Prompts and questions (Seina)

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
1 442

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Typically sourced from Tumblr! Consider this like an archive.

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c: angst-fairygodmother (tumblr)

1. Do they believe in soulmates or fate?

Seina doesn’t have a strong opinion on soulmates, but he does try to believe that whatever is dictating fate up there is doing it all for their best interest. Rather than religion, Seina tries to avoid becoming cynical that way.

2. Do they believe they have a destiny? What is it?

Rather than his destiny, Seina feels his job is more of an obligation. Especially since being delegated nearly impossible patients, he feels very responsible and ultimately remorseful when he can’t do anything for them, especially since he’s usually a ‘last-resort’ doctor.

3. What are five things that always make them happy?

Fluffy pancakes (his favorite food), watering plants (and talking to them), and cute animal videos. He also gets embarrassed at compliments, but in a positive way! Physical affection of any kind is warmly welcomed, too.

4. What is the quickest way to their heart?

Yuuto Yuuho

5. What's one thing they would change about themselves?

Seina has a huge complex about his talent and how it ties into his family dynamic, since he’s only in the Ultimate scene to please his mother and potentially help his chronically ill. He’s been at a loss for the past few years since he’s done everything he could in academics, so he’d like to fix whatever it is about him that is making his mother especially so distant from him.

6. If they had three wishes (standard genie rules apply) what would they wish for?

Seina would wish for all of his patients to get better, and spend the other two wishes on whatever his parents would ask.

7. What are their views on death?

Scary. Given the impossible nature of his occupation as it is right now, Seina has seen his fair share of death, but rather than desensitising him it’s made him increasingly fearful.

8. What do they value above all else?

Seina values trust! He doesn’t think twice about stepping into a snake’s pit if someone else told him it’s safe; it’s also why he can’t live in any AU whatsoever because trusting others is such a core value to him he cannot comprehend that it’s, you know, not consistently mutual.

9. Are they superstitious?

Not necessarily. His mom is a fervent believer in Shintoism, so Seina is familiar with some customs if it counts, but he doesn’t take it too seriously.

10. Do they have a creed or code that they live by?

The general principle within the medical field to give medical assistance to whoever requires it, irregardless of one’s personal views against the patient.