Peony Cookie and Rye Cookie's Bond story

1 year, 8 months ago

Also known as "Bound to be united!" It’s basically how they married each other and it’s super cute and cheesy and IDC LOL ok here we go now CW: Contains Reony (Rye x Peony) and lots of romance. Skip if uncomfrotable. Ok enjoy

This oneshot has been written on October 17th, 2022

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It was just another bright day at the Hollyberry Kingdom. Peony Cookie was just about to open up her workshop. Nothing seemed to happen, until she happened to stumble upon a letter, which was placed on her desk. Now that was peculiar- she didn’t remember seeing it the other day! Has she, perhaps, forgotten it when she checked her mail? Regardless of that, she picked the letter- there was nothing written on the envelope. And said envelope seemed to be sealed tight- there were no other doubts, someone sent her mail!

“Gee, I sure wonder who wrote me this!” She wondered out loud, as she opened the envelope. It was just some regular white paper with, on it, inscriptions in black ink. As curious as ever, she read the letter out loud:

'Dear Peony Cookie,

I would like to organize and prepare my big day for my promised one. I have not proposed to her yet, but I want to make sure everything is ready before the ceremony begins… I would like to start it when the flowers bloom at their brightest.

I have no big instructions, just do whatever floats your boat. I hope you can find the resources for our dream to come true.



“This letter is not signed…” she paused for a moment, sitting on her chair. “Whoever sent me this must really be counting on me… I must not give them up! There are no clear explanations of what they want… but at the same time, they said I could do whatever I want? How strange, but I count on them! Time to see what I can invent for this big day! First, though… I must see my friends, letting them know about this mysterious customer!” Peony Cookie then rejoiced, before going outside, completely forgetting that her workshop was supposed to be open in a few minutes.

As she walked away from her workshop, she arrived just in front of Cherry Blossom Cookie’s cafe. The enticing smell of pastries and chocolate soon caught on to her, as she would turn around to see the pink cookie pulling out a tray from the oven. On that tray, you could find appetizers that turned out to be sweet- they smelled like almond and chocolate combined! Peony Cookie could not resist but to stop by.

“Hello there, Cherry Blossom Cookie! What you just made here looks delicious… what are these for?”

“Sup there, cous!” the other cookie replied to her. “These little sweets are for a big occasion…”

“These are my favorites! Can I have a bite?”

“Sure you can! I was counting on you to approve them. After all, these are meant for a promised day.”

“A promised day…? But which? That reminds me- I received an anonymous letter telling me to prepare all I wanted for that day to come true… could it be that it was their request?”

“Maybe so!” Cue the moment where Peony Cookie took a little appetizer and tasted it. “Well? How does it taste?”

“Whoa! It’s wonderful!”

“Glad you like them. Say, what do you think I should prepare with all these? I was thinking of making carrot cakes, a couple more sweets, and some salty snacks too!”

“Wonderful idea! Make sure to feature many different, specific dishes, so everyone can enjoy the feast! Well, that’s not all, but I should see everyone else. This mysterious letter is making me worried…”

“Not sure who wrote it, but whoever it is, I’m pretty sure they’ll be happy with all that you prepare!”

Peony Cookie waved at her, and hurried back, towards Sparkling Cookie’s juice bar. Maybe there, she will find answers to her concerns!

“Hello there, Sparkling Cookie! How are you doing?”

“Ah, there you are, Peony Cookie! I needed your assistance for a quick task…”

“Glad I could be of help! I actually need your help for something, too!” Peony Cookie walked to the counter, and sat in front of the counter. “But first, what can I help you with, Sparkling Cookie?”

“I need a taste subject. Here, I created a new fruit juice recipe. Could you taste it for me? See how other people react to it?”

“No problem!” Peony Cookie picked a glass he made for her, and sipped on it. “Let’s see… wow! It’s both festive and exotic! It feels as if I’m traveling overseas! It’s nothing I’ve ever tasted before! It’s… this is amazing!”

