Milkpaw and Honeypaw find themselves a fish!

1 year, 7 months ago

Honeypaw and Milkpaw meet a Coralclanner named Koipaw! Full word count: Leo (Honeypaw): 1,932 | Rosa (Milkpaw): 1,818 | Cocoa-Puff (Koipaw): 1,721

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03/08/22 — 04/10/22 Rp with Rosa and Cocoa!

Leo )
The apprentice's tail bobbed up and down rhythmically along with her gait as she made her way down the trodden-on path, the rocky terrain giving way to the denser parts of the forest. Her purple eyes quickly turning to look at her companion beside her, before her gaze fell on the blue pendant that was hanging around the tom's neck. A wide smile lit her face at the sight, along with a small sense of pride that swelled in her chest, that was her first pendant she had helped craft at all! It made her very happy and proud that something she and her mentor created together was able to protect Milkpaw. "How are you liking Ridgeclan so far?" She asked before continuing, "Is it very different from where you came from?" She couldn't deny the curiosity she had about the apprentice and where Milkpaw had come from, after all, he was from outside the territory!!! That was something that not even some of the most respectable warriors had a lot of knowledge one! Imagine a place not protected by a guardian!

Rosa )
Milkpaw kept fairly quiet as he walked in-step with Honeypaw. As they walked, he kept an eye on their surroundings. Milkpaw was still fairly new to his home, so the territory was all quite foreign to him. The feeling of a gaze on him did pull him out of his scanning of their surroundings and he turned his attention over to his companion. Honeypaw was looking at his pendant. Ah... She seemed proud of herself. The cream tom smiled warmly. He was glad to have given her that opportunity, despite the circumstances.

"Oh! Well I am still finding it hard to live in the dark caves, but the forest is beautiful and everyone has been quite friendly! ... Although they kind of look at me weirdly..." Milkpaw answered with complete and open honesty, paws still falling in a rhythmic motion with Honeypaw's. "Well... We didn't live with as many cats where I was. There was my older sister and my cousins... Plus..." Milkpaw paused before continuing on. -And Damien. We all lived together there safely." The creamy tom looked around at the lush undergrowth and tall trees. "Where I'm from, there isn't this much life. Everything is pretty dead."

Leo )
"Right! Outsiders aren't very common here so they are probably very curious about you! It's not every day we get to see one after all!" Honeypaw replied, it was the same for her after all! "But if they are ever making you uncomfortable, just let me know and I'll give them a talking to!!" She slapped her paw against her chest and puffed up her fur in order to make herself look big and reliable but honestly, she just looked like a small fluff ball. More cute than intimidating. "What led you to coming here?" Honeypaw asked, and then suddenly wondered if that was rude to ask, the state the tom had been found in wasn't good after all... "I mean- You don't have to tell me if you don't want to of course." She hurriedly added on, "Everything's dead...?" Her eyes widened at the thought, she couldn't even begin to picture it, "Is it because there are no guardians out there...?" She wondered half to herself.

Rosa )
Milkpaw smiled as Honeypaw spoke, chuckling as she tried to make herself big and scary. "Haha... Thanks, Honeypaw. I'll be sure to count on you!" Milkpaw winked at her, as charming as he could be. Nearby, a bird spooked. Milkpaw's steps faltered for a moment as his head snapped to attention. But only a moment later, he returned to walking in step with Honeypaw. As if the spook had not happened at all. Milkpaw was... A fairly easy-going cat.

"Oh!" Milkpaw started, but Honeypaw continued on before he could get his reply out. He waved a paw reassuringly. "No no! That's okay, Honeypaw! I don't mind you asking... But it's nothing crazy or exciting." Milkpaw sighed to himself, face still pleasant and relaxed. As if the question had not ruffled his fur or sent his chest aching. "My sister heard of the clans here... She wanted me and Damien to make ourselves a life here with the clans. She thought it would be the best opportunity for us... Damien's mom was from here, you see!"

