In High Places

1 year, 8 months ago
4615 1

Honeypaw gets stuck in a tree on Moorclan territory and Rowanspirit comes to help. Full word count: Leo (Honeypaw): 2,044 | CJ (Rowanspirit): 2,557

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08/08/2022 — 10/10/2022 RP with CJ!

CJ )
"I really should stop doing this." Rowanspirit muttered under his breath as his paws found the well-trodden path to the RidgeClan border. Despite everything it was still a habit for the tom to frequent the borders constantly worried that the fine line of peace between the two Clans would someday spontaneously break. If it did then he wanted to be there for it. The minute, reasonable part of him doubted it would come to that anytime soon, but with MoorClan only just getting back on its paws he was still on high alert and any downtime he had where he wasn't training his Apprentice was spent out on the moor patrolling and surveying the territory.

By now he was just starting across the moor, taking his time traversing the hills and dips within the land. Although on guard Rowan wasn't as anxious as he usually was -perhaps he was finally getting into a routine, relaxing from moons of high-stress situations.

All was well and he was debating turning around and simply calling it a day, knowing that there would be a more official patrol later in the day when he caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind. It wasn't that unusual. His sense of smell wasn't bad but it also wasn't perfect and with RidgeClan territory a few hills away it could've easily just been something strange on their side. All the same his fixation with his once enemy took hold almost immediately; there was no question that he was going to investigate.

Scenting the air and ears straining for any odd sounds he slowly moves across the moor. He doesn't see anything or hear anything for that matter, but the smell lingers in the air. Stronger now it's clear that it's a RidgeClanner and on MoorClan territory at that. Rowan swears he sees red for a second as he instantly remembers the moons of fighting and prepares himself for more of the same.

"Show yourself!" He says in what can only be described as a vicious hissing snarl as his fur begins to stand. "I know you're there."

Leo )
"U-um I'm sorry I don't mean any harm!" A small voice suddenly pipped up, however curiously the voice wasn't coming from in front of the Moorclan warrior but from above him! "I'd come out but... well I'm a bit stuck at the moment." Came the sheepish response as a rather small amber she-cat could be seen up one of the trees nearby. The wind picked up, making her purple eyes widen as she desperately gripped onto the tree branch as it began to shake, just how had she gotten herself into this pickle!

She should have never been distracted by that butterfly! She had been picking herbs around the entrance of the camp, it was relatively safe there as long as she didn't stray far and cats were normally coming in and out of the camp anyways. However, her attention had been caught by the sight of a white butterfly that kept flying just within her range of sight... Lingering just in the corner of her eye, and then before she knew it she had managed to wander out too far! She had no idea where she was anymore! Looking right and left, the rocky terrain and trees all looked the same!

"Hello? Is anyone there? I'm lost!" Honeypaw tried calling out, hoping that perhaps someone might hear... And then! She heard the rustle of bushes! She was saved! In her haste, she didn't consider why she hadn't heard a reply and was quick to head over however instead of the expected familiar sight of another cat something strange poked its head out instead! A long snout with long ears and two beady black eyes stared at her. Honeypaw let out an involuntarily scream in her surprise and that seemed to startle the creature as let out a wailing cry of its own!

Terrified Honeypaw fled the site and booked it as fast as she could go, not even realizing the trees thinning out as she crossed over the Moorclan border. Pure adrenaline flooded her body as she hurled herself up the first tree that graced her path. Which lead her to the present situation... Stuck up a tree unable to come down... Rocks were one thing but she hadn't had much practice with trees before!

CJ )
The tentative nature and distinctly higher-pitched tone of voice immediately dispersed whatever aggression Rowan had. In its place was sudden concern -whoever it was sounded young and for a brief second, he panicked that somehow his Apprentice had gotten stuck but remembered that she was safely tucked away in camp.

His head swivels for a second before he looks upwards finding the stranger in a tree, not especially high up for himself but not within jumping distance of the ground. Rowan doesn't miss the hint of fear in her eyes.

Instead of feeding into that fear he smiles and jokes, "Well, being stuck up there aside you actually did pretty good. You're a natural."

