Prompts and questions (Miwa)

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
1 504

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Typically sourced from Tumblr! Consider this as an archive of sorts.

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c: angst-fairygodmother (tumblr)

1. Do they believe in soulmates or fate?

Miwa used to believe her adoptive mother being fated to her, but as she grew to realise she’s actually heavily traumatised she’s taken a 180 degree turn on the concept.

2. Do they believe they have a destiny? What is it?

Growing up in a church and being coerced into her occupation by her mother, Miwa believed she was destined to be an actress as others would comment she had a natural prowess for acting.

(Addendum: in the silly FE3H AU Miwa fully believes she is destined to act as a proxy of the church and thus by extension God. Same person, same views, different universe!)

3. What are five things that always make them happy?

Receiving praise activates the happy neurons in Miwa’s brain. Other than that, Miwa enjoys going to the arcade, spending time with Kanami or Mikoto, and watching theatre. Oddly enough, true crime podcasts enthuse her too.

4. What is the quickest way to their heart?

Miwa will latch onto just about anyone if they’re just a little nice to her and help her make decisions, which is to say just make every decision for her. She does not want to confront her terrible issues with autonomy.

5. What's one thing they would change about themselves?

Miwa wishes she had more practical life skills to be less of a nuisance to those around her. Be it cooking, cleaning or filing taxes; she can’t do any of those to save her life, but she desperately wishes she could. It weighs on her conscience, too, since she feels she fails really bad at being a legal adult.

6. If they had three wishes (standard genie rules apply) what would they wish for?

Naturally, Miwa would wish to be able to spend her childhood with Mikoto. She would also wish that Yuri would’ve never suffered his injury, and that the general public wouldn’t look down on Mikoto’s occupation.

7. What are their views on death?

Mixed feelings. On one hand, it’s a concept that endlessly fascinates her; on the other, she can’t imagine just… not living. Ultimately, it’s a distant thing to her, but that makes it all the more intriguing.

8. What do they value above all else?

As she doesn't have much of a personhood herself, Miwa lives vivaciously through the people she’s close to, and thus values them above all else. While she’s not the type to become jealous, Miwa can be unreasonably protective of Mikoto especially.

9. Are they superstitious?

Incredibly. She’ll literally begin crying if she sees a black cat, and she has a bad habit of softly tapping on any wood surface in her reach. Miwa also believes in ghosts and cryptids.

10. Do they have a creed or code that they live by?

Not really, no. Miwa has never thought about it, since everything should be fine if she just follows what others tell her to do. Imagine having thoughts of your own...yikes.