Milkpaw paused, thinking on his continuing answer. He didn't want to bore with too many details. "So we came here together, but uh... Well... I lost him in the ocean. That's how I ended up getting hurt. I'm very lucky that you all in Ridgeclan found me and helped me!" The cream tom's face only fell for a moment before cheering up again. "Oh yes, most places are barren... This place is like a paradise!"

Leo )
Honeypaw gave him a wide grin in response to his words as he winked at her, the pair gelled rather well, both being the social-able sort. Her attention was caught by the sudden disturbance from the bird, her fur puffing up slightly in response. Suddenly noises often tended to spook the young apprentice but those nerves seemed to quickly settle as Milkpaw carried on without much fuss. Once again she was reminded that she was glad that Milkpaw was out here with her!

She fell silent as they continued to walk, her eyes lighting up as he told her his story but her eyes quickly grew sad at that sudden twist in the tale, "I'm so sorry Milkpaw..." She mewed sadly, she couldn't imagine what he had been through, "I am sure it was by Erskina's will that you were found by Ridgeclan!" She spoke with newfound determination, "So perhaps your friend has been guided by one of the other guardians too!" Perhaps it was a little idealistic of her, but she wanted to assume the best, especially for Milkpaw's sake. Plus if the marking on his back was any indication then it seemed like he had already come in contact with a guardian!

"I'm glad you like it here!" She smiled, it made her feel happy to hear others liked her home! "Oh! Feel free to ask me anything too! I'll answer to the best of my abilities!!"

Rosa )
As they walked, the forest dirt began to give way to the more sandy earth that made up the border. It appeared they were growing closer to the sandy home of Coralclan. Milkpaw was not overly fond of the ocean area, but he could handle this. After all, they were only walking the border - they would not continue any further toward the ocean.

As Honeypaw mentioned the guardian, Milkpaw's fur prickled uncomfortably and his smile faltered. He looked away nervously. "Haah... Yes, that must be it..." He replied, trying his best to stay respectful. The thought of the guardian absolutely terrified him. Milkpaw wasn't sure how anyone could find the concept comforting. It just made him feel like looking over his shoulder all the time.

"Ah! Yes! My sister would be happy to know what it's like here!" The cream tom blinked before smiling wide. "Oh! Yes, well..." He pondered for a moment. Of course, he wanted to ask her something... But he couldn't figure out what just yet. It would feel rude not to ask about her in return!

Cocoa )
As the two apprentices chattered with each other while walking closer towards the border with Coralclan. Something odd could be heard yowling about not too far away. It seemed a cat was in trouble! Or...maybe not? Koipaw was known to be quite the troublemaker! The newly made apprentice had just snuck out of camp, successfully! He was very very proud of himself! Normally, he'd be too afraid, but the calico tom was filled with a newfound pride for being more independent than he was a kit. After a quick dip in the tide pools, Koipaw found himself wandering, might as well make use of himself since he was out. He prayed Starlingstream wouldn't be too mad at him for not having a warrior by his side if he brought back food. He had one session- but still wasn't the best hunter. Maybe it was what he decided was considered prey.

Koipaw was at a quarrel with a lone crab, the stubborn thing wouldn't die somehow, as much as he slapped it with a paw and pounced it was rather hard like a rock- and it still darted away from him as fast as its many legs could carry him.

"Get back here!" The tom yowled angrily at the red-shelled creature, cutting it off and chasing it until it crammed itself under a rock, and away from the apprentice's eager claws.

"Darn it. Stupid crab."

Leo )
Honeypaw waited patiently for Milkpaw to think of something to ask, but before the tom was able to gather his thoughts a sudden yowling could be heard, "Did you hear that?" She asked her eyes widening, "Maybe someone needs help?!" Picking up the pace of her paws she quickly hurried over to the source, "Are you okay- ???" Honeypaw's concern quickly turned to confusion and then fizzled down in relieved amusement as she watched the unknown cat chase after a crab yelling profanities. Well- At least it looked like they were alright! Especially if they were yelling that loudly.

