Personality: Kana

1 year, 8 months ago

5. What is your Pokemon's personality?

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Kana's Personality

“H-Huh? Oh, sorry…I didn’t see you there!”

Kana is, in essence, a complete and total airhead. She often has her head up in the clouds, and spends much of her day wandering around the town daydreaming. It isn’t all too clear why she spaces out so much, but as a result she has a huge habit of running into people in the road by complete and total accident.

It may be a result of her fusion, but Kana is also rather infamous in House Silverreach for her clumsiness. In addition to being a constant daydreamer, she is a total klutz and will more often than not accidentally drop things or leave a huge cream trail somewhere it doesn’t belong. Despite all of her faults though, the Skitty fusion actually is quite the big sweetheart, if not a bit naive about the kindness of others.

She will always do her best to lend a hand to others no matter what, even if it’s a prank or a trick by another member of the kingdom. She seems to be a bit too dense (or perhaps chooses to purposely ignore?) to realize when she’s being bullied by others, and simply continues on as if nothing has happened. Even the most brazen insults bounce right off of her bubbly personality, and she’ll still return their harsh words with nothing less than a warm smile and benevolence left unearned by her peers.

Whether or not she does all of this to be the bigger person or because she simply isn’t aware of what is happening around her is entirely unknown, but outsiders to the kingdom often feel quite bad for the woman as she doesn’t seem to entirely fit in to the status quo and culture of House Silverreach-- and yet, she continues on anyway. Maybe sometimes ignorance really is bliss.