Mission 4.1 - Team C - Team Training

SC RP log (22nd October 2022)

Amon gathers team C for some team training.

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👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

The training time was set, and you and your teammates were asked to meet in the gynasium-style cabin.

 Amon stands at the center of the room, arms crossed, waiting on you all to arrive.  When you approach, he turns to you and your teammates and smiles. "Welcome kids."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno walks in with his training gear in a bag and sets it next to the wall so it's out of the way. "We're all legal adults," he protests as he struts closer while stretching his arms.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon walked in after putting a few last pins in his hair to keep it back. He did not know what this was going to be but he was prepared anyways. "Good day." He greeted politely. No furry damon today. 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex walks in in a slightly more athletically appropriate outfit then normal; slightly hating it for the fact that it is lacking in all his pastel colors since it was an outfit hes hung onto since high school. He keeps messing with the plaid overshirt as he walks in. "Helloooo~"

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani quietly follows the group. She didn't know how she felt about moving teams entirely to a new letter, but kept her thoughts about it to herself as she set down her training bag. She wore normal gym clothes- layered up to accommodate for the cold outside. She gave a nod as a greeting to Amon, waiting on instruction.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Hugo comes in looking only slightly tired, also dressed in more athletically appropriate wear (If you count a t-shirt and sweatpants as athletic clothes); he left his glasses behind too. Briefly he makes eye contact(?) with who he assumes is their trainer and nods his way.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Even if she wasn't happy about it, Alex is happy to see Mia and gives a lil wave :3

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi slinks in with a "Yo." They're sticking to the back of the room and giving everyone a casual once-over to assess who their team apparently is. Yep. Those sure are people.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani happily waves back 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon nods as they all arrive. "Good, line up here okay? Since you were all assumed a new team before coming to the training camp.  So go ahead and introduce yourselves."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Oh gosh it’s one of these. Hugo subtly slinks his way behind the biggest man in the room (Damon. It’s Damon.)

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex also notices Sushi walk in and gives them a wave before Amon asks them all to intro. "Oh, uh-" He does a lil look around to see if anyone else is planning to start. "Um... My names Alex? I don't know if we're meant to say more-"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Sushi." Keep it simple keep it snappy.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

"...Names and your function for the team, if you will."

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno doesn't really care about lining up like school kids. He crossed his arms and decided to just get this over with. "I'm Jarno." He eyes the sea siren that just joined his team. Oh great. "I'm the ranger, I shoot things."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi snorts "Ranger sounds like videogame class."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

He sweats a bit with Amons correction. "Oh, sorry... Uh, Im a techie! I do a lot of like computer based stuff and like, coding, hacking, all that!"

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani gives a face for a second before shrugging, knowing it's kind of necessary to introduce herself if she's going to be part of a whole new team. "I'm Mialani, don't really care how you shorten my name. I see dead people- as in I'm a psychic who specializes in spirit communication. I'm not like... smart as fuck, but I'd say I'm pretty good at looking for things the dead leave behind... and clues. Lot's of clues." she says while waving her hands around with her words. "I'm used to being in the 'investigation' part of everything."

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno squints his eyes. Great start, Sushi, fantastic first impression. "It's the classification I was given. What do you do, anyway?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Damon made mental notes of peoples names he hadn't met yet. "Hello, I'm Damon." little wave, not really knowing what to add. "I'm a fighter, but I have a few different skills than the others since I'm a werewolf. Varying strengths and weaknesses for the team."  ....Gently side eyeing Hugo behind him. U good buddy.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Hugo side eyes Damon back.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

"Whatever I want!" He sticks his tongue out.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex is now also staring at the Hugo/Damon situation.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon clears his throat and steps aside. : ) introduce yourself hugo

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

"Yes a productive conversation already." Amon sighs then puts his hands on his hips and seemingly glances amongst them. Then also seems to... stare? At hugo.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani slooowwlly moves next to Hugo just to provide a quiet comfort of having a buddy there.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Ah crap.. In hindsight this probably wasn’t the best idea. So he gives a quick, short “Uh- Hugo. I’m a psychic..” People staring. Off to a great start.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Okay, Jarno doesn't already trust Sushi but he makes a mental note to not expect anything of them either. He gives up on the desire to snark back though, now is not the time.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon nods. "Alright. So then, today we're going to do some basic training and focus on your cooperation as a team." he claps his hands together. "So let me ask. How do you think you each do with working on a team?"

