
1 year, 7 months ago

SC log (October 2022)

Leslie and Syd are fishing

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Plops hi

Idk why I’m coming in here but I am




Syd misses his roommate


his roommate is right there!



His roommate is no longer his roommate and he got too used to the metal welding noises


gdshgdls does he need metal noises to sleep now

its ok they can hang out at the lake border

bc thats where leslies spending most of their time


Ah yeah Leslie gets to watch Syd’s attempts to catch fish with his hands

He’s gonna fuckin get it someday


"you got it buddy! i believe in you! "

"just gotta perfect the technique! you'll get there!"

meanwhile just fishing normally a few feet away

"try not to spook all the fish though, yeah? would be nice to eat some!"


“Hugo keeps catching a ton plus people keep making soup and stuff. We’re fine!” Grumpily sits at shore next to Leslie though. “I used to do it so well but I guess the fish here are slippery buggers.”


"well id still like to catch some! i like fishing!" loud booming laugh

"feels like id be disrespecting the family trade if i dont catch jack shit or somethin!"

"say, you caught fish with your hands a lot before?"


“Family trade? Is this your hero origin story?” Shakes off the water like a dog (face the crossfire Leslie). “Oh yeah. Never to eat just for fun though! I’ve always been the best with… ground animals. Lizards and snakes ya know? A lot easier to handle once you catch up to them.”


"oh my parents were fishermen! well i suppose my mother changed career paths but dad was a fisherman! and my sister is a whole ass siren, but shes a snob and doesn't like to get her hands dirty" eye rolls

"lizards and snakes?? goddamn dude that sounds cool"


“Australia mate.” Obnoxious over pronounced accent for 2 seconds I tried finding a phrase to follow and google is doing me wrong so use your imagination. “Your sister is a siren?” and her sister was a wiTCH. “Sometimes people just hate the hard work. Means more for you to do! Specially if you find it fun.”


"of course it had to be australia. i swear you all are a different level of unhinged" laughs and nods

"yeah! she can be refined and dainty all she wants as long as i can be messy and greasy in peace"


“Aye least I have the excuse of I was raised in the plains.” Laughs. “My parents did a ton of conservation efforts so I grew up vibing in tents and becoming best friends with the animals we crossed. There’s a reason I love bugs so much! So many cool ones.” He laughs. “That’s fair yeah!! I get to continue fighting stuff and training in the woods while my sister gets to stay in a fancy doctors office keeping everything clean. Different career paths!”

“I think she’d scream if she ever got covered in as much grease as I left the factory with sometimes.”

sweets factory jokes here


"oh shit thats super cool!! what kinda things did you see?? isnt it like?? dangerous to camp out in australia?? with all the animals that look like they came straight from hell to murk us all?"

"and aahhh you got a sister too, huh? older, or?"


“Oh absolutely. We had to put nets over everything or you could wake up with more surprises than you’d ever want. Besides the cold being annoying I’m totally fine just vibing in the middle of nowhere like this.” Very enthusiastic nod like he was excited to talk about his sister. “Yeah!! Seven years older than me. She’s the best!” Pauses for a second and there is a vague glimpse of sad before he goes back to grinning. “We’re really close even with being so far apart. It feels weird not talking to her every day since I’m here. You?”


"haha i can imagine! certainly less deadly creatures around these parts, yeah?" nod nod

"seven!! that's cool. not too different from mine, alice is 6 years older than me. and, well, we're half siblings but-- she basically raised me, hah."

a pause

"... i like the freedom of being out here on my own though"


“Oh hey same! About the being raised by her part. Pretty funny that we line up like that yeah?”  …cue him hesitating while scratching at himself. “Yeah yeah. It seems like you really needed it dude.” A light laugh. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I do not miss how much she always hovered around me. Superr protective- which is fair cuz uh-“ gestures at cast. Gestures at general self. Jazz hands. “I’m a hazard sometimes. I think I just miss when I was close enough to get there when I needed her. But she’s better off without me.” Light shrugs


"yeah, yeah, i get what you mean!" pats his shoulder "i dont think i tend to need my sister much cus she wasnt, huh... just protective of me. but its totally fair to miss having the help nearby when needed!" and a thumbs up! "but hey if you need help with anything i can try to help! roommies, after all!"


Syd gave Leslie a bit of a questioning look but wasn’t gonna pry if they didn’t want to talk about it. He grinned though, offering a fist bump. “Hell yeah!! Roommates! I seriously miss having you around even if you are still at camp. Down to take a bro blood oath whenever you are.”  

“I’ve got you if you ever need anything, yeah? In this together.”


"yeah yeah!!" fist bumps! "daaww do you miss my constant metal building in the background"

teasing tone


“Oh tons. The cabin is so quiet it’s awful. I think the forest needs to be louder frankly.”


"im sure it'll be louder if you come across some wild animals! time to find a bear"


“Time to fight a bear.” > : D face


".... good luck with that! dont bring it into the camp!"


“People have guns.”

“…I don’t have a gun.”

“Not that we’d need it bears absolutely want just arm wrestling matches and nothing else. I’m not tasty.”


"... uh-huh!"

"nothing else!"



“If I have it fish do you think I could just gain like a really fluffy friend.”


"i think it would try to eat your head! but sure! go ahead!"


“That wouldn’t kill me.”


"oh no absolutely not"

"you can totally walk around like the headless knight i believe in you"


“You think it would take my head?? Absolutely not that’s mine.”

“No one is taking my bones unless I can say they can.”

“Consent bro.”


"someone sure took your arm bones!"


“They didn’t take them!” Blinks. “Not that I know of.”

“Just rattled them a little.”


"how can you be sure though? maybe they replaced your bones and you never even noticed........"

"what if you now have...... branches........"


“Why did I have to be part tree. I couldn’t like be a cat boy or something??”

“If they’re gonna make me some kind of mutant make me a cool one”


"hey trees are cool!"