying. She put her hands out, putting them on top of Domino’s. “You didn’t do a thing.” Glacier spoke with as much clarity as she could muster. “It’s something with me, you can’t fix it. I’m sorry I’ve acted so cold, it was… foolish of me to think it would ever help. I should’ve treated you better, like an actual person, rather than act distant in fear I’d get hurt.” She took Domino’s hands into her own, holding them gently. “I’m going to change that, I swear. I know you aren’t a problem, I know I won’t corrupt you. You’re sweet, Domino, and I should’ve acted as such to you.”

Domino’s silence followed, which was then followed up by a small squeeze in both of her hands from him. He chuckled a little, the shakiness in his voice still visible as he did so. “Do you always have to talk so formally?” Domino weakly jokes, giving her hands another squeeze. “I’m not a boss you have to impress.”

“That’s, well…” Glacier got caught on that too, never having been questioned on how she talks. “It’s simply how I speak.”

Domino shook his head slightly. “You’re so weird.” He playfully said. “But it’s you.”

Glacier actually smiled at that, letting out a slight ‘hah’. “Indeed it is.”

“If it isn’t too much, seeing as we did all… that.” Domino said knowingly. “Could we…? Could I…?” He wriggled his hands out of her grasp and opened his arms, the question silently finishing itself.

Glacier blinked twice, taking a small moment to understand what he meant. “Oh… of course.” She opened her arms in turn, although a bit nervously.

As soon as she did that, Domino went in and hugged her. He was much shorter than her, only to her hip when standing up right, so he ended up snuggled just under her chest, skull full of fluff. Glacier froze in his grasp, not expecting it so suddenly. Slowly, her arms went around him, holding him close and tight like he’d disappear if she didn’t. Her tail curled around and along Domino’s back, making the skeleton jump as he felt it slowly wag back and forth. If he could smile, he would have, happy that she was finally lighting up. It made his chest warm and light for some reason, an unfamiliar feeling washing over him. He gripped tighter, attempting to nuzzle deeper into Glacier’s fluffy coat.

“Hey, Domino?” She spoke up softly.


“I love you.” Glacier said, before hushing up and trying to pull him closer, as if she were embarrassed by what she had said.

Domino was surprised to hear that, for sure, but he was always a fan of surprises. “I love you too, Glacier.”