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Uhhh pretty good I guess." Mialani shrugs. "In my last team we worked great together, even when a couple people got swapped."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex tilts his head. "Like... us? Or everyone..?" and then looks around "I'm pretty sure most of us are friends, or at least like chill together outside of work, so I imagine we're all pretty good working together?"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi shrugs "Yeah, teamwork's easy." Not like they're gonna answer any differently, job interview rules here.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"I don't really know anyone here, apart from staying in the same cabin with Damon. But you can leave the backline to me," Jarno says, trying to instill some confidence in his new teammates. He knows the memory of Barcelona might still be haunting some people's minds.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

“I’ve never really worked in a team setting before.” He admits after a few others have spoken up. Gotta remind himself he’s still new.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

"My life has centered working in a web of people, this is no different to me." Damon nods when Jarno mentioned rooming with him too.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

"Mhmm good. Well! First things first." and he walks over to a line of training dummies. "So, I want to see what you all have. Each of these has a sensor in it to tell me the degree of damage you do to it in one attack." he steps aside and motions. "Who would like to go first?"

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani pauses a bit and steps forward. "I'll get it over with."

Mialani goes to punch, but entirely misses before laughing at herself. "Yeah, that seems right." She looks at the group. "Told yall I'm better at  investigation  " and she shrugs. (nat 1)

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno lifts a hand. "I use a rifle, is that allowed or do I need to do hand-to-hand?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Hmm try both." he grins.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

"Aight," Jarno says and goes to grab his rifle from his gym bag. Yeah he brought it with him. He kind of suspected he would need to practice at least hand to hand combat with it. He took aim at a dummy, somewhat hastily, and shot at it. [8] He did not hit it. "Ah shit." He walked over to it, and landed a frustrated punch at the center of it. [12, 3 dmg]

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex sweats, watching the others go and knowing he really doesn't wanna be last here. "Oh, nice hit though!" He tries to be supportive to Jarno, then steps in to go next. "I also use a pistol mostly so I'll do both..."

He goes for the shot first since hes already stepped back. Taking aim, he manages to shoot the dummy with a headshot... He's glad he hit it but also it made him feel uneasy- (19; 5 DMG) Shaking that off, he runs in closer to quickly punch it and get his turn out of the way. He throws a punch as hard as he can and hardly does a thing. This dummy is suddenly a solid brick wall and the only thing he got from it was a squeaky sound- He's a lil embarrassed. (5)

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi snickers "You are all doing so good."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

"I suppose I can also try.." Damon seemed a little stressed out seeing people struggle plus the loud gunshots. His confidence? shot. (ba dum tsss)  He overthought the punch and barely skimmed the dummy's shoulder (4). Embrassing. He's going to do his own hiding now. Violence makes him feel bad.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

He watches everyone before him, assuming they’re all still tired and whatnot. He’s pretty tired too which actually makes him more confident that even if he blows it, it won’t matter. “I’ll go next. I’m gonna use this-“ He mutters, lightly lifting up his boomerang. Carefully he focuses on the dummy before slinging the weapon, flying right into the dummy’s neck. (21; 7 DMG) A-Ah… Well, he and Jiemba did have time to train. After that he walks up to the dummy to deliver a quick punch before retrieving his weapon and retreating back into the group. (12; 4 DMG)

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi takes a moment to go grab their spear from where it was learning on the wall, before giving the dummy a good overhead slash. (20, 3 DMG) It doesn't do THAT much, but he seems unbothered as he wanders back to his spot, throwing a peace sign to the rest of the team.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

Mialani was going to comment on Sushi's snarky comment, but was thoroughly distracted by Hugo landing a solid hit at the dummy. She couldn't contain her excitement, and let out a 'hell yeah!' with an air punch. "That's what I'm talkin about, Hugo! haha!" she has a big grin, very proud of her roomie

Right after, Sushi comes up and just finishes the job, and honestly? She wasn't even mad. Her big grin stayed. "I think we know who the fuckin tanks are in this team." 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon nods. "Interesting! Some are better with combat than others.." he nods and turns to them. "What other skills do you think you have to offer the team?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno was mad Sushi was so good. That sassy ass fish had no right being that good. He tried to swallow his pride and did a little clap. It wasn't slow enough to be too sarcastic. "What I gather is that I need to do more target practice," he grumbled.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Sushi looks around like they're trying to identify the tanks and failing.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon scooted back some ... now it was his turn to hide/stand behind Hugo. He was covering his nose at the smell of the guns rather than paying too much attention. He didn't have an answer for Amon yet this is fine.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex taps his chin and thinks for a second, still a little embarrassed by his lack of fighting ability. "Mmm.. I think I'm kinda with Mia with being better at investigation, but in a different way? Like more info deep diving then talking? Though Im ok with talking-...."

