Gnomes Are Real

1 year, 8 months ago

SC log (September 2022)

Auran and Caitlyn cross paths in the hallways, Caitlyn learns gnomes are real!

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hello!!  would your girl like to meet my kids........

i feel like auran might be the easiest since they're in the same floor and caitlyn's roommates with one of his bfs

very easy to say he was looking for jiemba and found her instead



I still haven’t talked to albo about Jiemba & Caitlyn meeting so maybe she’ll meet Auran first


maybe! we can always say they crossed paths when going to get dinner too

actually that might make more sense since they were all trying to figure out where their rooms moved to

cross paths in the hallway in the second floor


Yeah that sounds good!


auran comes out of his room to go get carbonara from the kitchen still muttering about the theory board and spots her

waves like "oh hey! hello! you're one of the new people, right?"


She’s just super awkward about it like “yeahhh..hi” and keeps walking. Poor girl is terrible at socializing


sdjkrhgbekjr oh no

auran just blinking in confusion

"... oh! okay!"

notices which room she came out of like "wait isnt that jiemba's room"

"... are you jiemba's new roommate?"

walking after her like a duckling


She slows down a bit “um yeah I guess so…I’m Caitlyn btw”


".. oh! that's cool! we'll probably see each other a lot then-- name's auran!"

"nice to meet you"

grinning at her but boy looks like hes seen death

dark circles for days


“Nice to meet you too” she has a small smile on her face, he seems nice enough.

Omg wait she’s super blunt what is she just says smth




“Uh hey, you ok? You kinda look like shit dude.”

She’s trying to show concern but tone is just wayyyy off


he just blinks at her for a sec trying to process wtf shes talking about

"... oh! oh paris was a time im just. very very tired"

"its ok i kind of always look like shit"

"you get used to it"


"job is great until you have to solve a murder mystery and get attacked by a terrorist organization"

"... have you been here at the dorms for long? do you know what happened for everything to... huh... look different?"


“Oh sounds like a lot” she’s just thinking wtf did I sign up for  “uh no I just got here, did they not always look like this?”


"it is a little! but at least we get training... it gets a little easier over time" nodding sagely

"ah no, they didn't... i guess the change must have been longer ago then... still weird how well they moved everything..."

"......... i bet it was the gnomes...... they've moved....... it's gotta have been them......."

"they're alive, i'm telling you........"


She just looks at him like ‘ok wtf is this guy talking about’ but still has an awkward smile and just nodding along


jgcjckg im so sorry caitlyn you just met the local conspiracy theorist


“Is gnomes some type of slang around here?” She’s just tryna be polite & not assume he’s crazy


"oh no no there's actual gnomes"

"well there's two kinds, technically"

"there's the occult species that have a town nearby and make the bestiary's security system, and there's the garden gnomes around the dorms"

"those move places sometimes............ im sure they're actually alive........ cursed and haunted.........."

"....... i brought a few in but they multiplied on their own"


Omg wait what if Caitlyn just isn’t aware that supernatural creatures are real? She was pretty desperate for the job & just didn’t read the full description

So she’s just wide-eyed fully thinking that Auran is either sleep-deprived or on the edge of a breakdown


GOD shes just one of the people who doesnt believe it until it actually happens

granted she'd have seen damon and sushi by now probably

and the sc grounds in general are full of supernatural creatures

unless she really just beelined for her room and didnt leave for anything other than food and bathroom and went right back


So like

It’s not that she doesn’t believe she’s just never thought they were more than stories


yeah that probably makes sense


She would be excited af to meet supernatural creatures

Hc right now she thought sushi & Damon were just cosplayers skfkkdmf




big group comes back and suddenly theres vampires, a cryptid, werewolves, sirens

thistle just phasing through the walls


“Did they just come back from a convention or smth?”

Sees thistle “WTF!?”




Her jaw just drops and she’s staring at Auran “did you see that!!?”


"oh yeah! that's thistle"

"she's super sweet"

"don't worry she's probably just trying to find her room"

"huh be aware she's a bit of a walking jumpscare, don't be too confused if you just see her in the shadows at night"

"cryptids don't sleep so she wanders"


Caitlyn just stops walking & muttering to herself “oh my god did I die, am I dreaming, wth did I sign up for??”


"nope, you're definitely alive! we would like to avoid deaths"

"but at least if you die i can still talk to you"


then goes serious

"seriously. don't die. we had enough death in paris."


Lots of nervous laughter


im so sorry caitlyn

he probably realizes then he still hasnt eaten and is like "oh yeah i still gotta get that carbonara-- well! if you ever need anything im in that room over there" points at it

"but we'll probably see each other a fair amount since you're roommates with my boyfriend heh"


she's just trying to process everything thats happened

first the gnome conspiracy, now she's living with actual cryptids. "ok, i just need a minute. I'll be down there soon"


"sure, sure, take your time!"

"nice to meet you, again!"

fingerguns and walks away

 they met


hell yeah!