Moonlight's Monologue

1 year, 7 months ago

Not really a full story, just some vague dialogue practice from the perspective of Moonlight, I think. Sorry this doesn't really make sense especially bc 99% of the context is just simply Not There but. writing hard

She's probably talking to Chip here

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"If I am being honest.... I was afraid. Deathly afraid. What else was I to do? Let them roam free, after they laid waste to an entire planet? No.. to our creations? Everything was gone, they left the globe unhabitable, completely dead.

I had almost discovered what death was like myself. Petals, vines, leaves, all filling up the empty space I lived in. It was almost like I was drowning, it was agony.

I had to put a stop to it, don't you see? They were dangerous, both very dangerous, and I had to make sure you would never be in danger again.

My sibling brought home a little human girl. A souvenir from their destructive rampage, at least that's what I saw it as. She was terrified, desperate to hold onto anything she could. She found the ragged tangles of thorny vines and mess of flowers and laid near them, as if they were the only think keeping her stable. Like she would fall apart into pieces if they were not there. I felt so strongly for her in that moment, I wanted to give her every flower that there was, just to keep her from crying. It hurt me in a way I could not explain.

But it hurt Midnight even more. 

I really had no choice but to lock them both away. I couldn't stand the thought of killing either of them. To put it in a term you might understand, we were almost family... I was so tired of destruction and pain.. So I chose the deepest and darkest depths of the void, a place in every animal's subconscious, where they surely would never be found, and I locked them away. Midnight, the prisoner, and Arthur, my own creation, something close to a son, even. Arthur was the lock sealing midnight away, forever. Once used to create life, once used his creation to destroy, and now he lies, sleeping, in someone's subconscious. 

I wish Arthur nothing but pleasant dreams. 

And for Midnight? ...I wish for them to someday find peace."