Nori Drabbles

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
5 10271

Entry 2
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

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New Beginnings

So Nori fired her manager. Finally. Only took ten years of her life. Her manager used to be her best friend. His word was the law. Don’t date, don’t flirt, don't do this don’t do that. But of course he was allowed to do whatever. Nori flipped a coin landing it in her palm. Tails. White today then. 

Her ex was allowed to do whatever. And she wasn’t supposed to question it. Their relationship only existed behind closed doors anyways. The public didn’t know and that meant he could flirt with whoever despite Nori standing feet away from him. Terrible. She could do better. So she fired him. Kicked him to the curb. Nori didn’t need a manager anyways. Her family only hired him at first so she would have a friend. As a kid she couldn’t do turf wars. Unable to adapt to other ink colours always stuck in white. So they hired a friend. Who would later start to manage her idol career. What a sucky life. 

Another coin flip. Heads. Hair up today. Now since she was free to do whatever she wanted to move on from this. Try new things! Like turf wars! Nori stretched as she headed for the door. First things first she needed a coach.

The training arena was always busy in Inkopolis. Of course Nori was only able to exist in public with somewhat of a disguise on. She learned from last time where she was swarmed by fans… no wonder her family didn’t want her going out. She skipped up to a free machine checking for available trainers. Nori scrolled for a bit unsure of what exactly she was looking for. 

“Miss do you need any assistance?” An employee asked coming up behind her. Nori turned back giving her a signature friendly smile.

“I do. I’m new to turf wars and was hoping to find a trainer? Money isn’t an issue so any x rank or uh…higher trainer will do.” Nori said trying to remember what Koi had told her about tanks and turf wars. Which… wasn’t much. Honestly they hadn’t seen their cousin since she moved to Splatsville.

“Oh! Of course-” the employee narrowed the search ending up on a group of five different trainers. Most of them looked like they trained kids. Nori looked through their old match history trying to see if any clicked. Shame she was getting into this game far too late in life. She paused over one. He looked oddly familiar. 

“Isn’t this a member of Deep End? I didn’t know he coached as well.”

“He just quit ma’am. So his schedule is fully open if you’re interested.”

Nori clicked her tongue smiling to herself, “He’s perfect then.” She hummed filling out the rest of the interest form with the employees help. Now all she had to do was wait. Hopefully it wasn’t too demanding. Full time personal coach. He would have to live on the estate with her as well. Limiting as much outside contact as possible. Nori wasn’t exactly a germaphobe but she knew as well as anyone else just how sick albino inklings got with contact with well… anything. But today was a free day out in the sun. Nori twirled her umbrella as she stood in inkopolis square. A little shopping. Waiting. Hoping. 

That’s when her squid phone buzzed.


Nori almost verbally cheered but hushed smiling to herself as the chat room was opened and she watched as Vahn typed. No way. A top tier coach first try! He was very proper and sweet over text. Getting information on what weapons she used and when they wanted to get started. Very professional. He would certainly learn quickly how unprofessional Nori tended to be. But Nori assigned their first session for tomorrow before making a call to the clothing department to have a new outfit made.


Nori hummed her vocal warmups, playing along on the piano in front of her. She glanced to her phone every now and then waiting for a text that her trainer was here. Seconds turned to minutes and before she knew it he was ten minutes early. How cute! She quickly texted back that she would be down in a second. Grabbing the outfit she had made for him before trotting down to the front door. 

Nori slipped a face mask on before opening it, “Hi! One sec hold still.” Nori took his temperature before handing him the clothes, “and I need you to change into that, leave your shoes outside. I have a new pair for you in here. Oh! Right! I’m Nori Maki. Sorry i’m all over the place. I get sick really easily and I don’t see people outside of concerts often haha! Nice to meet you Vahn you look lovely today.” Nori chimed stepping aside to let Vahn in. 

Vahn seemed just a little shook by the amount of information thrown at him but slipped off his shoes before stepping in. To think he had a whole intro planned to introduce himself. Not that it mattered she seemed to know him already. Deep End did get his name out there as Sirene’s twin and back up… 

“It’s nice to meet you Miss Maki-”

“Nori! Just Nori. People call me Maki at concerts. Unless you’re calling me Mommy Maki. I don’t judge if you’re a fanboy.” Nori smiled behind the mask keeping decent distance between her and Vahn, “Changing room is right there! Put your old stuff in the disenfecter and I’ll show you around when you’re done!”


Nori was a trip. Vahn spun around going into the changing room. She was very hyper… but this was about what he expected. In the interest form she mentioned that he would have to live on the estate to lessen her contact with outside germs. He figured she was a germaphobe or an introvert at first but seeing she was an albino inkling it started to make sense. Not only that but she was an actual Maki. Part of the biggest clothing brand in Inkopolis. Nori Maki. A popular idol. That apparently wanted to get into turf wars. Vahn was happy to help if she was happy to learn. Hopefully the career and scenery change would do him some good. Deep End was good at first but he was just a shadow of his twin. Struggling to live up to expectations. Usually when people meet him they go oh yes Sirene’s twin. It was a nice change to be called directly by his name. 

He looked over himself in the fullbody mirror. The top was fine but the pants were… something… what were with the holes? Vahn stepped out seeing Nori had removed her face mask and put her jacket to the side, “This look okay?”

“Perfect! I had to do some research to get your right size glad it fits.” Nori hummed looking him up and down checking to see if everything looked right, “All clothes you need or want will be provided! The Maki fabric is specialized for my condition. Outside clothes is fine as long as you sanitize them first. So! Training room! This way cutie pie~” 

Vahn didn’t have a moment to interject before having to follow her to another room. This place is huge. A small mansion on the outskirts of town. The estate itself had several houses from the looks of it. Other Makis must live here as well. They took an elevator down which opened to a very equipped training turf. Nori brushed her hair back smiling at Vahn.

“If we are missing something I’ll ensure to get it for us. No budget. My end goal is to be on a X rank team and be able to play against my cousin.” Nori spun around clasping her hands together, “I don’t know much about turf wars. But I have the will to learn if you want to teach me. I promise i’ll be the best student I can possibly be.”

Nori had so much energy. Arguably more energetic than most of Deep End. Vahn smiled looking over the selection of weapons hung up to the side. Nori really had prepped for everything. It meant a change of scenery and getting to help someone achieve their dreams. 

“Of course. Let’s get started.”