Personality: Nyxera

1 year, 8 months ago

5. What is your Pokemon's personality?

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Nyxera's Personality

“Nothing gets past me-- or my aim, for that matter.”

Nyxera is a bit of a strange case as far as House Silverreach is concerned. Allegedly, he had originally come from the lands native to House Duskmaire-- this explains the man’s harsh, stern expressions and refusal to rely on anyone else in the guard unit. Some people don’t particularly trust him due to this fact, given the current war against House Duskmaire and all. He is equally as stern and grumpy as he is prideful, a trait that honestly dictates a lot of his day-to-day actions as the head of the royal guard. Anyone that tries against Nyxera’s orders is viewed as either a brave fool or a complete buffoon, as the man has been cited to be ill-tempered and rather unforgiving with his punishments for the guard unit.

The only soft spot that he appears to have is regarding the royal family itself, the only time that his prideful nature takes a backseat in favor of kissing up to them. Some believe that he might have a crush on the princess, but any accusations of this are shot down-- usually with an arrow from Nyx himself.

Allegedly, Nyx has a moment of weakness if someone mentions his homeland. The fire that seems to eternally singe his wings and cloak begins to get out of hand, and he’ll often turn tail to avoid others viewing the sight. Whether he misses home or not is unknown, but its quite a sensitive sore spot for him. After these rare instances, Nyxera appears to need some time to recover from any ensuing injuries. Maybe, if someone could ever afford to get close to him, they’d be able to get him to open up on why he ever left in the first place…instead of him running off to do who knows what.