Personality: Seidon

1 year, 8 months ago

5. What is your Pokémons personality?

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Seidon's Personality

“It’s a lonely existence…but a welcome one. I can’t hurt anyone if I’m alone.”

Seidon is a fairly reclusive creature, inhabiting the volcanic magma pools in the Effervescent Wilds. It is one of very few capable of doing so, and as such its simple loner lifestyle works out quite well for her. That isn’t to say that she enjoys being alone; Sei desperately craves companionship, but finds herself unable to really keep friends thanks to the limited area she is forced to stay in.

She is actually quite kind and thoughtful, managing to suppress the majority of her feral urges that come from living in E.W. As a result though, she has become more and more aware of just how alone she truly is, and can be found gazing distantly down the cliffs at the jungles below her volcano, hoping that one day she might be able to make more permanent friends-- perhaps ones that aren’t quite as feral as most of E.W.’s inhabitants.

In her rare encounters with sane outsiders, she does all in her very limited power to ensure them safe passage out of the Wilds. In most encounters with those native to the Wilds, however? She hides, fearing not only her own safety but their’s. After all: not even Seidon can keep her feral side in complete control when she’s been effectively isolated from the world around her…