To Whom It May Concern

1 year, 11 months ago
642 1

An old letter from Polaris regarding a certain dream of hers.

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... but today's training session was cut short today after talking to master Antony about a series of dreams I've been having for the past week. As I relayed the dream during potion making, he scrunched his face when I mentioned the name "Prisma". I suppose it was an old friend, or maybe an ex-friend, because as soon as I described what he looked like, he wrapped up the brewing process and said that I was dismissed.

I suppose whatever secrets Antony has can't be hidden away now. I asked him when this event occurred, and he shrugged it off saying that he'll 'tell me later' before gliding off the balcony and towards Turtle Haven.

I guess I should preface this, Zephyr. My dreams might be a result of being in proximity of certain items. Somehow, items with lots of history allow me to "peek" into a segment of where it's been before. Unfortunately, I can't exactly control what part of its history I want to spectate, it's all... random. I haven't had any other related dreams but it's somewhere in the tower and I know that he's keeping it. I don't intend to find it, nor do I want to.

I guess I'll relay the series of dreams to you, too, if you'd be able to help me find who this Prisma person is. I've only heard their name being mentioned by older wizards, but I wouldn't dare talk to them... They're pretty intimidating, hehe.

The earliest part of this dream seems to be Prisma writing in a journal with a quill. They have green-blue hair, swept back and tied in a low ponytail. Their tan skin didn't stop their freckles from scattering all over their face, and they had soft eyes and thick eyebrows.

It stopped there. The next time I had this dream, Prisma hunched over their journal on the ground, their hand furiously scratching at the journal. They seemed so... angry. This was when I realised they were outside Antony's tower, the moonlight illuminating Prisma's journal. Over and over, they would draft letter after letter, scrapping other pieces until they finally settled on that particular piece of paper in which they expressed their grievances to Antony. I couldn't glance at what was in the contents of the letter because it was all so blurry.

The third (and final) night I had this dream, I saw Prisma shed a single tear onto the corner of the letter before ripping the page out and placing it gently into a child's basket- one I didn't notice before- in front of the High Wizards' meeting room. Prisma rang the bell before they jolted away into the night as they materialized into lightning and traveled up the tower to the lightning rod (which is above the tower, mind you). 

Antony rushed out of the tower and floated down onto the ground before taking notice of the child and the letter. He looked up at the tower's roof (which probably indicates that Prisma has done this before) but Prisma was gone. Scooping the baby in his arms, he examined them to make sure they were okay before reading the letter.

I haven't had any other dreams about this event lately and so far I haven't been able to remember if I've dreamt or not... Means that's the end of it, I suppose- usually, at least.

So, you may be asking yourself, "why does Polaris need a temple-keeper's help?" Well, Prisma is now one of my top contenders for helping me understand my past. All I ask of you is to keep your eyes peeled and let me know if you've seen them. If you don't want to, please let me know and sorry for wasting your time. I hope we can meet again for tea- I'll bring Ms. Somnolento as well.

Many thanks,


Polaris Tang