LC-T-15 Demo Blurbs

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
13 1849

Chapter 11
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Intro Dialogue for my Sinners inspired by the character demos released by Project Moon

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I'm Rio, Rio Gonzaga. I am a—no, ahem— WAS a philanthropist. You might have even heard of my projects.

I shouldn't even be here, as you know. Compared to the others here, I am firm in knowing I have done nothing wrong. What— trafficking? No! That wasn't me! Wha— hey don't just shut me down!

I was a fool to not realize what was happening! And yet when I have actually tried to fix things, it only made them worse. How could I be so powerless…? I'm here not through my own fault either… this is unfair…! I'm here, and they're still out there using my projects to do their bidding. How can I get back at them from here?

I… N-no. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I just… I'm n-not used to extreme violence. I j-just need to s-sit down…