Rosa )
Milkpaw wasn't able to come up with something before his thoughts were interrupted by the commotion across the border. His eyes widened and he nodded at Honeypaw as she suggested the cat might need help. The larger cream tom bounded after her, but his paws skidded to a stop just shy of the actual border. He was not familiar with the rules around the borders just yet... But he was pretty sure they were not meant to cross it. "W-Wait! Honeypaw..!" Milkpaw hopped in place anxiously on the border, watching as his companion approached the other cat.

At least the cat didn't seem to be in trouble. "Honeypaw! Aren't we meant to be on this side..?"

Cocoa )
Koipaw seemed to deflate like a pufferfish in front of the rock, grumbling as he clawed at the stone to try and dig a hole, but the crab was most likely long gone! Huffing in frustration, the calico jumped to his paws at a sudden noise, fur prickled and eyes slits as his gaze landed on Honeypaw. She smelled weird. Like..grass and rock. Wait...Ridgeclan...? They crossed the border! The apprentice couldn't help but squint, he had heard the stories of the war between both Moorclan and Ridgeclan. Coralclan was more trustful to Ridgeclan since they did offer the Lighthouse for the sick- but still, he didn't trust trespassers!

"I'm perfectly fine." He said calmly, ears flattening as Milkpaw soon came up after Honeypaw, maybe he should have had someone with him after all... But! As long as they didn't try and attack him off the bat- he assumed they were friendly.

"Uh- isn't that your side??" He mewed questionable, using a paw to point towards the less sandy side of his territory.

Leo )
"Ah-" Honeypaw suddenly seemed to realize that the ground beneath her felt a lot more soft all of a sudden- "O-OH!" Came her sudden loud gasp as the she-cat quickly skirted back over to where Milkpaw was, you could see the panic written clear as day on her face, "S-Sorry! I heard yowling and thought someone might be in trouble so I forgot about where I was, I didn't mean to trespass!" Uwaaaaa she should have been paying more attention! This was embarrassing!!! She quickly bought up her right paw to hide her embarrassment. Now, this wasn't the best first impression, was it? Not to mention she was already setting a bad example for Milkpaw!

Rosa )
Milkpaw watched with bated breath as the Coralclanner noticed Honeypaw and jumped in surprise. He didn't seem pleased to see her... But he also wasn't being outright hostile. So for now, Milkpaw waited for his companion to return. Of course, he had no issue joining her side if she needed help. But he didn't need to step in. Honeypaw jumped back over to his side, seeming quite embarrassed about her blunder.

"We heard you yelling, yeah. We just thought you might be hurt or something..." Milkpaw added on to Honeypaw, relaxing a bit. Once more, his calm smile returned. "Sorry to give you a fright like that! But I promise we don't bite~" Milkpaw winked with a grin. "I'm Milkpaw and this is Honeypaw - What's your name?" He directed in a friendly manner towards the stranger.

Cocoa )
Koipaw couldn't help but feel his fur ruffle up in mild embarrassment, of course, they were concerned apprentices who happened to be passing by! And with the display he had with the hissing and yowling, anyone would be concerned. He soon flattened his ears to his head, letting out a small, dry chuckle.

"Sorry- I just lost a crab and it was a rather big one too! Went under a rock- damn things never were easy to catch. Yet I'm fine! Not a scratch or mark on me." the apprentice mewed, looking at Honeypaw and Milkpaw with bright green eyes.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Koipaw! So, what brings you near the border?"

Leo )
Honeypaw was grateful for Milkpaw's follow-up to her words and she had to admire how he could stay calm all the time! Generally, she was pretty good but certainly, she tended to panic when the element of surprise was thrown her way! Her cheeks still felt a bit hot but she could feel her embarrassment starting to ease along with her puff-up fur and Milkpaw's calm temperament certainly helped with that fact!

"A crab!" Honeypaw eyes twinkled, "That explains that weird thing I saw before, is that something you eat?" Her curiosity was instantly piped, it was her first time so near the coral border so while she had heard of sea creatures she hadn't had the chance to see a lot of them before!

