Wasp's General HS Headcanons

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
3 1117

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Where I put all my non-character specific headcanons for Homestuck/Hiveswap. It mostly centers around worldbuilding tbh. Characters are tagged as chapters relating to them are created.

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Fuschia Politics

Some aspects of this have been borrowed from this fic.

Unlike what's described in canon, multiple heirs can exist on Alternia at any given time. Fuschiabloods are more likely to be female in a similar manner to jadebloods, but male fuschiabloods can occur occasionally. The heirs are encouraged to compete for territory, which serves the purpose of establishing their influence and showcasing their potential for the throne. The fuschiablood with the most territory at any given time is generally seen as the most competent ruler, and as such is typically believed to have the highest chance of besting Her Imperious Condescension during the fuschia trials. 

Although heirs are constantly engaged in turf wars with one another, they rarely outright attack each other. The primary reason for this is that going head to head with another fuschiablood isn't a one on one affair; if a fuschiablood is attacked, then their allies and trolls within their territories are likely to counterattack. Willingly starting a war with another fuschiablood is an incredibly bold and oftentimes pointless endeavor. Heirs already have an incredibly low chance of surviving the fuschia trials, and provoking another heir risks being killed before their final molt. Giving up the chance to be the ruler of Alternia just to squabble over territory or personal matters with another fuschiablood is a foolish move no matter how you look at it.

Instead, heirs are expected to be diplomatic with one another, settling disputes with one another through words rather than violence. Annual get-togethers are held for heirs to talk politics, negotiate, and generally ensure everyone's on semi-amiable terms. The get-togethers typically take the form of parties, as it keeps the atmosphere light and creates a perfect setting for posturing. Although attending isn't mandatory, failing to make an appearance tends to cast suspicion and doubt upon the missing heir.

Heirs are divided into three categories: true heirs, rival heirs, and exiled heirs.

True heirs are fuschiabloods that have been chosen as Gl'bgolyb's ward. Because of this, there can only be one true heir at any given moment. True heirs are automatically given control over the territories closest to Gl'bgolyb, and it's nearly impossible to take those territories away from them. Attacking a true heir is incredibly frowned upon, as it could provoke Gl'bgolyb into releasing the vast glub in retaliation depending on the strength of their bond.

Rival heirs are fuschiabloods who haven't been chosen by Gl'bgolyb that still aim to take the throne for themselves. They are not given any territories to start out, but they're able to acquire them via negotiation and/or brute force. Attacks against rival heirs are still discouraged due to their influence and blood, but it's not as taboo since doing so doesn't have the potential to wipe out the majority of the population. Their existence ensures competition among heirs, which is seen as a way to prepare them to properly rule Alternia if they manage to pass the trials.

Finally, exiled heirs are fuschiabloods that have no interest in ruling. They typically run away and/or go into hiding to avoid their duties, though occasionally a rival heir may be exiled if they do an extremely poor job at competing. Exiled heirs have no territory- any that they may have previously owned is automatically dispersed between the remaining competing heirs- and therefore have no influence, and they won't be able to gain any once they're labelled as an exile. Culling them is encouraged, as they're deemed unfit for their caste, a traitor to the empire, and generally a waste of space.