Search for the Arcanum :: Tooth Extraction

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
3 2844

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

Mild Violence

Kylar and his party must take out a baddie in their search for the Arcanum.

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Chapter 1

Kylar had a nasty scowl plastered across his muzzle as he glared over the bridge of his nose at the massive creature before him. The shifter called Tooth let out a deafening roar meant to intimidate the group that had congregated to take him on, but Kylar was just a bit too stubborn and headstrong to let it phase him too much. He had heard from Lorelei that these lackeys were definitely hiding something, but what that "something" was, he was still unsure of. Despite the mystery surrounding what exactly was going on, he knew he needed to help her since he hadn't heard too many good things recently about the Arcanum, and he had no doubt they were up to no good in their secluded hideout.

He gripped his trusty daggers in his paws and shifted his scowl to a smirk. Tooth was much larger than him since he shifted, the curled horns shining in the light. They were definitely something along with teeth and claws that Kylar knew he was going to need to be avoiding at all costs. He was much smaller than Tooth, had less brute strength, and knew that he was already at a disadvantage. But he did have numbers on his side.

Rue was already preparing a ranged attack with her wind lyss, if she could just keep him off balance, the group agreed that it would already give them an advantage over the angry shifter. Jasper was keeping a close eye on Tooth, the pink Woolie skillfully winding up his meteor hammer. They all knew that he would also need to take into account Rue's wind lyss, and he had a look of pure concentration on his face as he ensured he knew the precise moment he would be able to release his ranged weapon to trip up the enemy. It was only a matter of time for his moment to shine.

Teddy was far enough away to stay out of the fray, but he still made sure he was close enough to take advantage of the healing properties of his sol lyss. He wasn't planning on directly dealing any damage to Tooth, but as long as he kept his party in top condition by keeping their health up, he knew he would have an important roll in their victory indirectly. He often took on this roll with others on adventures (which he would rather avoid if he were being honest), and it had become one he was comfortable with. There was a huge amount of responsibility on his shoulders, but being at a distance allowed him to keep an eye on the situation at hand, which is something he liked.

Tiny, while normally a very happy and upbeat Woolie, seemed to be a bit more than miffed at Tooth's presence and aggression. She felt that everything could have easily been talked over, that this was possibly just a big misunderstanding, and yet here they all were trying to take down Tooth because he was being unreasonable and downright angry over his gang being caught by Lorelei and their potential secrets being exposed. She could feel the fiery lyss building up inside her as she began to prepare to throw it into Rue's wind lyss. The plan was to combine their lyss magic and let the strong winds carry the fire with expert precision to the large shifter.

The ground suddenly began vibrating below their hooves, and Kylar watched as Tooth's eyes grew just a bit wider in confusion or concern, Kylar wasn't sure which and he didn't exactly care. The plan they had all come up with seemed to be falling in to place - an all out assault from all directions would mean that Tooth would falter at some point, and that's when they would be able to take him out.

Two blurs began making its way towards Tooth from directly behind him. It wasn't exactly a sneak attack as the shaking below them was directly connected to the large furry masses galloping behind the shifter. In the distance, Sage could be seen, his look of concentration mimicking that of the others in his group, especially that of Jasper who hadn't taken his gaze away from Tooth since he started winding up for his Meteor Hammer to get a full amount of power behind the swings.

Suddenly, the large brute turned and let out a roar loud enough to compete with the ground shaking from Big Ma and Kitty running towards him. The two large animals were tamed by Sage, who was perched carefully on Big Ma's back, heading straight into the fight with his trusty Sootmus on his shoulder. Kitty let out a defiant roar in response to Tooth's outburst and took a swipe at his face as soon as she was in reach.

Tooth quickly dodged the sharp claws aimed at his face and replied with a strong strike of his own, his claws digging into Kitty's shoulder, tossing her aside like a ragdoll. Tooth gained a confident smirk, but the entire party's postures suddenly lost their offensive signatures. Tooth had no idea what he had done...and Sage was already beyond any hope of not shifting into his own intimidating form in pure rage that Kitty had been injured. It seemed everyone but Tooth realized the fight just jumped up to another level, and he might not be assured an easy victory.