Do you hate me

1 year, 7 months ago

SC log (October 2022)

bro i dunno ill write a description later

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alright SO, jiemba got emotional info from Syd which led to Syd getting upset and you know jiemba also got upset and they hugged it out 

But then Syd fell asleep on him and he would have to shoot Auran a text like "Hey babe...please don't be upset with me, but I went to talk to Syd about getting therapy since...well you saw him the day we both wrecked our shit...and I talked to Jamie and he's just as worried" 

"And well?? He got really emotional and told me a lot of things....and fell asleep on top of me" 

"I don't wanna disturb him just yet because he emotional meltdown and is sleeping pretty peacefully rn, but I just wanted to let you know I'll be a little late getting back to the room tonight" 

"You might still be awake though" 

"I just wanted to let you you..."

and just so you know, Jiemba was terrified to send that text because it sound so freakin' dumb, but thats what happened fjalkdsjkf

he does end up coming back to Auran's room at like 3 am

looking emotionally done as he do, and p sure Auran would still be awake playing videogames and the FIRST thing out of Jiemba's mouth is "You don't hate me right?!?!"

sweating and stressing because this is v hard

but also me laughing at leslie coming in and seeing Jiemba there like "please help this was not my intention"



auran replies back with a "thats ok, you dont have to leave if it's gonna do worse, do what you need to do"

"you know ill still be awake"

"love you too ❤️"

when he comes back auran is like half awake half asleep with the switch in his hands

but wakes back up when jiemba comes in

",, wh,, no?? why would i hate you??"

"... are you ok?? what happened-- beyond the breakdown" 

very drowsily getting out of bed to come wobble over and hug jiemba

hfkshdlwhdle leslie just staring at jiemba like "... oooookay! you, huh... want me to leave, or."


God that lil heart after the text made him more gay and he SPAMMED hearts back

And when he gets sleepy Auran hug, he snuggles him and carries him back to bed Kisses

"I felt bad leaving you aloooone, but I also felt bad  leaving him alone" 

"So I was just!  Worried!"

"And well? We talked...he shared some things then conked out...suggested getting therapy and that's what led to it all"

"I know it won't...FIX everything,  but it could help..."

And Jiemba would encourage Leslie to stay!  


Don't wake him up


jiemba its ok syd has slept through leslie working on metal stuff

they cant wake up that rock

auran sleepily snuggles back trying to process information

"mmmrr... babe im okay"

"its fine you dont need to worry about me..."

"i can live with you being away for a few hours to take care of your other friends"

sleepy nuzzling

"it wont fix everything, but... its a start"

"... i do... kinda hope it does help him"

"and gives him,, a new perspective on things"


GJFAJ HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT what a fun way for Leslie to meet Jiemba though LOL




"I knoooow, but I worry anyway" Peppers kisses all over that sleepy face "Especially with you being alone in the room til your new roommate gets here.." 

"But thank you for understanding, I love you so much"

holds him close, "I hope it helps him too....he just needs to go first"


"mmmmm.... thats always the hard part"


"love you too...." has that voice of someone whos barely holding onto consciousness


don't worry, jiemba got to sleep too KJFDKAS