A Hunter Hunted

1 year, 7 months ago

When Ragnhild wanders into town, a close friend is sure to inform her of hunters wandering the region.

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It was rare for Ragnhild to find herself in town. The gentle clicks and clanks of severed horns hitting one another followed her as she made her way down the stone work streets.

She was used to the looks of disgust, shock and discomfort shot her way by other Boisbéni, their heroes and all who understood the implications of her 'regalia'. But there was something new this time. A sense of terror and fear followed her with every passing glance she caught.

The number of Boisbéni wandering the streets was slim to none. And any that were out and about seemed to quickly make themselves scarce as soon as they caught sight of her. Disappearing into the nearest side street or shop in a hurry. Strange as this behaviour was, she continued her trek to the centre market without much thought. Ragnhild was used to being avoided in such ways by others.

There were few tents at the market that she bothered to poke her head into. Using what few coins of argent she had to buy the few luxuries she allowed herself to have.

"Nykur, it's so wonderful to see you out and about today. Have you been safe my dear?" A voice chimed up the moment Ragnhild stepped up to a tent.

The familiar woman sat behind her selection of meats with a gentle smile. Her ocean blue eyes full of relief as they looked over Ragnhild. The soft jingle of bells rang from her as she stood. Agnes was never without the ornaments on her person. They may as well have sprouted from her like hair some days.

"I've been well Agnes. Thank you." Ragnhild responded curtly as she eyed the selections of cured and raw meat in front of her. They were good cuts. And they always were. Agnes and her husband seemed to work some kind of magic when it came to their creatures. Ragnhild blamed the fairy-like nature of them both on the frankly addictive taste and textures of their meats.

Agnes stood with her hands clasped at her chest as Ragnhild took her time browsing. Adjusting her veil after it shifted from a nervous flick of her sheep-like ears. “Would you be willing to walk with me home? I’m afraid we’re in need of your um… services again back at the farm.”

“I suppose. Though it depends on which service you are looking for Agnes.”

Agnes hesitated, eyes flickering down as Ragnhild’s own fixated on her. “It is a private matter that I would prefer to not speak of in public.”

The Boisbéni simply cocked an eyebrow before making a quick dismissive motion with her hand and nodding. “Fine. But just this once. I would like to be home for dinner.”

Ragnhild watched as the meat disappeared into Agnes’ bag as she packed it away. It had to be bigger on the inside to fit what it did.

With another jingle filled nod from Agnes, the two women began their walk out of town. The tapping of their hooves on the stone streets followed them as they made their way through the town. It was silent beyond the tinks and rings of Agnes turning her head on a near constant swivel.

“Is everything alright Agnes?” It wasn’t until they were out of the town that Ragnhild broke their silence. The sudden spoken words seemed to pull Agnes from her hyper-vigilance as her gaze quickly snapped up to look at Ragnhild. “You are more nervous than I’ve seen since you were a lamb. Would you like to share what’s going on?”

The brunette hesitated, doing another check of their surroundings before getting on her tippy-hooves and motioning Ragnhild down to her level. “I asked about your safety because the hunters have returned. They have not been seen this active or determined since the dark times. That’s what Heinrich has told me at least… I obviously wasn’t around then.”

Ah. There was the ‘private matter’. Ragnhild hummed in acknowledgement before continuing to walk along the path. “Hunters do not scare me, Lamb. I have dealt with much worse. Humans are simple, fragile vermin anyway.”

“I.. Well, things have changed you know… Hunters aren’t just humans these days. And that lovely Béni couple just outside of town went missing last week and we’ve heard or seen nothing from them… The whole town is worried and their partners are in absolute ruin.”

“I am not a craftswoman like they were. I have proof of my combat abilities.” Ragnhild hummed without care. Her hand coming up to run along a gold covered and dimly glowing horn hanging from her neck in thought. Its glow brightened wherever her hand came into contact with it. Ragnhild considered it her most prized trophy out of every horn she collected. “I am not worried for my safety.”

Agnes took a step to the side, away from Ragnhild, as they continued down the path to a now nearing farm house. Agnes walked with her eyes to the ground. “You make yourself a target with your… adornments. I worry about you Nykur. No one else will say it out loud, but you really do protect us folk you know. We’d be in much more danger if you were captured, or worse.”

The words hung in the air as Ragnhild paused in place. A crooked smile split her face, revealing her sharp teeth to the air before they parted to allow a wicked cackle to escape.

“Come now Agnes! You know just as well as I that the townsfolk want nothing more than for me to disappear from this land forever. I am not welcome there, you can see their disgust and fear just as well as I can.”

Agnes stood in silence, she knew Ragnhild was speaking the reality of the situation. And she did nothing but watch as the Boisbéni turned her back to her, walking back down the trail, the ever present clacking of severed and stolen horns following her.

Agnes knew better than to get in the Nykur’s way.

Author's Notes

For the October (2022) 'Hunted' event