Cabinet Man

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
2 1475

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

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River glanced around the arcade. It was impressive to say the least. No mater what you might think about lindosts they sure knew how to throw a good Harvenluna. All around her the sounds of ptithians playing the various games flooded her senses. Lights from the machines and general ambiance danced across her scales as she walked down the aisles; dodging out of the way of enthusiastic players and attempted to see if a game would catch her eye. Overall the arcade was a buzz of activity as even the lindosts running the event were getting involved. It was interesting to watch just how competitive everyone was getting, and it excited River enough that she decided to get involved.

Shuffling her wings she wandered over to one of the many cabinets. She looked it over for a second; claws hovering over the controls as she tried to make sense of it. Considering she'd not really encountered anything like this before she expected there to be a bit of a learning curve. Nothing she couldn't get over with a bit of work though. It seemed simple enough. Guide a circular, yellow character through a maze while avoiding the ghost enemies. With a nod she positioned her claws more comfortably on the controls.

It went... well not great the first several tries. Her frills lowered as she glared at yet another game over screen. She snorted in annoyance and glanced to look around at some of the other ptthians playing games nearby. Others seemed to be having mixed results with the games; some struggling like her and others seemingly doing well. With a shake of her head she refocused on her own game. Staring at others who were doing better than her would help improve her own skills, and she was determined to do well at this game.

Adjusting herself to a more comfortable position she dove back into the game. Slowly but surely she started to improve. Her tail swished back and forth excitedly as she started to actually be able to clear the game. It had taken... well a long time. River wasn't entirely sure just how long she'd spent in front of the machine because of how absorbed she'd been with trying to win. A quick glance around showed that the arcade still had a similar level of activity, so it couldn't have been too long surely. Though mentally assessing how she felt perhaps it had been longer than it felt like. Rolling her wings back and stretching helped relieve the worst pain from playing the game for hours on end thankfully. With a quick glance back at the machine she decided to take a quick walk, perhaps grabbing something to eat in the diner downstairs, before she'd take another crack at improving her score.

A little bit of self care later saw her back at the same machine with a determination to improve even more. She eyed the current high score list and noticed what she believed to be a lindost on top. Perhaps she could beat that score? Well she could at least try. Thankfully her skills didn't diminish after her break, so she could focus on improving even more. Though it started to seem like it might not be possible for her to beat the high score. She glared at the screen. There had to be something she could do to beat the score.

Drumming her claws on the cabinet she considered what she could do. While she could just continue to work at it how she was there was always the possibility that the method wouldn't yield the results she wanted. Well screw it. She decided to simply throw herself at the game like she'd been doing. After what was probably several more hours she had finally done it. A new high score greeted her as she looked at the screen smugly. Who knew how long it would actually be there for, but she'd managed to complete her goal and that was all she really cared about.

Finally pulling herself away from the game she stretched and decided to call it a night or morning or whenever it was. Crow would probably be upset that she hadn't really been taking care of herself during that time, well in his weird non direct way anyway, even though she felt fine mostly. She smiled to herself; it was worth it.