Stepping closer he rounds the tree, taking note of the branches closer to the bottom being snapped-likely due to her panic. Further up they were more sturdy and if he managed to convince her he was sure that was a jump she could make. Without thinking twice he makes the decision to help; it was reminiscent of Apprentices in his Clan that tried to push the boundary of their skills before they were ready.

"Hang in there, I'm comin up!" Although getting down on one's own was preferable for this instance her inexperience could be dangerous.

Rustling leaves and shaking tree limbs were normal to Rowanspirit but at a glance, he knew that for her, whoever she was, it was probably terrifying. Attempting to make his steps as graceful and smooth as possible he slowly makes his way up the tree, mentally noting where the easiest trail for her would be.

As a distraction, he calls out to her, "My names Rowanspirit, by the way. What's yours?"

Leo )
The apprentice had been trying hard to avoid looking down, as it only furthered her fear. It was strange since she never felt this way when climbing rocks, perhaps it was because unlike the sturdy rocks she was accustomed to, this branch seemed much more brittle and fickle, seeming to creak and move with every little movement and gust of wind. How could she not be scared!

Steeling herself to finally look back down again, her eyes meet with the strangers. It hadn't been her intention but she had crossed the border nonetheless, so it was no surprise the cat seemed hostile. Two teal eyes watched her for a moment as she waited with bated breath, but the ice was quickly broken as the older tom smiled and seemed to be joking with her!

You could clearly see the pause between her nervous and pale face processing what the tom had just said, to a relieved smile breaking on her features. She certainly was an easy read after all, "It's certainly the fastest I've ever scaled something," Honeypaw giggled nervously in response, trying to put her best brave face on, "It's just too bad I don't remember much." She'd been too preoccupied with running that getting up the tree felt like a blur.

She nodded as he told her, he was coming up. Normally she'd be a lot more chatty than this, but right now she was too nervous. Creak, she felt her attention hyper-focus on every little creak and shake the branch made, only managing to look up when the tom spoke to her once more.

"I'm- I'm Honeypaw, it's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances." She managed to smile back, staying positive made her feel a bit braver after all.

CJ )
"I like that name! It suits you well." He remarked, noting the golden-brown hues of her pelt that so closely resembled honey.

"Ahh don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Even I've gotten stuck before." Although upon recall he remembers his descent being chaotic...and painful.

"What happened anyway?" He asks conversationally with a furrowed brow and a flick of his tail. If something was frightening enough to scare her into climbing when she'd presumably never done it before then maybe he should be a little more concerned.

In the meantime, he made it to the branches under her and carefully tested nearby ones for faults, and noted the claw marks she'd unintentionally made in her dash to safety.

Leo )
"Thank you." Honeypaw felt herself smile more genuinely, her mother had told her that Honey's name had been one of the suggestions that her apprentice had given before Honey had been born. Sadly the apprentice never lived to see Honey actually born but Honeypaw felt proud that she was able to honor the cat this way. So she liked her name a lot!

"Well-" The apprentice looked a bit apprehensive about speaking at first, after all, she was still confused as to what she had seen herself. If she told Rowanspirit would he think she was making it up? Either way, there wasn't much point lying, "I- I got lost from camp," She admitted, "And when I was trying to find some help I ran into something-" Her face paled a little, "I'd never seen anything like it before and it made a weird sound so I kind of panicked and just ran without thinking." She shivered slightly thinking about it. It hadn't seemed to chase after her though so maybe it wasn't something bad...? Either way, she hadn't really wanted to stick around and find out.

A weird sound? Rowan stops in his tracks for a moment, eyes squinting upwards in obvious focus as he tries to recall what she possibly could've run into that made a 'weird noise'.

Maybe a bird? Or a mouse? Rowan hums quietly to himself in thought as he moves aside thin branches clogging up the pathway he'd decided on.

And then it clicks to him, "Oh! Did it have really big eyes and long ears? If it did then you probably ran into a deer, like your Guardian, and I'm sure it was probably more scared of you."

He laughed at that, recalling the first time he'd ever run across one before and the scream that he'd made out of terror that was promptly followed by hysterical laughter at himself for being so easily startled. "They're pretty much harmless. Sometimes if you're quiet enough they'll stick around."

"That's kinda cool though huh? May not be your Guardian but it's kinda close right?" Rowan was guessing, surely a RidgeClanner would know their Guardian better than he. Maybe, maybe not. Ah, well.

