Sleep Well, My Dear

1 year, 11 months ago

Gulahni misses her grandfather. She gets pulled into a dream with him in it, but can actually talk to him. They interact one last time.

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Yo! Another Wolvden one-shot for ya :D This one features Gulahni and her grandfather, Amadis!

A late evening in February. Gulahni couldn’t sleep; she’d gone through spouts of this since her grandparents died. Just thinking about the fact that there was a circle of life threw her for a loop. She didn’t want to lose anyone else. She couldn’t!

She thought she felt a presence wrap itself around her; she suddenly felt warm, safe. Like everything was going to be okay.

Soon enough, she fell asleep and entered the dreamlands. She could see herself there. She could see every part of her. From the yellow fur to the blue stripes and spots; even her black splotches and her dangerously electric blue eyes. It was weird to see everything from this point of view, rather than through her eyes. What was this? This was totally new.

Above her, she could see the dark blue sky with the whitest of moons in it, although the moon was slightly covered by a blue-ish mist. She looked around her, seeing what she made out to be spirits. Spirits of those long lost and once loved. Then she glanced up again at the moon. It seemed so different now; almost blue, like the rest of this area. She could feel herself, in the outer world, start to cry a bit, which in turn led the dream version of herself to break down into tears, as well. 

She laid down, covered her eyes, and started to sob heavily. Almost instantly one spirit made themself clear to her.

“Easy, Gulahni,” it said.

Gulahni looked up. Amadis!

“Wh-huh?” Gulahni blinked. “I-”

“Easy…” Amadis’ spirit laid next to her, “You’re safe. I know things are hard. We know things are hard right now.”

“I-” Gulahni gulped.

“Talanah and I-”

“No, s-stop talking-” She closed her eyes again, “Just lay next to me…”

“I can do that,” Amadis sighed. Anything for his granddaughter…

He wiped his paw over her ears The tears draping down her face turned to a blue; a marker that a spirit had touched her.

“Please, sleep well, my dear.”

And so he laid down next to the yellow-and-blue wolf, draping his tail over her back gently.