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

"I'm shit at talking, I mostly make things worse," Jarno confessed.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani nods at what Alex says. "Yeeahhh I'm kinda good at getting info out of people, but usually I can help find things by getting in touch with the dead." Mialani said with a flick of her wrist. "I for sure am out of practice, but I guess that's what this boot camp thing is for."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Hugo rubs the back of his neck in response to Mialani’s cheer. He’d mutter a thanks but that can be done later. 

When asked about other skills, Hugo’s about to shrug but thinks again. This is a job, not summer camp. Still… he’s a little at a loss. “Aside from my skills as a psychic I’m unsure yet.” He side eyes Damon who’s now hiding behind him.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon stares back. what about it buddy.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex looks at Jarno with a lil sparkle. "Maybe I can help you get better with asking people stuff, and you can teach me about shooting sometime!"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Other skills...uhhh, magic. I think you call it? Also I can cook good... egg waffles. Fried rice. Lots of fried things...." Sushi trails off, thinking about food.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex also lightly distracted by food now..

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

"Hmm.." Mialani sighs a bit. Food sounds so good right now.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"I think you're doing just fine," Jarno looks at Alex with a deadpan expression. It did soften after a beat. "I don't mind going to the range sometime. And I could benefit from learning to talk to people better... We don't do small talk where I'm from," he admits. 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

"Oh- Thank you!" That gave him a lil confidence here :3 "I would still like the practice so feels like fair trade! Talkings super easy, don't worry!"

Tiu | Jarno🌲

"If you say so." Jarno doesn't sound so convinced.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

"Alright!" he nods. "Well, with all that in mind, you will now fight against me- but! You will be taking a position you don't normally." he grins. Then points to each and tells them their 'new' position.

It goes as follows: 

Jarno: Healer. He's been given 3 health potions. 

Damon: Ranger. He's been given a rifle. (with rubber bullets) 

Mia: Fighter. She's been given a quarter staff. 

Hugo: Figher. He's also been given a staff. 

Alex: Fighter. Staff time! S

ushi: Healer. They've been given 3 health potions.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋 

"Well, fuck."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

"Huh??" Hes terrified

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

For joke reasons you have given the legally blind man a gun. Amon what the fuck.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Hugo looks down at his staff and internally sweats. “Is this one of those stepping outside your comfort zone things?”

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon steps away from them and turns after getting 10 paces in distance. "Yep! You need to learn to appreciate what your teammates have to do."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

Sushi sniffs the potion and squints. Weird.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex feels a lil shaky and nervous, but this is! Training! So he has to at least try his best to participate!  With a deep breath, he tests the weight and leverage of the staff in his hands and takes a stance before running in. He lifts it up swings it into Amons side quickly, managing to make a hit, but he felt a little too scared to hurt his boss still and hesitated- (17; 1 DMG)

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

Jarno takes the potions and has a flashback to Wisty of the old Team A, who often dove right into the action. He didn't seem to have that option, though, which sucked ass. What can he even do if his teammates aren't hurt yet? He stayed in the backline of the group, not too far so he could rush up to anyone in a pinch. "Alright guys, don't give me too much work," he told them. Such encouraging words.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex's anxiety has increased thanks Jarno.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon was made even more anxious by Jarno's 'uplifting' words. "I don't think-" He attempts to shoot and wasn't prepared for the recoil, missing. (8)

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi just kind of watches. Healer mean they don't do anything until someone gets hurt right.

naomy🖤 | mialani🦋

Mialani honestly wasn't too sure what to do with the weapon she was given. It, quite frankly, would never be her weapon of choice. But still, this was training and she could see what the point of it was.  Mialani got a strong grip on the staff and went over to swing at Amon, but completely over-estimated how much strength she'd need to have a steady swing and missed. "Jesus- this is weird." She grumbled quietly to herself. (3)

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon smirks, having rly only gotten hit by Alex but... eh. He grins at Alex and says "With no confidence in a situation, you'll lose quickly." then runs for Damon, talking to Jarno. "And you have to try harder to be there for your teammates!" he goes to Punch, not enough to make a difference but grins at Damon. "And confidence in battle is everything."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex tries to keep up after Amon a little after he starts moving, but looses speed hearing his words. It was kinda hard to have confidence in this position, and now he was really overthinking everything; worried about making things harder on the rest of the team... He closes his eyes and goes in for another, clearly randomly thrown hit and misses completely. (6)

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙

Damon didnt know how to feel about a man just running to punch his tit but ya know weirder things have happened. (high af ac lets go) He stared down at Amon before just scooting away. the confidence here? none.