"Anyway," he continued nonchalantly, "here, I tried to make the path down a little more obvious. Step here and then the next branch on your right."

Leo )
"It- Did." Honeypaw nodded looking a little flustered as Rowanspirit explained that she might have seen a deer, the animal most closely said to resemble their guardian's form. It made her embarrassed that she had been startled in that case, but at the same time- "I wonder if Erskina is just a big or even bigger?" Curiosity seemed to take over her initial fear, "I wish I had gotten a better look!" If what the tom said was true then she wanted to get a proper look at the deer, that way she'd be able to be a better idea of what Erskina looked like!

It seemed this conversation had helped to successfully settle some of her nerves as now she was more preoccupied with the mystery of getting to know more about her guardian! Looking down at the path the warrior nodded, the apprentice nodded and then took a deep breath steeling herself, Okay Honey you got this! She then cautiously crawled forward slowly on her current branch before stepping down on the spots that Rowanspirit had told her to, "W-where to next?" She asked as she carefully made sure not to move around too much.

"Personally I think all the Guardians are super huge and really obvious so you could never mistake them for a normal forest creature, but I've also never seen one so who knows?" There were those around the territory that had their own stories to tell about getting close to this Guardian or that but he'd always taken it with a grain of salt; too many liked to try and claim fame or power just based off of a little make-believe story. "Maybe we'll spot it again once we're down on the ground heading back to your home. We just have to be quiet, they get scared real easy."

"Then left, you should be able to just step down onto that one. Then a small hop to the right and across -like this." The branches she'd chosen in a rush to get up the tree hadn't been the most sturdy and while she'd safely made it up he wasn't trying to let her go flying all the way back down. A small leap across to the next branch might've seemed daunting, but it was only just over a tail's length away. "Look at me...or the branch. Just not down."

Leo )
"Like as big as a tree?" The thought seemed to excite the apprentice, her eyes growing rounding by the second, "Or a mountain!" Now that would really be big. In that case, it would make a lot of sense if Erskina was able to carry the sun! They'd be able to carry just about anything at that size! "Oh really!! I hope we do," She seemed completely enamored by the idea of spotting a deer! "I'll be extra quiet! I'm good at that!'

And to be able to do that, she had to get down first! "G-Got it." Honeypaw nodded, as she stepped down and then held Rownspirits gaze so that she wasn't looking down, her eyes held the up-most trust in the more experienced warrior, if he had told her to jump to the ground from where she was, she probably would have tried even if she was scared! She briefly took her gaze away so that she could see where she was hopping and then puff up her cheeks as she concentrated before hopping across. She did it!

Rowanspirit opened his mouth to correct her on her guess but then stopped because he didn't know either. He supposed it made sense so he just shrugged instead in a vague agreement with her. Besides, she seemed excited instead of frightened and he had no inclination to change that.

"Are you now?" He quipped back in a teasing tone, eyes squinting in a playful manner that suggested he didn't quite believe her. "We'll see about that."

Now he just hopped that there actually was deer in the area still, he wasn't sure if he could handle her disappointment.

The thought was placed on pause as Honeypaw prepared herself for the jump. It would've been startling to have a younger cat place so much trust in him if he hadn't seen it in Sugarpaw already. The look in her eyes made him feel way more knowledgeable and professional than Rowan really believed he was, but Honey didn't need to know that.

But hey, she made it! So who cared?

"Nice!" His eyes were bright with excitement -and relief. "You sure you've never climbed like this before?"

"Alright, now given how easy that was for you the rest of the way down is super simple from here, I swear." He commented breezily and took off from where he was balancing. A downward back-and-forth path was her way down and when he reached the bottom it was to land gracefully and peer back up at her. "We'll? Whatcha waitin for? The deer aren't gunna find themselves."

Leo )
Honeypaw couldn't stop the giddy look that reached her face as Rowanspirit praised her for making it across, she was still young and relished in any encouraging words. "Not trees but we have a lot of rocks in Ridge!" She explained, "Though climbing them is a lot different from a tree!" For one rocks were nowhere near as thin or brittle as tree branches! Nor did they shake in the wind, though trees were a lot easier to get your claws into- so there was that.

