Companion ceremony

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

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Companion Ceremony

It was a strange feeling being in a new world, Cenvi was struggling to adjust to Solaria. Sure, most things were similar, but it wasn't home. 

The soft wind tickled her fur as she continued her self-searching, trying to find a paw in this world. She landed new Manabane through one of those rifts and had been there for a while. She decided that she was going to take a walk in the Cerulean forest that every 'Mara keeps talking about. Before her journey she was given some bait from a friendly Mara to help her find a new friend that can help her settle in. They'd given her some elf ear powder, lampyre bait that smells really sweet and some disgusting Stiltonberries. 

She was extremely thankful and promptly took her small adventure to help her find herself, and maybe a new friend too. 

She found herself a nice spot amongst the trees as she watched nature around her. She enjoyed it, watching the fauna go about their day. She decided to put some bait around in hopes of finding a friend. She sat there for ages, self reflecting on what she was going to do in Solaria. It was tough for her, she didn't really do anything special in her homeworld. She wanted to do things differently, she wanted to feel important or do something special. She doesn't want to be ordinary. The sun was sitting high in the sky, rays of light breaking through the thick canopy of the cerulean forest. She thought she saw something rustling in the undergrowth but dared not to move in fear of scaring it away. She saw a pinkish nose emerge from the bush and quickly popped out a... kiamara? No wait.... It must be one of those microkia's she thought excitedly. She fought the urge to scream in glee and to jump up and down. She remained calm even though it was hard for her to control herself. 

"... Hey, I'm Cenvi." She started off unsure what to say to the microkia. "I'm not sure what I'm doing...... uhhhh let's start with the basics. What's your name?" She softly spoke, not expecting the micro to understand her or to be able to speak. "Sarini!" The microkia looked at Cenvi with curiosity. So when the micro spoke, it took Cenvi completely by surprise. "You can talk?" 

"Ummm.... ya... I'm you but on a smaller scale. You seem lost, are you lost? Do you need help going somewhere?" Sarini asked, concern showed gravely on her face as she stared at the awkward Cenvi. 

"I'm lost alright, but in a different way. I'm not sure what to do here in Solaria."

Cenvi looked at Sarini expecting her to laugh at her, but all she found was sympathy, kindness and a slight hint of mischief. 

"Well adventuring helps me so it should help you!" 

Cenvi brightened up at the idea, "Adventure away, friend" She gleamed at the motive.