The Dunes of New (And Stories of Old)

5 years, 4 months ago

Furiosa helps her tribe through a brutal winter storm.

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The snow continued to pile. Furiosa looked at the white mounds. They made her nervous. They looked almost like the dunes of the deserts, yet were so much different. Freezing to the touch and far harder to move in, it was becoming a hindrance to her people. It was also covering all the sand for miles, the beautiful golden dunes a stark white buried under feet of snow.

She feared for her tribe in this chill. The caves were cold, the market was cold, everything as bitter cold even through their clothes. The flakes still fascinated her and she could spend all day catching them but she had a job to do; she had to protect her people from this icy nightmare. The water was freezing but thanfully they found the white powder was a near endless source.

The caves were frozen from the bitter cold wind that blew through. Furiosa and her family handed out warmer clothing and blankets to the families. Everyone stayed huddled for warmth as they waited out this brutal storm. Many days and many nights spent gathered around fires telling stories. Perhaps the storm was actually a blessing from the sand to bring the tribe closer. 

They all learned many things about each other. Things that happened on the rite of others as well as stories of when ones were young. Even a little more about their religion as Furiosa regaled things she had been taught by her grandmother, things she had learned. Of course it wasn't all perfect.

Tempers ran short and arguments were more common, even a few squabbles. However the tribe stayed strong as the snow mounted even still running the market place on the warmest hour of the day. It may not have been a long time but it kept them all sane and happy.

Furiosa nuzzled into Meneldor their chamber empty but not lonely. It wasn't often they were alone and everything was quiet. They rarely had moments like these and they took advantage. It was odd how things that feel so wrong and unnatural end up being the best thing for you. She couldn't help but smile at the intimate moment. The snow truly was a gift from the dunes.