Her Heart of Gold

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

In a world of magic, there is light and love in the world. But there is also a darkness that wishes to use it for its own personal gain.

Fern is a runaway Princess in search of self-identity and her mission is to end the war between Magic and Darkness.

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Prologue - Chapter 0

Kinsley sat in Nanafua's lap, hopping eagerly. She was only 5, but she must've heard the lore of magicks over a million times. It was absolutely exciting and it was fun to know how cool magicks were. 

"Kinsley, you need to sit still if you want me to continue reading the story to you." Nanafua chuckles softly. "I'm sorrryyy! But its so cool! Keep reading it!" Kinsley demanded, giggling.
"Well, you should know the story better than I do at this point. Do you remember why the relics were created?" Nanafua asks. "Mhm! Its because Aadi didn't like how mean people were being, so she picked seven people to have special magic to help people that need help!"

"Very good, Kinsley." Nanafua confirms. "And after those relic holders got old, they picked successors. And those successors picked successors, and so on." She continues.
"Yeah and you have the nature relic!" Kinsley shouts out, standing up and grabbing the book. "I want to have a relic and help people, like you!" Kinsley says loudly, hopping on the bed with the book over her head.

Just then, Kinsley's mother, Haven, knocks on the door softly; allowing herself into the room. "Am I interrupting story time?" She asks, leaning against the wall by the door.
Nanafua laughs and shakes her head. "Not at all. I was reading Kinsley the story about the relics." She points to the stolen book in Kinsley's hands. 

"Ah, well. Do you think Rokai would be okay with that?" She laughs, walking over to Kinsley, gesturing for her to return the book. Kinsley glares playfully, but hands the book over to her mother and then crawls under her covers. "I think daddy would be okay with it!" She pushes. Nanafua takes the book from Haven and wishes Kinsley a goodnight before leaving the room. "Well, I think we should ask him when he returns from his trip, hm? I think he'll be home tomorrow." Haven sits on the edge of Kinsley's bed and leans to give her a kiss.
"But-" she yawns. "he told me he thinks magic helps people and that there should be more.." She gets comfy and lays her head on the pillow. "Magic is incredible and also very helpful, but a lot of bad guys also like it, too." Haven stands up and blows the candle out. "Goodnight my princess." Haven closes the door and leaves Kinsley to fall asleep.

Kinsley closes her eyes and falls asleep.