"It's lovely to meet you too, Koipaw!" Honeypaw returned the greeting with a bright smile, glad he didn't seem mad about her blunder, "We are here to look for some herbs!"

Rosa )
Milkpaw seemed to have relaxed fully once more and he glanced towards Honeypaw at his side. She seemed to be a little embarrassed still, so he brushed his tail against her side and shot her a reassuring smile. It was only a small mistake after all, and there was no harm done by it.

"Oh, I've seen crabs before! They're pretty fast creatures!" Milkpaw had seen a bit of Coralclan's territory (whether he knew it or not) when he first crossed over the mist. "Right! And I'm just here as the muscle!" Milkpaw laughed, striking a confident pose.

"Though I'm sure I won't need to do any protecting right now."

Cocoa )
Koipaw couldn’t help but nod at Honeypaw’d question, crabs were considered food- if you could catch one that is.

”They’re alright to eat! Their meat is very tasty! But crunchy somehow- Kind of weird but I prefer fish if anything else. But crabs will do for some of us- they’re especially very fun to catch.” He meowed with a small purr, tilting his head at her at the mention of herbs. He didn’t have much knowledge- or care, for learning about herbs. But he couldn’t help but wonder what she was looking for. Most of the territory near the border was just sand. His ear flicked at Milkpaw’s confident gesture of being there to simply protect Honeypaw, and the calico simply snickered.

”The only thing you’d have to protect her from are seagulls. And they are big and mean birds.”

Leo )
Honeypaw couldn't help but giggle as Milkpaw referred to himself as the muscle, not that he was technically wrong! He had come along as her escort after all, but it just sounded funny when he put it that way.

"Somehow crunchy?" Honeypaw face scrunched a little as she tried to imagine it. Most of the prey found in Ridgeclan after all wouldn't be considered crunchy after all though perhaps it was similar to chewing on bones?

"Sounds interesting!" She giggled, "Have you tasted one before Milk?" She asked the tom, wondering what his opinion on it was if so! Her head swiveled back to look at Koipaw as he snickered, "Ohhh I think I've seen those birds perching on the tall rocks before!" She exclaimed, "They make a lot of noise!" Their cry was kind of shrill and she had seen them chasing each other off before.

Rosa )
Milkpaw glanced at Honeypaw as she giggled at his status as 'the muscle' and he flashed her a grin before turning his attention back to Koipaw. "I've never eaten crab before either! They sound pretty tasty though..." Milkpaw was a fairly open cat. He was willing to try anything at least once.

"Oh yeah? I've seen seagulls before! I fought them off easily!" Really, it was one single small gull, and Milkpaw had simply stared at it in awe as it squawked at him. But hey! He wasn't scared of them at least. Milkpaw glanced at Honeypaw again. "So I'll keep you safe from seagulls!"

Cocoa )
"Yeah! It's a bit weird- but their meat is very sweet!" He couldn't seem to stop snickering at the look Honeypaw had, she seemed horrified. Crunchy meat? What creature could have such a thing inside of them! Koipaw wouldn't admit the only reason it was crunchy was because the shelling of the crab often got trapped in the meat, but it found it hilarious that Honeypaw found it so strange. Looking over at Milkpaw, the calico simply nodded to his comment. "They're very good but too hard to catch sometimes- the big ones are definitely worth it."

However the tom couldn't help but blink at Milkpaw's words, he- this young round cat fought off a seagull?? The apprentice couldn't help but stare in slight awe. Most of the time his mentor and parents told him to avoid going after seagulls. While they often flew away when disturbed, a flock of them could be rather dangerous- and seriously harm a cat who is by themselves, not to mention- their sheer size. At the mention of a seagull's shrill, Koipaw only chuckled and did a small nod. "Yes- loud, very loud honestly. We try to avoid them however, my parents say that they can be rather scary when provoked." --- "You fought a seagull? All by yourself??" Koipaw mewed questioningly, flicking his ears back as he seemed to study Milkpaw then and there. He couldn't tell if the apprentice was lying, but with what he knew about the large sea birds, that had to be the case. Well- that is what he thought at least.