She was entranced for the moment at the skillful movement from the Moorclan warrior as he weaved his way down but then looked a little stunned when he declared it would be super simple the rest of the way down. No- No- Which part of that was simple? Though doubt crept up on her, it was true that so far everything that Rowanspirit had told her, had been correct- So- Surely this time too! Don't overthink it, just do the same as before! She mentally cheered herself on before she went for it, followed the path of the lower branches before she took a bit of a leap of faith to the ground- Which was extra scary since her smaller height made the jump seem bigger but-

She was down! "I did it-" She blinked and then look up at Rowanspirit as if she almost didn't believe it herself. Then a burst of energy fuelled her and she drummed her four paws up and down on the ground before leaping up in the air and triumphantly declaring to the world, "I did it!!!" As her paws made contact with the ground again she flopped over to one side and rolled back and forth in the long grass, she'd never been so happy to be on the ground before! "Thank Erskina, I'm on the ground again!! Oh- And Sorcha too! Thank you for sending Rowanspirit to find me!!" She closed her eyes as she said her thanks, holding her two front paws together like she would when she prayed at the Ridgeclan shrine.

Rock climbing? Sounded painful if you asked Rowan. Although he probably could get used to a more rocky terrain that's not what he was born into. In contemplation, he murmured from his place beneath the branches, "This grass and bark must feel like a warm nest to you then, compared to hard rock."

He didn't think on it for too long because then he was grimacing in concern for Honeypaw as she made her final leap. Just as quickly as he winced it turned into a heavy sigh of relief. It wasn't the greatest landing he'd seen but it also wasn't the worst.

"Great job!" He exclaimed, perhaps a little too loud as he watched Honeypaw quietly give her thanks. And suddenly he felt embarrassed for being so loud.

Rowan waited patiently for a moment and then decided to do the same. If she was willing to give thanks to his Guardian then he'd do the same for hers. It was only polite.

"Yes, thank you, Sorcha and Erskina, for allowing me to find her when I did." Instead of folding paws he merely bowed his head, nose pointed toward the ground for a moment until he looked back up at her.

Now that her imminent threat was over the fun could begin, and also he probably needed to get her home. "Ready for those deer?"

Leo )
"Thank you Rowanspirit!" The apprentice beamed brightly up at the warrior as he finished his own prayer, she was still laying down on her back at this point. If possible she wanted to do something more to show her gratitude, but right now she didn't have the means... Maybe she could make him something later...? What would he like?

She was lost in thought for a moment before her eyes snapped back open at his next words,"Oh yes!" Honeypaw replied eagerly and she went to hop back onto her paws but the next moment she stumbled as her legs almost gave out on her. All of the adrenaline was finally wearing off as she stood there with her legs trembling slightly, and she was left feeling very tired after the ordeal. It was no surprise, she was still very young and it had been a very stressful situation but even so, she still wanted to see a deer!

CJ )
"No problem kiddo." Rowan replies back easily, raising a paw to ruffle her neat and tidy fur. "Just don't make a habit of it."

"Hey!" His voice turned to concern and worry as he watched her wobble, reaching back out with his longer and stronger arm to stop her from completely falling over. "Take a breather for a second. They're not going anywhere."

He opted to tell her that in fact, the deer may leave by the time they were ready.

"Otherwise I'll have to carry you and I'm not sure you'd enjoy it." He joked.

Honeypaw flashed the tom a toothy grin as he ruffled her fur, there was something comforting in the gesture. "I don't know- I just might become a climbing expert if I do!" She could help but giggle as she joked, showing just how comfortable she really had grown around the warrior.

It was a relief that his paw was there to stop her from toppling over, "It feels like I lost my strength all in one go," She admitted sheepishly as she watched stared down at her legs, "They were feeling fine just a moment ago...?" It was so weird but she decided to sit down and rest just as Rowanspirit had suggested.

Despite the fact that the tom had been joking, it seemed to go completely over Honeypaw's head, too caught up in her initial excitement over the suggestion, "Wait- Really?" Her eyes pooled so big, completely starry-eyed. One of the things she loved most as a kitten was when she'd get to take piggyback rides on the warrior's backs. How long had it been since she had last gotten to?

