1 year, 7 months ago

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The giant robot beeped loudly across blightfall. Mal considered Sal's words, taking it to heart. His first instinct was to fight but something about what Sal had said about the little, well not so little, robot, it showed signs of happiness. Surely, that could mean something? Doesn't that prove that it isn't just a bunch of bolts and wires? 

Mal looked on thoughtfully as the gigantic robot loomed over the lands. He thought, if the kingfisher made the Lil robot happy, surely he could find something to make the robot happy. How do you make a robot happy? He thought for a while, tapping his foot on the soil, close to a withering gravestone. 

What makes a robot happy? He thought, eventually his thoughts wandered to what makes him happy. If he could find something that gives him hope and show the big robot, maybe it'll give the robot back their humanity, or well whatever the robot version is. 

Then he got stuck on the thought of what made him happy, truth be told he hasn't been happy for a while. What use is that? If he doesn't have hope, then the robot wouldn't have any chance of being reminded of what hope is. 

Then he thought of the last time he was happy, it was a fair while ago, maybe a few months..... oh... it was about half a year ago when he was truly happy. It was when he was hanging out with his dear friend, Tethys at Crestport. He had tried to find Tethys recently but he was in Pandrea for a vacation. The last time he saw him was when they were sitting watching the sunset over the ocean waters of Crestport. It was peaceful and they ended up having deep and meaningful conversations. It was friendship that made him happy and that gave him hope. 

And how do friends show love? Hugs and a little token of appreciation. He did just that finding a rock and scribbling a little smiley face. He looked at the robot and offered a hug in turn.