Leo )
"Sweet?!" Now she was extra caught off guard, her face crumbled more as she tried to imagine something sweet and somehow crunchy???? The only sweet things she was well-versed in were from plants, and trying to imagine that accompanied by the crunchy texture in the form of the crab she had seen was sending her mind spiraling. She liked sweet things but??? This somehow seemed wrong. "Are all sea creatures like that??" She looked very baffled as if trying to comprehend the mystical world of the ocean. She'd had, had fish before, but that was only from rivers.

Honeypaw's eyes glimmered in admiration when Milkpaw said he had fought off a seagull before and that he would keep her safe, "Hehe, I'm lucky to have such a trustworthy escort!" She purred, "You got to tell us the story about it!" There was no way she was missing out on such an exciting story, plus it seemed like Koipaw was equally intrigued.

Rosa )
Milkpaw raised a brow. Sweet but crunchy? That sounded a little odd... But he wasn't about to knock it til he tried it! He wondered for a moment, whether he would actually have the chance to ever try crab? It wasn't like Ridgeclan hunted down close enough to the ocean to come across them usually! ... Not that he wanted to go anywhere near the ocean.

"Oh! Uh.. Well-" Milkpaw started awkwardly, as his companions now asked about his seagull experiences. Busted! Well, there wasn't really any point in lying.

"Well it was actually only one seagull and it just kinda squawked at me until I got too close and it flew away." Milkpaw shrugged with a sheepish grin. "But I'm sure I could handle it if a bunch came along! I'm pretty big!"

Cocoa )
Koipaw could only shake his head at Honeypaw's question. Besides fish and sea birds he hasn't had much the ocean had to offer Coralclan, he was rather picking honestly- but, he'd get used to new prey soon! Maybe! "Nah, fish are slimy like slugs, but tasty nonetheless! They look funny whenever they flop around."

Of course, he did watch fish out of the water a few times before having to kill it. He couldn't help but admit how interesting it was for something so small to be so dependent on water. He shared Honeypaw's enthusiastic behavior also at wanting to hear Milkpaw's tale of fighting off a seagull all on his own. Yet- the young tom knew he was lying. No cat- well, apprentice for that matter could take a seagull on their own without getting hurt.

"Sounds like you dealt with a hatchling." Koipaw snickered at Milkpaw's grin, getting a rather sinister look on his place, playful of course! But it spelled trouble either way. "Say- how about we give you another go at one Milkpaw! I'm sure there are many seagulls around waiting to be snuck up on here near the beach."

Leo )
It seemed at this point even Milkpaw seemed to be having doubts about the taste of crabs as she noticed his brow raise. At least she wasn't the only one who thought the entire thing sounded strange!! She didn't want to be picky... But... Some things just weren't meant to be eaten!! It was the same way with herbs after all! Honeypaw was actually very relieved to hear that not all sea creatures were the same, "I've had river fish before!" She chimed in, she remembered sharing one with her brother before, "I wonder if they taste any different?"

Her attention was drawn back to Milkpaw as he started to stumble on his words, but she whole-hardheartedly believed in her companion, not doubting him for a second, "I'm certain he could!! You should see Milkpaw in action!!" She seemed very happy to sing the praises of her friend, "That's why I could come here with just him as an escort!" But her talk wasn't all just her biased opinion, either way, she wouldn't have been allowed out with just any apprentice. That and she had personally seen his training sessions before! While she wasn't well versed in fighting she could certainly tell that Milkpaw could hold his own!

Rosa )
Milkpaw perked up at the mention of fish. That, he had had before! "Oh! Yeah, I've had ocean fish and river fish! I think the ocean fish tastes saltier." Milkpaw gave his review of the two different kinds of fish easily. He and Damien had managed to drag one out of a tidal pool on their way to the clans and they had shared it together...

