Half and Half

1 year, 8 months ago

The expectations placed on a young Balancekeeper are high. Myrecur struggles to meet them.

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"Where did we go wrong with you?"

Myrecur swirled the stardust in his glass around. Luren's grip on his shoulder tightned. He shrunk in on himself.

"They don't have nearly as much trouble on their humanoid hires on Time's end. Are you just defective or something?"

He put down his glass. 

"We gave you everything you could have ever wanted. We gave you a nice stable human life so you wouldn't have any regrets leaving it. It was exhausting to play those silly little human games of yours. And yet we still did it. Because we love you. Yet, you've given us nothing in return."

"Oh loosen up Blackbird!" Luren cut in, "Give the kid a break.'  

"You coddle him too much." Myr leaned into Luren's side. His brother pat his head and took a sip of his drink.

"How could you not? Look at him!" To let himself be presented like a pet, he shifted into his most human form. His eyes were kept firmly fixed to the table. Blackbird sighed.