CJ )
"It's probably because -woah!" He'd started to dive into his explanation full-blown Mentor style but the big-eyed expression on Honeypaw's face was a little startling. Was she about to jump him? A tiny bit weirded out but mostly amused Rowan playfully nudges her arm, a brow raised as he joked., "Hey now, don't hurt me -I just helped you."

"Anyways, it's probably because you spent so much energy and focus just trying to get down that your body is finally letting you feel how exhausted it in. Which if that's the case then you might be here awhile." A moment passes in which they stare at each other, breeze rolling through the trees and grass providing the only noise in an otherwise quiet part of the border. Maybe he should've been a little more concerned with how her eyes were so blown wide and fixated on him with an intense focus but he recognized the plea from a young one even without having any siblings himself.

It was good to know that Apprentices were almost all universally kits that were just ever so slightly bigger. In fact, in that moment she reminded him so deeply of Cloverpaw that it was scary.

"Oh my goodness, alright already. I got it. Sun above, you Apprentices are somethin' else these days." He jokingly gripes with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. And then he's bending down just enough for her to climb aboard.

Leo )
Honeypaw laughed again as he playfully nudged her arm, "I would never!" Which despite the playful nature of the exchange, was certainly the honest truth. There would have to be a dire situation to cause her to harm another. The tip of her tail twitched eagerly as she continued to look at Rowanspirit with her big eyes. Despite how it might appear she was indeed actually listening to what he was saying.

That was why her mouth curled into a bright smile as Rowanspirit affirmed that he would carry her!! "Yes!!" She exclaimed making a little victory pose with her paw, "Thank you Rowan!" Carefully she climbed up, thankfully she wasn't that big yet so she shouldn't weigh too much.

CJ )
Although Honeypaw was nowhere near as big as some of the Apprentices that Rowanspirit knew of and had seen before he still wasn't entirely accustomed to carrying additional weight, mostly because he didn't offer this kind of thing to anyone except kits on occasion.

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome, ya little menace." There was no mistaking the playful, good-natured tone he had even as he teased her to no end.

Their journey back wasn't rushed and was set at a casual pace so that she wasn't at risk from falling off if he went too fast. And for a while, they spoke with each other until the conversation lulled into silence and sounds of nature. Eventually, he felt her body go slack and he almost chose to wake her up, instead he decided against it.

Once they were at the border however he started to rethink his decision. For a time he stood still even as Honeypaw seemed to gripe about the sudden lack of walking motion in her sleep. Rowan hoped that he might run into a RidgeClan patrol along here but there was no one and no scent on the wind and although it was probably a painfully stupid move he decided to take his chances by crossing the border, straight into RidgeClan territory.

What was he supposed to do? Leave her at the border and then have her get lost again?

He went as far as he dared to go; until he could no longer see the comforting moorlands behind him or scent the familiar grasses on the air. Here the ground was rough with rocks taking up spaces between trees and he decides that this is as far as he wanted to try his luck today.

From here Rowan could distinguish the discomforting scent of RidgeClanners coming and going from this area; not fresh but not old either -even if she got lost she should, hopefully, be able to find her way back from here. He chooses a large tree with its roots curved in opposite directions, rocks scattered around its base making it perfect for a secured drop off.

As gently as he could he slides her off his back, grimacing the entire time and hoping that the action didn't wake her.

And then he's looking down at her sleeping form, nestled against the tree and shielded by rocks -happy and completely unaware of any change. Rowanspirit celebrates an internal bit of success, pleased with his rescue and drop off operation. But as he turns to leave he recalls the promise he'd made earlier and her pure, raw excitement over seeing a deer. It was so silly, and so dumb -truly the wishes of an innocent Apprentice but he finds that he feels a little sad over not being able to fulfill it anyway.

He bites the inside of his cheek for a moment and then something catches his attention from the corner of his eye. And although he's not the creative type inspiration strikes him almost instantly. Already almost perfectly formed for his purpose Rowanspirit breaks a few twigs and branches in place until they resemble the antlers of the deer Honeypaw had wanted to see. It wasn't much but maybe this would be better for her to wake up to than nothing.

Placing them beside her sleeping form he starts his trip back home, head held high though with a quick pace -not wanting to overstay his welcome. All's well that ends well.