Personality: Jayne

1 year, 8 months ago

5. What is your Pokemon's personality?

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Jayne's Personality

“Come on Jarvan! We can’t just stay here all day, there’s a town to explore!”

Jayne is, at her core, a very adventurous Joltik. She seems to have a lot of her father’s old spirit, always wanting to go to new places in her young age. As a result, she tends to get into a lot of trouble that requires her father to come and clear things up for her. Due to her childlike nature though, its fairly uncommon for anyone to really be mad at her, parents included. She’s a bit too innocent and naive to really understand what she’s doing wrong, after all-- she just sees a chance to have fun or act like her parents.

She doesn’t really like to separate from her twin brother Jarvan, which results in her often dragging her sibling along with her on adventures against the man’s will. She is confident and more than willing to say anything that comes to mind, but is actually quite afraid of many things despite her bravado. It’s for that exact reason that Jayne keeps Jarvan close at hand: She knows that no matter how much trouble her adventure might cause the dynamic duo, he will always protect his sister.

In their teenage years, Jayne’s attitude will have grown more rebellious-- and she’ll begin drifting apart from her beloved brother, Jarvan. While she wants to follow her parents’ dream in becoming a royal knight, she knows all too well that it isn’t her brother’s dream…and that she refuses to be tied down to any particular kingdom like her folks wound up. This puts her at eternal odds with her family, but maybe one day she’ll realize just how selfish and naive she really is…