The pounding rain

1 year, 8 months ago

Swimmy encounters rain after the drought. It is not kind to him

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The shadows seemed to spread over the sky like water. The rumble sounded painful to the ear as a bright light struck the ground. The small cat stood alone and shaking in the forest of dying trees, staring up at the seemingly angry sky. 

Then it fell. 

Water sprinkled down onto the land slowly with more rumbles of thunder and strikes of lightning. He was terrified. He hadn't seen rain. Was it always this mad? Was it always this loud and scary? Its black ears folded back as his pelt was soaked with the rain. It looked around, trying to look for the scent of its father, mentor, or even its fellow apprentice but alas, nothing.

It scooted backward into the hole of a tree, folding its tail around his body. Why is it so scary? Why is it so loud? His head cried out, his oddly green-colored eyes tearing up.

 A paw shook its night-colored pelt, awakening the apprentice. There was the familiar flame pelt that it knew, shaking it awake. 

"Swimmy, why are you out here in this tree? Let's go get you warmed up, you're soaked to the skin..." 

It leaned against its adoptive father, unaware of the change that had spread across his back and shaped his tail. The change that made spines spike from its obsidian black pelt and webbed its snow-tipped paws.

Swimmingpaw was with his dad, that was all that mattered to it then.