Milkpaw shook himself, standing tall and confident, feeling especially pleased with himself after Honeypaw's praise of his skill. "I mean it wasn't too tiny! But I wouldn't be scared to try a bigger one too! .... But uh... We aren't allowed on the beach, right...?" The cream Apprentice looked to Honeypaw for that one, still not 100% familiar with the rules of the clans. He was pretty sure, however, that he was not meant to ever cross the border.

Cocoa )
Koipaw could only tilt his head at Honeypaw’s claim of having fish. River fish?? There were no rivers- well unless the sea counted! ”Our fish is quite salty since it comes from the sea, but glad you have fish to try at least! They’re tasty. I don’t think they taste too different however.” He mewed happily before glancing towards Milkpaw.

”Too chicken to go find yourself a seagull?~” Koipaw said mockingly, almost as if he was sad but he wasn’t. He was simply waiting for Milkpaw to back out of wanting to go actually catch a seagull, not kill! Simply catch one!

” It's not like anyone will find out if we’re right on the border. Seagulls tend to come here all the time, all you gotta do is wait. Unless you wanna call quits now and go- gotta be back before dark?” Mischief glimmered in the apprentice’s eyes as he spoke, he was eager, excited really.

Leo )
Saltier huh? Honeypaw thought about it but she wasn't sure if that would make the fish tastier or not, "I liked the fish I had too!" She nodded, at least that was something all seemed to agree on! So if ocean fish was similar she would probably like it too!

She looked between the pair as they continued to speak, "I mean... As long as we stay on the borderline and don't cross it, it should be okay." If it was something Milkpaw wanted to do, then she didn't want to stop the tom- Unless it seemed like it would get dangerous of course! She didn't doubt her fellow apprentice's abilities but that didn't mean she wouldn't worry about him! But the thought of catching a seagull did seem very exciting to her.

Rosa )
Milkpaw nodded in agreement with Koipaw. "Yeah! The taste is fairly similar, you're right." He smiled warmly, but quickly straightened up and plastered a more confident look on his face as Koipaw teased him. 'Course I'm not! I'm more than happy to try!"

The cream Apprentice grinned wide, glancing at Honeypaw. "Alright! It sounds like a plan to me, then! Let's catch ourselves a seagull!" Milkpaw turned his attention back to Koipaw. "Where should we go to look for one?" Koipaw seemed to be the expert on Seagulls so Milkpaw trusted him to know where to go.

Cocoa )
Koipaw couldn’t help but purr as both apprentices agreed to the little adventure ahead. He thought both would decline and go on their merry way to find herbs, but apparently not!! Glancing around, the apprentice flicked an ear at Milkpaw’s and hummed to himself. He knew they liked to stay close to the beach, but he did know of a small nesting spot, maybe they’d find some seagulls there? Who knew! Might as well check it out.

”I think I know a place- just follow me and stay low, don’t want to scare them off!” He mewed before trotting against the soft dusty sand of the border, keeping his eyes peeled for any sudden sounds and noises. The calico soon enough jumped onto a small rock and scanned the surrounding area. He didn’t see sign of seagulls yet, but they had to be somewhere nearby.

Leo )
"Let's get a big one!" Honeypaw suddenly seemed invigorated by their new task as her eyes sparkled, if they were going to do it, they may as well go all out right! Medicine cats weren't really required to hunt, but she thought it was an important skill to learn and utilize nonetheless! After all, she had found out that making sure you ate well was actually important to speeding up recovery in a lot of cases! And queens needed a lot of food to make sure they had enough milk for their kits!

"Lead the way!" She replied in an almost sing-songy tone as she followed after Koipaw making sure that she was staying low like the apprentice said- That being said, she was a lot smaller than the other two so she didn't really need to stay that low at all!

Rosa )
Milkpaw grinned as Koipaw explained that he did know where to find Seagulls. Of course, they had to stay low. That made perfect sense to him and so he crouched down as instructed. Milkpaw followed his two companions until Koipaw jumped up onto a rock.

