Secretly Wolf

1 year, 7 months ago

SC log (October 2022)

Auran finds out about Jamie's secret

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Well I posted the ticker earlier of Jamie embracing his woof form in the woods, and i low key think itd be hilarious if Auran spots him. Let the conspiracy theorist run wild


oh my god

i can see it

hes going around trying to figure out what he can help with and just

spots jamie

ears and tail out


"you got bit by a wolf???"

cus he doesnt know how werewolves work


Jamie gets the shit scared out of him and turns real fast to see Auran and quickly hides his ears and tail away like "AH- HUH- UH- N-NO I HAVENT SEEN ANY-" clears his throat, trys to play it off "I-I know they said theres bears out here but no wolves yet, haha- Were you looking for something-?"


stares in silence for a bit looking like he's processing information (can almost imagine the buffering symbol rotating in his face) and then in the most serious tone mumbles a "oh......... are you just a furry then..... valid....." understanding nod

"we all have our secrets to hide......." more nodding


This is somehow worse then getting outted as a werewolf "Wha- huh? How did you get to that conclusion??"


"Im not a fuckin furry, dude... its nothing to worry about, just- preferably don't like- tell anyone-..."


"i mean hey im not judging! to each their own!" puts his hands up defensively

"naw dont worry, thats not my secret to tell"

"........ were you bit by a bear then"

looking over him to see if he spots any bleeding bite mark


"But I'm actually not-...." thinks a bit, trying to decide the worse blow here "Uh... not exactly..."

"I didn't get bit by anything... I've uh... kinda always been a werewolf- but telling people that isn't always the best idea." He let's his ears and tail out again "Sorry if that's freaky..."


eyes go wide open in wonder! "oh whoa wait you've been a werewolf this whole time?? holy shit dude you hid that so well--"

"no, no, it's cool!! that's super cool!!"

"im still not gonna tell anyone, if you don't want anyone to know"

"but whoa im surprised you've hid it this well for this long"

"...... was that why you asked about the jarno werewolf theory. oh god im sorry about that joke"


Jamie gets a lil amused, but still kinda nervous "Heh, yeah... I've hid it for a really long time so guess I got good at it... Though there are a few people that know already."

Sighs "Its been getting harder to keep it a secret though since joining spectre."

laughs a bit "Yeah, when I first got here i was super confused by you guys saying Jarno was a werewolf cause it didn't smell like there were any other wolves in the building."


"oh man i can imagine... no matter how good you've gotten at hiding certain things, the more you let slip the harder it is to keep hiding it..." then he goes quiet for a bit, tilting his head, "... out of curiosity, why are you keeping it hidden? personal reasons, or..? you don't have to tell, of course"


"Uh... yeah.. kinda.." rubs the back of his neck "I uh.. grew up in an area where the occult really weren't welcome, but my family is kinda small and we didn't have a ton of money so we had to stay where the cheap apartments were, so my mom just always told us to keep the werewolf thing secret no matter what as a safety precaution.... They growing up and gaining fans for music, my brother wanted us to keep that same mentality since occult in general weren't taken to that well until more recently...."

"It was basically just.. easier... ya know? Meant no discrimination or people hating us for existing at least."

"I've always been indifferent to it since we've just always kept secret. But I dunno... since coming here Ive felt a little better about it..." he smiles a bit

"But I don't... know if its just something I could fully come out with either.... It still makes me freak out every time someone finds out; like even just now with you... Guess Im too scared of the idea that someone will hate me or start treating me weird for something I can't really control..."


He listens attentively, giving Jamie a slow nod at the end. "Ah... I get you. It's nowhere near to the same extent since I'm just a psychic, but I also got shitty experiences from it. Especially when it's all you've known since you were little, it's not easy to shake it off! I get it."

"But hey... even if it's easier now, with everyone being super accepting of it... you're still in your right to not force it. You tell people when you feel ready! No one else gets a say in that"

makes a zipping motion over his mouth


He laughs a bit at the zipping motion. "Thanks man... I appreciate it. Honestly, if this had happened when I first got here I would've been having a full on panic attack... so I guess something has gotten at least a little better with everyone here." Smiles "But I guess we should uh.. maybe get back to camp before they think we're dead out here-"


"No problem! Oh man yeah, good thing nothing happened then, huh?" He nods again, before looking back towards where he came from. "Oh shit that's right-- It's getting kinda late we should probably go--" He gives Jamie a thumbs up and starts walking back towards the camp!


And they probably walk back up camp together from there!




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