“Thank you for your honesty, Peony Cookie. I’m relieved to hear that from you,” Sparkling Cookie sighed out of relief. “I will be able to add it to my card… and offer it for the big day.”

“Pardon me… big day? What is all this about, if not only for your card?”

“Oh, you don’t know? I got some strange customer request, asking me to create a new drink… with specific ingredients. It’s apparently for a promised day that you organize.”

“Sweet jelly! This is where I have to tell you something, Sparkling Cookie! Because I happen to receive a mysterious letter, telling me to do whatever I wanted to do, for a promised day! Maybe you know the person behind it?”

“That… unfortunately, I cannot help. That sounds familiar to what I experienced, but I couldn’t see the face of the requester… though… I remember seeing a wide grin across their face…”

“A wide grin…? Brr, that doesn’t sound friendly… Well, I better see what the others have to say about this. Maybe Mont-Blanc Cookie knows about that requester…? Either way- good luck with your drinks, Sparkling Cookie!”

The pink cookie waved at him, before she went to Mont-Blanc Cookie’s haute couture boutique.

“Hi there, Peony Cookie! How are you doing?”

“Hello there, Salted Caramel Cookie… oh my! You are so wonderfully dressed!” The cookie marveled at the sight in front of her. Her dearest friend wore a large, puffy white dress, with transparent sleeves. She also had a couple of accessories that could be found in her hair- lilies, lilac, roses and peonies- all sorted out and placed around the head, with some creamy white pearls to top it all as well. Peony Cookie almost fell back- she was breath-taken by this spectacular wedding dress!

“Thanks, Peony Cookie,” a voice behind her boomed, taking the said cookie by surprise. She turned around- and saw Mont-Blanc Cookie walking to her! “This is my latest creation- for the promised day… all I need to do is to adjust a few details, and I will be done. It’s pleasant to see you like it.”

“I wonder who it is for…?”

“Ah-ah-ah! No can tell, this is a surprise the requester told me to keep!”

“Now, wait a minute… this is so strange!” Peony Cookie scoffed. “Somecookie sent me a letter, to ask me to organize their promised day, however I wanted! Normally, when a cookie asks me to customize their wedding, they first go to me, then I come back to you! You know something about them, don’t you? A cookie with a wide grin?”

“It’s true they had a pretty big smile… but I insist, Peony Cookie, I cannot tell you who it was. I couldn’t even see the other half of their face! But worry not- a customer like them won’t give everything up on their big day, just like that.”

“Maybe just do as they told you… and you might be able to resolve this mystery!” Salted Caramel Cookie suggested to her, with a warm smile.

“You’re probably right… this story still confuses me… thank you still, Mont-Blanc Cookie, Salted Caramel Cookie. I must go back to my workshop now.”

Now Peony Cookie arrived at her workshop, she heaved a sigh, before sitting on her desk chair. She looked at the letter intriguely…

“What should I do…? I’m really getting confused. There is something missing…” she paused, reading the letter again. “Do whatever floats your boat… what could that mean…? Maybe I should imagine something… by myself? As if… I was part of the ceremony?” She pulled out her sketchbook and pencil, and started scribbling in it. “Let’s see… if I were to ask for a ceremony… I would put flowers- many flowers in the setting! I would also like to see bow ties tied to the chairs, candles in the center of the tables, maybe a bit more flowers and pearls too! For my bouquet, it should be small- but with touches of pink and white! Peonies being my preferred flowers… and for the music, there should be an orchestra- violins would play, as we all stand up and dance, twirling and spinning around, on the dance floor…!” Peony Cookie gasped, as she found herself doodling more in her sketchbook. She looked at them… there, she found inspiration now! So, this seemed to be the key! All she had to do was to let her mind do the work! “I managed to find all this… by myself? Fantastic! I should prepare all of this now, and begin to set all this up- I should not disappoint that anonymous writer that sent me the letter! Though… one question still remains…” Peony Cookie rubs her chin. “How come everyone else has heard about them, but not me…? Ah- I should not be distracted now, there is so much to do! Let’s get to work, and quickly!”

