Dreams of a Memory

5 years, 4 months ago

Furiosa dreams of a conversation with her Grandmother.

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A young pup was sitting with her grandmother. Both their pelts were a gorgeous array of desert colors. The old toskal smiled. "Furiosa." "Yes grandma?" "Have you ever heard the story of the sand?" "No grandma. Mama says it's all fantasy. But I wanna know!" "Alright little one let me tell you." Furiosa nustled into her grandmothers arms intent on learning everything.

Grandma looked down at the pup and nuzzled her. "There are many lessons we can take from the sand. It may consume, but it shows no biased. It may follow the winds guidance, but that helps it consume. It never favors, and never bows. It's an unstoppable force that is mostly ignored." "Is it like the moon?" "Not quite child. The moon brings the tide but it does not devour everything in its grasp over time." "So is the same bad?" 

The old toskal chuckled at the little ones question. "Not at all Furiosa, in fact I think it's more pure than the moon or sun. It is everything, rocks, bones, an unvarnished representation of time. We will all one day become one with the sand." "Does that mean you'll die Grandma?" The old toskal thought for a moment.

Once she came up with an answer she thought was adequate she spoke. "Yes my dear, but I wont be gone. I'll always be with you as long as you dont forget me. And one day a long long time away, you'll join me again and leave your pups to care for the world. The sand will make sure everyone is reunited after death, to live together in the afterlife."

"I won't ever forget you Grandma!" She nuzzles her. "Will you help me when I'm big?" "Of course dear, I'll always help you if you need it. Or even when you don't know you do. Grandma will always be there little one. Now off you go, show the dunes what a strong girl you are." She boops the pup in her arms nose causing her to giggle.

Furiosa sat up looking around. The chamber was dark and Meneldor was laying beside her. Dreams like these always meant something. It scared her that this one hit her now. It had been years since she thought about her family. And like a wave of emotions the memories hit her. The joy, the disappointment, the fear, the blood, the death, the violence.

She felt tears welling in her eyes and wiped her fur against them. She stumbled out of the bedding of furs and moved outside to the plateau. She looked up to the sky. "Why?! Why now?! What do you want from me Grandmother?! Was dying once not enough? Why must I relive this now?" She hung her head. "Do you like to see me in pain? What is the lesson here?" She falls to her knees tears falling to the stone. 

It wasn't long before she felt hands grasp her shoulder. She looked back to see Meneldor. And she realized what the dream was for. Not only to cherish the sand, but to cherish what you have before it's gone. She lost what she had so quickly, never had time to even say goodbye. But here, now, she had a family again, and she vowed to never take it for granted. 

The alpha stood wrapping her arms around her mate. She stood there for some time before feeling ready to head back to bed. And she went with him, the one that had been as unlikely a match as any. With him by her side sleep was sweet serenity. As she entered back into the world of dreams one thought crossed her mind. "Thank you Grandmother. Thank you."