Quality Time

1 year, 8 months ago
1058 1

Just a simple one shot of Stella and Clyde trying to bond more as honorary step siblings, specifically Clyde showing Stella a cool phone game he found.

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Author's Notes

Finally done with this!! it took me a couple days to finish it, and I'm proud of how it came out!

hope you enjoy. ^-^

Clyde was lying on his bed, looking at his phone.

it was a weekend, so he and Stella don't have school today. which was cool but he felt kinda bored so he was just browsing on his phone, checking out some apps and stuff.

"Man Misty, I love the weekends but they can be so boring sometimes, you know?" he turned to the mist cat, who was licking herself.

Clyde reached out to gently pet Misty when she was done, who started to purr.

He smiled, then turned back to his phone. "Oh this seems like a fun app!" he said excitably, spotting an app called "Cubestory".

"Wait, I've heard of this app before, all the other kids where talking about it yesterday and it sounded so fun!"

Clyde then downloaded the app and waited for it to load.

he decided to check on some messages while he waited, to pass the time.

[couple minutes later]

"Wow, Shawn really sent me a lot of messages....now let's see how Cubestory is going."

Clyde tapped on his phone and saw, to his joy, that the app is finally done loading!

"Yes!!" he said with joy, waking up Misty from her nap in the process.

He tapped "start" and there were two modes, "survival mode" and "creative mode".

"Hmm...maybe I'll do creative mode first, I can try out survival mode later." he said.

He tapped the button, made a world called "CoolWorld" and started messing around.

Just then, his stepsister Stella came in. "Um...Clyde?" she said curiously as she opened the door. "Dad asked me to check on you, 

"Oh, hey Stella, I'm just playing some Cubestory." he said. 

the cloud girl looked a bit confused. "What's "Cubestory"?" she asked.

"Well, it's this neat game where you play as this cube guy named Cube who has to survive in the wilderness" Clyde explained. "My friends like this game a lot so I've decided to try it out myself! I'm just on creative mode right now."

This piqued Stella's interest; she's never heard of this game before since she's not that into playing games.

She walked up to Clyde's bed and looked over his shoulder. "I-I hope this isn't weird to ask...but can I watch you play?" she said a bit nervously.

"Oh sure! here, I'll scoot over a bit so you can comfortable." He said as he moved a bit to the side, closer to the wall next to his bed.

Stella sat down next to Clyde and watched him play; she was so fascinated by this game.

"So...is there a plot to this game? what's Cube's goal?" she asked sincerely.

"From what I've read it doesn't really have a deep plot, just you playing as Cube as he tries to survive and make a home and stuff." Clyde said as he makes Cube build a tower with some wood blocks.

"Oh...alright, what are you doing?" she asked, now curious of the wood tower.

"Just messing around." He replied, now setting the wood tower on fire.

Stella was confused but intrigued by what Clyde was doing to the tower.

"Hey check this out." he said as he took out a pufferfish and started eating it, which makes Cube start flashing red and a cracking noise was heard.

"Wha-what was that??" Stella was taken by surprise by what she had witnessed.

"That's the best thing about creative mode, you're basically invincible!" Clyde said.

"Hey is there another mode in this game?" Stella asked.

"Yeah, there's a mode called "survival mode" where you have to survive till the night comes, Cube doesn't have anything at the start so you'll have to go and collect stuff." Clyde explained.

"Wow...that sounds rough." She replied, now petting Misty who had hopped on her lap.

"Oh it is, I might try it out when I feel like it, but for now I like playing in creative mode, it lets me do whatever I would want to do in this game". Clyde said as he spawned a mummy in and started hitting it.

"Uh...why are you hitting that guy?" Stella asked, now confused again.

"Eh, no reason." Clyde said as he shrugged.

Clyde then glanced over to his step sister. "you wanna try?"

"M-Me?" Stella said, a bit nervous. "but I've never played this game before...and not that much of a gamer."

"It doesn't hurt to try, I'll help you out." Clyde said with a smile, as he passed his phone over to Stella.

"O-Okay..." Stella said, trying to be careful with her step brother's phone.

"So, what should I do first?" She asked.

"Well, maybe pour some lava in a cave?" Clyde suggested.

"Oh alright." She said, Stella then moved Cube to a nearby cave, and took out a strange item called "a bucket of lava".

Stella was a bit perplexed by this. "A bucket...of lava??".

"Oh yeah, I've read online that you'll have to craft a "lava proof" potion, then combine it with the bucket to get that in survival mode." Clyde explained. "it's pretty tedious cus you'd have to get things like a bucket, some fire leaves...which aren't easy to find in survival." he continued.

"Ohhh okay, so do I just pour it on the floor?" Stella asked.

"Yep!" he replied. and so Stella poured the lava all over the floor, giving the cave a nice warm glow.

Stella was amazed. "Woah...this looks so nice..."

She and Clyde admired it for a bit, until it moved towards Cube and set him on fire.

"Oh gosh oh gosh!!" Stella panicked a bit, until Clyde calmed her down.

"Don't worry Stella, remember, this is creative mode, so Cube won't die if he touches lava." He assured his sis.

Stella blushed a bit, how could she have forgotten that? "Hehe, oh right." she said as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Aw it's alright, I'd make that mistake too, now go let's mine for some diamonds!" He said as he pumps his fist in the air, very excited.

"Hehe, alright!" Stella said, no longer embarrassed. 

Misty then went over and laid on Clyde's lap, and he started gently petting her as he watched his sis go deeper into the cave for diamonds, happy that she enjoys the game as much as he does.