At last, everything was ready. The setting was ready, the tasty dishes were brought, ready to be served with the drinks, the orchestra came just on time… everything was going according to plan. Only one detail was missing, though…

“Where is the bride?” Peony Cookie asked concerningly. As she was about to look for them, she heard a sudden noise… horse neighing?!

“Here comes the first bride!” Sparkling Cookie’s voice rang.

Indeed, there she was- riding on a white biscuit horse. Said horse stopped galloping, before the cavalier climbed down from its back. Then, stepped closer to Peony Cookie, someone she expected the least to see. Long, golden blond hair… shining green eyes… freckles all over their dough… but most of all… a wide grin across the face. There was no other doubt- this was Rye Cookie! But… something buzzed her. Rye Cookie was wearing a white, three-piece tuxedo with gloves, her hair let down, with a magnificent hat- decorated with feathers and beads. That made Peony Cookie’s heart skip a beat, as she saw her coming in front of her.

“Howdy, Peony Cookie. Hope I’m not late to the party,” she told her with a bright smile.

“Rye Cookie…! I’m so happy to see you there! And you look spectacular! What brings you on this special occasion, if I may ask? I’ve got plenty of other things to check-”

“Nah, I don’t think you have anythin’ else to do… ‘cuz ya see, this special day… is ours.”

“R-Rye Cookie… what do you mean?” she then saw Rye Cookie kneeling down to her, as she pulled out a box.

“Sorry this will sound kinda blunt, but… Peony Cookie, I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while…” She then opened the box. Inside could be found a ring- Peony Cookie knew what it was: it was an engagement bracelet! This one was silver, with shining pink gemstones, forming a flower in the middle. Her eyes could not believe it- “Will you be my promised one?”

“R… Rye Cookie, I…” Peony Cookie suddenly gasped, blushing as red as a rose. She jumped on her feet, before she could shout a big: “YES, RYE COOKIE!! I WILL!!”

The crowd around them cheered and applauded loudly, as the blonde would stand up, and wrap the bracelet around her promised one’s wrist. It fit her perfectly. She then rubbed the back of her neck, out of embarrassment.

“Sorry I only came up to you now… I… didn’t really know how to bring this into words. So I thought… that maybe I could tell it with actions.”

“W-What do you mean there…?” Peony Cookie gasped again, suddenly having an epiphany. “Wait, could that mean… that it was you, Rye Cookie? The one who wrote me this mysterious letter?”

“Yeah, t’was me,” she admitted ashamedly. “Maybe it wasn’t the best decision, ‘cuz I heard you were worried sick ‘bout the whole situation. Sorry again ‘bout that.”

“Don’t… don’t worry about that, Rye Cookie! The most important part of it all, is that it goes according to plan! The bride is coming- all she needs is to get her dress, and she will be ready!”

“Worry not for that, Peony Cookie! Salted Caramel Cookie and I got this!” Mont-Blanc Cookie’s voice came up, as she arrived with a white dress…

“This is… this is the dress I saw the other day! It is marvelous! I don’t know what to say!”

“You have nothing to do,” Rye Cookie held her hand. “Just lay back, and enjoy your big day- our big day. You will be the one on the spotlight today.”

“T-This is a dream coming true… I feel like living in a fairytale! Oh, what a joy, everyone! Thank you so much for everything!”

It was just another bright day, at the Hollyberry Kingdom. And today was a big day- for our concerned cookies.

Long live the brides!


Author's Notes

IDK how to put itallics on TH lol Note down that this applies to the prese nt of the followed date : October 17th, 2022. EVERY TEXT PRESENT IN THIS ACCOUNT CAN BE SUBJECT OF CHANGES IN THE FUTURE. DATE WILL BE UPDATED IN CASE OF FUTURE UPDATE.