There didn't seem to be any Seagulls around right now, though, so Milkpaw started to turn his attention elsewhere. "Maybe I'll check over this way! I'll let you know if I spot one-" However, as the cream Apprentice explained, it seemed their search was answered.

As if called by their presence, a rather large Seagull landed just a few tail-lengths away. It landed on a small rocky outcrop in the sand and began to preen its feathers. "Here!!" Milkpaw hissed to his companions. He wasted no time in slinking forward towards the impressively-sized gull, remembering to keep his tail off of the ground like Greenblaze had taught him. Perhaps, another cat might recognize that this was a rather large gull and perhaps not the right one to try to catch... But Milkpaw was determined to impress his new friend!!

He crept up and then... He pounced!! Milkpaw landed on the gull (16) and it immediately began to squawk and screech as it tried to thrash him off it. Despite the size difference and Milkpaw's age, miraculously he managed to hold (16) on and finish off the large bird.

Milkpaw sat back, panting with effort as he looked towards the other two with bright shining eyes. "I did it!!!"

Cocoa )
Koipaw scanned the surrounding sandy ground from his perch, frowning as he didn’t see nor smell any seagulls. He was about to climb down but noticed as Milkpaw slinked away from him and Honeypaw, seemingly catching wind of someone elsewhere. ”Alright, just be careful.” The tom whispered gently. Crouching, the calico climbed down from the rock, following alongside Honeypaw as Milkpaw took the lead. This was supposed to be for him after all. He couldn't help but smirk at the idea of how wrong this might go. Milkpaw might get hurt- and that wasn’t good- but Honeypaw was trained in knowing how to treat injuries, so he didn’t worry much. Still, he found it funny, a round pudgy apprentice taking down a seagull. Of course, it depended on the size of the bird, but the apprentice prayed Milkpaw knew to not go for a big one at least.

Suddenly, the Tom froze as his gaze landed on one. Preening its feathers on the ground. He lowered his head, eyes turning into slits as he watched Milkpaw creep forward, silent as a mouse. Koipaw was impressed, especially since he assumed most Ridgeclanners weren’t used to hunting on such sandy ground. Still, this seagull was big. Koipaw couldn’t help but unsheathe his claws, just in case Milkpaw needed help, but besides that, he stood his ground.

He watched Milkpaw tackle the bird down, cringing as it squawked and tried to peck at the apprentice to scare him off, but, Milkpaw overpowered the bird quickly, and even managed to finish it off! Koipaw was past impressed. Rising to his paws, the calico rumbled out a purr as he trotted over to Milkpaw, his claws sheathing back into his dainty paws.

”Good job! And who- you got a pretty big one too! Nice!”

Leo )
Honeypaw almost gawked at the size of the Seagull, it was certainly nothing to sneeze at! "You got this!" Honeypaw whispered out encouragement to Milkpaw as he set off on his hunt. Even though she was confident in her friend's abilities she was still impressed at how skilfully he moved, the bird had no idea what was coming at all!!

She held her breath as Milkpaw got ready to pouch and then! He got it!! A loud squawk could be heard as the Seagull struggled within his grip, but it seemed the Ridgeclan apprentice had the upper hand in this case and finished it off! Honeypaw instantly popped up from her hiding spot as Milkpaw turned towards them with shining eyes.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Honeypaw gushed excitedly as she raced over to her friend in order to congratulate him, "The seagull didn't even have time to react! He didn't even know you were there till it was too late!" She bobbed up and down as she spot as if she could barely contain herself, "Just wait till we tell everyone back at home!!"

Rosa )
Milkpaw continued to pant and catch his breath back after the rather impressive feat. After all that, he was pretty worn out! Sure, the struggle hadn't lasted very long, but the gull was strong and it took a lot of effort to keep it down.

"Thanks!" He panted out to Koipaw as the calico approached. "I-" He cut off swiftly as Honeypaw raced over gawking. "Thanks, Honey!" He mewed eagerly, leaning forward in his excitement to bump his head against hers. "Oh man!! Yeah, I bet Greenblaze will be so impressed with me!!"