Roller-skate Dance

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
3 2223

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

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Supporting Eachother

"Oh we should try it looks like fun!" Faye said excitedly as she watched all the ptithians going around in the roller rink. The flashy lights all around only added to the atmosphere. Some sort of upbeat, catchy song was playing that some of the more skilled were dancing to. She turned to look at Shai hopefully.

Shai watched the skating ptithians wearily. She wasn't entirely sure how graceful she would be, but the look on her partner's face was convincing enough to have her try. Smiling at Faye she nodded. "Sure, we can try it out. Just don't expect me to be on my feet the whole time."

Faye laughed and pulled Shai with her to pick up skates for the two of them. It was a bit of a struggle to get them on, Shai ended up need help from Faye to actually get them on, but they eventually managed. Carefully the two made their way out into the rink. Barely managing to keep her footing Shai struggled to keep up with Faye who seemed to be taking to it quite well. Eventually her partner looked back at her struggling and smiled. "Here, let me see if I can help you." She grabbed gently onto Shai's side and began to guide her out into the middle. Arguably Shai felt she had no business being away from the dubious safety of the walls, but she also felt confident that Faye wouldn't let her fall too spectacularly.

Slowly Faye let go of Shai and immediately she tensed up at the lack of support. "Relax. If you're tense like you'll fall for sure." Faye said softly, it could barely be heard over the music. Reluctantly Shai nodded and forcibly tried to relax herself. Her footing was still unsure, but hopefully she wouldn't fall just yet. Faye nodded in satisfaction before starting to gently drift around. Shai made moves to follow her, which earned a smile from her partner. Some slower song started playing as the two worked on getting comfortable with the skates. Spinning around Faye turned to face Shai. "Can we maybe try something?"

Shai tilted her head in confusion, but nodded anyway. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

Faye simply smiled and moved to start dancing to the slow music. Honestly Shai stood their mesmerized for a moment before realizing that she should probably try to join Faye in her graceful dance. Attempting to match Faye was a challenge, but as she relaxed and simply let the music guide her it became much easier. The two weaved around each other, Shai still occasionally stumbling, as the music continued to play. Idly Shai noted that other duos of ptithians were doing the same as them. Simply dancing to the music together, but she only had eyes for her own partner.

The two moved in close and watched each other. Shai found that she no longer cared if she stumbled or tripped because all that mattered in that moment was her and Faye. Faye spun on the spot and drifted a bit behind Shai. She gently cradled Faye with her tail as she slowly turned; being extra mindful of the point at the end of her tail. Wouldn't be very good to hurt her partner accidentally right now would it?

Thankfully Faye remained uninjured as she drifted away from Shai's tail and back to face her properly. They weren't the most impressive duo dancing in the rink at the moment, others were far more technically skilled then them after all, but that didn't matter. The two were content just sharing this moment with each other.

As the two continued to enjoy their moment together Faye winced. Instantly Shai was alert, and unfortunately the moment was broken. She watched as Faye rubbed gently at the roots on her arms and shook her head. "They bothering you?" Shai asked gently. Faye opened her mouth to answer before closing it and simply nodding. Shai began leading her back to the exit of the rink. "Then we should go for now. Get you a proper soak, and let you rest." She looked back at Faye's sad face. "Don't worry, we can always come back and finish that dance later."

Faye perked up and smiled. "Thank you Shai. You know I love you right?"

Shai hummed. "I believe you've said that once or twice." Faye laughed before Shai continued. "But yes. I love you as well."