Tiu | Jarno🌲

Jarno scowled, we was not built for this at all. "What are you doing, are you just gonna let him run all over you? Kick his ass!" He yelled, trying to be a little more encouraging? Fighting words, that's for sure!

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon is afraid™️ . "I'm sorry-" He squeaked at disappointing Jarno as he aimed and shot at Amon's hip. thigh?? down. yes. (18 , 8 dmg)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Regardless of Amon’s warnings to do otherwise, Hugo is hesitant, or more so cautious. He rushes over to give the man a good whack. (14; 6)

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi perks up like they just had a GREAT idea, sneaking closer to Amon (and, unfortunately, anybody close to him.) They begin humming out a light melody that sounds suspiciously close to the Mii channel theme.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Amon, freezing in place for a second, suddenly crashes over and into the floor like a statue.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon hadn't even lowered his gun down from the shaky shot when he watched Amon drop suddenly. He shrieked as he dropped the rifle (sorry jarno), running over to Amon in panic. Tears were already starting as he dropped to his side. Panicked big werewolf dog.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

The man is asleep ™

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex also froze, but from the shock and confusion of the whole situation. "Huh?? Wha-??" He also got closer to check on Amon, nudging his arm to see if he'd react. Was this a test-??

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 

Hugo’s not far behind and faceplants onto the floor. Out cold.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi looks down at their accomplishments and grins "We win!"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon cries harder

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex is concerned

"Damon.. i-it's ok-... you're gonna get dehydrated-"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Yeah, what's wrong with you?" Sushi looks genuinely confused, this is not meant as an insult.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

As Amon fell, Jarno put his arms up in victory. Then Damon dropped his gun, making him dash to the weapon with his mind screeching obscenities. He did a quick check to see if any of the parts were damaged, and everything seemed to be okay. "You can't just throw the weapon, they are fucking expensive," he chastised the werewolf with a tinge of anger in his voice.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

"What have I done" Damon held his head. The guilt of many murders hung heavy on his shoulders. The grief strong enough to consume any man.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"...What have you done?" More confusion. "They're sleeped. We win!"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶

Beneath Damon, a muffled snore escapes Hugo.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

As all this is going on, Haskell walks in with a coffee in hand, apathetically surveying the scene before walking over. "...Training going well, I see?" They nudge Amon with their foot.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon snores

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex is mortified and terrified that they're about to get reprimanded for.. knocking out their boss- Hes also still very confused by what happened-

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

"What even hit him?" Jarno asked, now realizing that their opponent is sleeping? Instead of out cold. Huh.

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Yeah!" Sushi thumbs up at Haskell before turning to Jarno. "No hit, was just me."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Yes, just a well-done sleeping spell. He's fine." Haskell leans down and slaps Amon across the face.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"You..?" Alex tilts their head, then looks between Haskell and Sushi. "Sleeping spell?? You can do that?! How-?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon snrks before stirring. "hmgrhm... hm? What?"

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕

"Yeah! Like this~" Sushi resumes humming their tune without thinking ahead.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

Damon was staring in immense confusion before his eyes rolled and he flopped directly onto Amon. Out. Bye bitch.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell, unaffected, lets out a long-suffering sigh.

Tiu | Jarno🌲 

"So you just sing a little lullaby and some people drop," Jarno commented his observations. Okay. At least it calmed Damon down.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex listens to... is that the Mii channel theme-? And then looks over to watch Damon pass out cold. "Wow!! Thats so cool!!" 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon 'oofs' and lays there. "...Huh. A sleeping spell. Should've planned for that."

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

"Oh." Sushi stares down at Damon for a moment. "...Well, they stopped crying. We still win!"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Well, your failure is their success this time, is it not?" Haskell straightens back up and brushes off their hands. "If that will be all, I'll go back to my walk."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Amon moves Damon to the side, and gets up. "Yes, technically you took me down. Not how I expected, but quick thinking and craftiness is a good skill!"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

wow okay just leave him there amon

💀 Rob | Esme 🍄🌱Sushi 🍣🖕 

Sushi peace signs at the vague praise. "Sooo now what?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Haskell walks back out with their coffee and a vague wave.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

"Well! For now, we will work on training your actual skills. You can regain your original weapons. We'll let these two take their naps."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Damon 🌙 

 in the aaaaarmss of an aaangel.... flyyy awaaaaaaaAAAA Y FROM HEEE-