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1 year, 8 months ago

Pet Spotlight Entry - 2017

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Lady Katherine of Brightvale was born on a windy afternoon in the early spring of Year 6 to a respectable family. She was the fifth child, but the first daughter, and was therefore unable to completely escape the scrutiny of both her parents the way that her middle brothers were apt to do. From a young age, she found a passion in reading, and unlike other children, she was not particularly discerning in the subject matter of the books she would choose to read. Kat, as her father fondly called her, had complete freedom in her father's library and he actively encouraged her to explore. She found musty tomes tucked in the corners that even her father was unaware that the family owned, and devoured them with abandon, reading all afternoon in the light of a large picture window seat. In this way, year after year, she picked up quite a bit of knowledge of which most young ladies would, and some people might say should, be quite ignorant.

There are some skills which one would not expect to be able to be learned solely from reading about them. Certain physical skills, for example, require practice and repetition in order to train the muscles. What one might not realize though, is that books on the topic of developing physical skills generally will emphasize the need for physical practice, and therefore a conscientious and motivated reader will naturally take the advice of the illustrious authors and diligently put in the suggested hours and methods of practice spelled out in the books that she is reading. 

One day, Kat was looking on as her twin brothers were being walloped by their sword-master. Her father, who stood beside her, rolled his eyes and shook his head. Quietly, but confidently, Kat looked up at her father. “Would Master Tong object to instructing me?”

Somewhat surprised at her request, her father studied her silently while contemplating his answer. Finally his strong voice rang over the courtyard. The boys, happy to be released early scampered off into the depths of the house as Kat walked slowly out to where the sword-master stood.

As she approached, Master Tong bowed slightly to her. His face was serious but she thought she might have detected a slight twinkle in his eyes. She stood with her back straight, facing him, and bowed low in return. As the boys had run off the practice yard, Master Tong had stepped to a weapon rack and selected a suitably-sized wooden practice sword for Kat. He handed the sword to her formally, hilt first, and then began to walk her through a few beginner's exercises. At first he made a few corrections to her grip and stance, but she adjusted quickly and soon began to get into the flow of the exercises. Concentrating hard, she didn't notice when Master Tong's corrections tapered off.

It did not come as a complete surprise to her father that Kat showed not little skill with the sword. He had suspected for some time that she had been studying a book on the subject and practicing in secret, perhaps with a walking stick or umbrella. Her mistakes at the onset were mostly due to not quite expecting the heavier weight of the practice sword and the somewhat too-broad hilt for her smaller hands. Although sweat was now forming around her face, she looked quite graceful and at least as adept, if not more so, than her twin brothers, who had been studying with Master Tong for almost five years now. Kat's father mentally scolded himself for not keeping the boys next to him to watch their sister make fools of them.

Finally, Kat finished the pattern and lowered her sword, her chest heaving with the exertion. She turned to look for Master Tong, surprised to see him standing serenely, several paces away. He inclined his head in an approving nod and she flushed with pleasure. Turning to her father with shining eyes, she gave a happy laugh and waved to him. Her excitement and joy were infectious, and he gave a laughing shout and wide smile in return.