October Prompts 2022

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
4 3537

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Explicit Violence

Short stories for some of the October prompts 2022 from the group Fragmented Promises.

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Author's Notes

Coming back from gathering herbs, Ghostwhisper decides to rest and has a curious dream of strange lands.


Ghostwhisper entered their makeshift medicine den with an annoyed sigh as they shook out their fur. Tiny droplets of water flying out of it. Out collecting herbs, they had been surprised by a rain shower. Stalking farther into their den, they laid down the wet herbs on the ground, making sure they could dry off a bit once the weather got better. If it got better any time soon that is. They really weren’t keen on having to throw away their newly collected herbs, just because they weren’t able to dry properly. They needed more herbs before the winter came and any time wasted on herbs that would go bad before they could even be used, could mean the end of the time of a sick cat unable to be treated because said herbs were missing.

With their fur still a little damp, they settled down into their nest. It was no use trying to dry off in this weather. He had tried a few times at the beginning of their time in their temporary camp, but soon discovered that with how humid the air was in his den, it really didn’t make much of a difference.

So, he just rolled himself together in his nest a little tighter. Just one paw outstretched to feel the rabbit’s skull next to it. Closing his eyes, Ghostwhisper tried to ignore the still unfamiliar scent of this den and the dampness that seemed to be all around. It took him a while. Just laying there, listening to the rain outside and his own silent breath, before the sound of rain slowly transitioned into a rushing sound.

The sound was strangely calming as the medicine cat listened to it. Sometimes growing louder while decreasing again just a few moments later. The slight breeze ruffled their fur as it gave a soothing cool from the sun shining on their pelt.

They lay there for a while, until they noticed that this wasn’t quite right. Laying in their den underground, there shouldn’t be any sun to warm their pelt.

Blinking open their eyes, Ghosthwisper had to take a while to adjust them back to the blinding light that was all around him. Sitting up, they also noticed that they weren’t sleeping in their nest any longer. They ran their paw over the unfamiliar greenery around them, before they stood up no completely. Looking sound now that their eyes could take in the light around him.

And what a sight it was. It was like nothing they had ever seen before. Stepping out of the greenery, their paws met a bank of sand. Sand stretching out farther than they had ever seen. Way farther than any sand banks they had seen on RiverClan’s territory. But while the sand was stretching far, even farther stretched the water they could see in front of them. 

Walking towards the water, the source of the rushing sound as it seemed, the medicine cat now also began to notice the peculiar scent coming from it. It neither smelled like the lake, nor any of the rivers in their territories. The smell didn’t even come close to it.

Curious they walked even a little farther, where the sand turned from warm and dry to a damp and slightly cooler mass. Letting the waves of the water wash over their paws, they tried to see where the water ended. But there wasn’t any land on the other side. Only the water touching the sky in the distance.

Ghostwhisper stood there for a few moments, taking it in. He wasn’t even sure how long he was standing there until something landed behind him. Spooked out of his thoughts, the medicine cat whirled around, ready to run or fight from whatever had managed to snuck up on him while he was far away in his thoughts.

His eyes met the yellow ones of a bird he has never seen before. Just as big as himself it stood before him. Eyeing him curiously with a tilted head, before it let out a screech that seemed to reverberate through his whole body. But while it certainly seemed scary through its sheer size, something in Ghostwhisper told him that this big white bird wasn’t a threat.

Relaxing his own posture a little bit again, they eyed the creature curiously now too. From its gray wings to the yellow beak with a small red spot on it. And now he also heard the screeching up in the sky. Angeling their eyes back up again, they could see a few of them flying through the sky. They were loud enough that he wondered how he hadn’t noticed them before now.

Another screech came from the bird next to him, making them look over again. The bird’s eyes caught theirs again. They were oddly captured by them, before the bird stretched out its wings and flew away again. Straight towards a few smaller mountains at the horizon. Farther along the sandbank. They felt a pull towards it. A feeling that told them to follow.

But before they could, a big wave had built up. Now crashing down on him.

Ghostwhisper awoke with a gasp, nearly jumping out of their nest. It took a while for them to orient themselves. Especially until their eyes could see a little more than just a complete darkness around them. Slowly, their makeshift den came back into view. The rain outside is still raging on, the wind now blowing it right into their den.

Shaking out their wet fur yet again, they moved farther inside the den where the wind couldn’t blow the rain right into their face. Settling into one of the empty patient’s beds, they began to try and dry off their fur now regardless. They needed something to do while they thought of that dream. The water with the curious smell that still seemed to linger in their nose.

Though when they were about to lick off the rain, its taste let them stop immediately. Sticking out their tongue as they jerked back with their head. The sharp taste reminding them of the strange smell of the water back in their dream. Ghostwhisper gave their fur another lick, but this time they could only taste the rain on their fur.