day five: "no, anything but that."

1 year, 11 months ago

fictober 2022.

day five: “no, anything but that.” word count: 708

characters: lt sunny, tori shepard, miranda.

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“wash on sha ashenda ‘o’ay, ‘ori?” sunny asked, mouth full of stale blueberry muffin. tori rolled her eyes and reached next to her to flick the lieutenant’s arm, though she didn’t seem too bothered otherwise. miranda (also at the table, but on tori’s other side) looked unimpressed, however, and scoffed.

“perhaps some manners classes, lieutenant,” miranda suggested dryly. sunny swallowed her food and washed it down with a gulp of orange juice before sticking his tongue out at the cerberus agent. she got an eye roll in return, and sunny grinned.

“i have a meeting on the presidium, and a request or two to finish. shore leave probably, for anyone who wants it,” tori gave her own answer and got up to take care of her dishes. they were left to soak in the sink and she sat back down before adding, “i’m probably on my own. who knows, maybe i’ll run into kaidan.”

“i’m in,” sunny spoke up immediately. tori raised an eyebrow, and sunny quickly added, “thane’s got an appointment! he wants some privacy and process time. otherwise we’d be going at it like-”

“we know, we know,” miranda interrupted, glaring at the lieutenant. sunny snickered at the agent, and tori flicked them both.

“get along, or i’ll bring out the get along shirt!” the commander warned with a smile. it was a warning smile, and it made it clear tori wasn’t joking, and both wisely shut up.

“well, i have work i must attend to. i’ll see you when you return, commander.” miranda said as she got up, finished with her own breakfast. tori watched her go, and turned back to sunny who was jamming the rest of the muffin in his mouth.

“i’m going to get her to come with us.”

“no, anything but that!” sunny groaned after nearly choking on the muffin because of both the comment and how dry it was. tori shot her a look that clearly said, “be nice!” and sunny groaned loudly.

“it’ll be fine. it’s just a couple of short side missions, and i’ll even buy us lunch! if you behave- both of you.”

“fiiiiiiiine. i’ll be nice. no rabid varren.”

“good. just boring side things, no fights. maybe an argument with a bar manager or two, though,” tori joked.

“i thought you said it’d be a boring mission, commander!” miranda called over the sound of gunfire. she had ducked for cover behind a surprisingly bulletproof dextro food stand.

“it was supposed to be!” tori shouted back as she dove for cover behind a large planter. several blue suns mercs had attacked them in the food court area, assumedly mad that their smuggling plan had been revealed. they hadn’t even meant to- they’d been down there looking for a keeper to scan for some salarian study. had the mixed group of turians and humans not reacted to the trio, they wouldn’t have noticed anything amiss.

“where’s sunny?” tori shouted, peeking out of cover long enough to fire at one of the blue suns mercs. she managed to hit one of the humans and down him, but missed the two nearby turians. before miranda could shout an answer, shouts from the mercs drew their attention again.

both carefully looked out from their cover to see the two remaining turian members being attacked by a server drone, wildly spraying condiments everywhere. the taller turian swore angrily as he got a spray of relish to the face, and the other slipped on a massive puddle of mustard and landed hard on their back.

“get em!” tori shouted, and both she and miranda launched into action, quickly subduing the two and passing them off to c-sec authorities when they arrived. the officers cautiously walked around the server drone, wary of the seemingly hacked bot.

< “well! that was fun, i really relished that opportunity!” sunny’s voice came from behind them, and miranda and tori turned to face him. he looked incredibly pleased with himself, and held a half eaten sandwich in one hand.

“where were you? we were worried,” miranda scolded, though she looked more relieved than angry. sunny blinked in response, and held up her sandwich.

“was getting stuff for my food. hacked the server bot. relish.”

“only you, lieutenant. only you.”