Lost property

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
2 491

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

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Synaria was finally visiting Newport for her very first time. She didn't know what to expect, and certainly didn't expect a Mara with hundreds of crates. "Gotta paw to lend?" Syn believed it to be Kenwood as she had heard many stories of him. He gestured to the crates and she decided to help. Who knows where this will lead to her next adventure? 

She chose a large crate and was suprised to find it full of credits. She thought it'd be a bad idea to tell Kenwood what it is and he seemed awfully busy. She took the opportunity to take the credits for herself.

A few hours after the incident, guilt gnawed at her. She believed she left this life behind and was given a second chance not to be a thief. She could decide her destiny, it wasn't just a few credits either that she would normally pickpocket, it was a whole heap of them. 

She walked the streets of Newport, she couldn't keep the credits but perhaps she could find someone who needed them. She saw two pigeons cooing at each other and cuddled, on top of a sign. Synaria thought it was the cutest thing she saw, however she took notice of it. It was a Cafe called "Flocks of Feathers." She looked through the doors and noticed not a single Mara was inside... and then she saw the sign on the door. It was a foreclose sign, and she knew it was in her heart to give the crate to this business. She left the crate on the door but found a piece of paper and scribbled the shop's name on it. She hopes no one would steal it.