Chronicles Bio

1 year, 10 months ago

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Name: Ryoshi

Alias: n/a

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi

Age: 200

Species: Lefika

Height: 15' 2"

Affiliation: Tucruit (diligence virtue)

Aura Level: Average

Magic Type: Geoshift (serpentinite)

Occupation: Monster Hunter

Native Location: Tucruitora Capital

Residence: Arid Castaways (when not out hunting)

Personality: Ryoshi is someone who is very confident in herself and her skills. She comes off as rather abrasive to others. If she's in some place for too long she starts to get anxious and snappy. It takes a long time to gain her trust, and it is easy to lose. Control over her own life is very important to her. A loss of control in her eyes is something she's deeply terrified of. Not that she'd admit it.


Friend- Faye: Ryoshi met Faye while hunting in Honeycomb Forest. Out of instinct Ryoshi had nearly attacked the poor rubasyn. That quickly turned to confusion though as she questioned why someone would be out here completely unarmed. Faye had sheepishly explained that she was looking in to some things about the forest for a book she was writing. Ryoshi had then escorted the rubasyn back to her home to make sure she didn't get hurt. The two would continue to run into each other in the area around Aethe Edge and Rysoshi would continue to act like a sort of bodyguard for Faye on occasion. Mostly because what kind of person would she be if she left the poor thing to fend for herself? Somehow this odd relationship turned into a strong friendship, one that Ryoshi holds dear because she has so few.

Friend- Shai: Sometimes when Ryoshi would be there to guard Faye there would be another, Shai. Quickly Ryoshi learned of the two's relationship. It took her significantly longer to trust Shai, but with prodding from Faye the two eventually managed to get to good terms. Secretly Ryoshi sees the two's friendship as another way to spite her parents, being that Shai is a morshin. The two have grown to enjoy sparring with one another.

Unfortunate Acquaintance- Pip: Someone who Ryoshi had the unfortunate "pleasure" of meeting not long after her first werebeast transformation. He offered some guidance, but was overall more trouble then it was worth. The dragon is in some shady business that is far too close to Ryoshi's past for her comfort. Annoyingly though the dragon keeps finding her in an attempt to recruit her. He is annoyingly persistent and she has not managed to get him to leave her alone yet.

Partner- Ignis: A scalace that Ryoshi had initially been hired to hunt down that instead ended up worming her way into a friendship with Ryoshi. After a while to get to know each other Ignis suggested they be monster hunting partners. The two traveled together, and slowly grew closer. Eventually their strong friendship led to stronger feelings and the two became partners in a different sense of the word.

Backstory: Ryoshi was born to a family that was deeply involved with the rotblood hunters. She was being raised to follow her in parent's footsteps, along with her brother. The two were trained pretty much as early as they could. Their parents expected great things from them after all. Ryoshi was more complacent in the training and had more or less accepted her fate. She didn't want to disrespect her mother after all. It was her parents, surely they knew what was best. Her brother on the other hand grew more vocal about his opposing opinions the older they got. He would actively defy their parents, and do his best to protect Ryoshi from the worst of them.

She had never seen the point back then to what he was doing, even though deep down she agreed. She had no desire to kill anyone. Didn't share the same hatred her parents felt towards hybrids and morshin. Yet she followed what they told her and trained. Preparing for a future she didn't want but felt she had no control over. Her brother was really the only bright spot those days.

Then one day her parents took her brother on a trip. Likely to go hunt down some people who didn't deserve it. Ryoshi was restless while they were gone. When only her parents returned from the trip something broke inside her. They claimed it had been an accident, and that some wild monster had taken his life, but she knew. The looks her parents gave her said it all. Their looks only held faked sympathy and barely hidden relief. Her parents were finally rid of the rebelling sibling and were left with the one who listened. Who, in their eyes, would help them further their goals. She was done.

It didn't take long after her brother's death for her to run. She couldn't stay there any longer. She didn't want what her parents did and she wouldn't let her brother have died for nothing. So she ran. She wandered for a time, drifting from place to place without a sense of purpose. She'd just rejected what she'd been training for her whole life after all. Eventually though she managed to find a use for the skills her parents had drilled into her: monster hunting.

It was a dangerous business sure, but it was something that benefited people. She could use the skills that were originally meant to hurt to help. Over time she became quite good at her job. She set up a small home in the Arid Castaways, hoping that it would not be a place her parents would look for her, though she spent very little time there.

Now she travels a lot to do her job hoping to avoid her parents, though she hasn't always succeeded, and simply live her life how she wants to. In more recent times she sees herself spending a lot of time in Aethe Edge where she's managed to make a couple friends. Her hope is that by living free like this she honors her brother's memory, but some days are harder than others.