- The first advent

1 year, 10 months ago

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''WAIT!!'' A startled yowl pierced through the night. Rain faintly dropped from the dull sky - it was early morning, perhaps a little too early for a feline to be screaming bloody just yet. Many rodents and other animals languished in their dens, hidden away from the cruel world. That was, of course, until the runs of a panting warrior broke their senses loose. ''Gosh, why must the stars punish me like this?! Wait - please! Uh - gosh, whatever you are, I order you to stop at once!'' Oj's syllables mewled across the entire area. An astonishing light, bright as the sun above and as powerful as Starclan's very paw,  rushed before her as it led and twirled back and fourth across every tree it saw. The damsel didn't know what it even was - how could she? It was purely unexplainable. Such a bright, blinding sight was never seen by anyone in the entire forest, ever. She wasn't sure for how long she had been running, but after all; did it even matter? After leaving ShadowClan and its cruel wrath, the feline spent her days wandering without food or water - hell, without even a companion by her side. She met some foes although, and even though she wished she didn't, the agony remained unescapable. The light carried her runs through the forest; over a rock or two, through a river and beyond. One would think that such a starved, anxious thing would get tired after running for so long - or even beg the other for it to stop. Yet Oj, then known as ApsenFang, did not. Her wooden-pelted paws carried her up and down, back and fourth, all at a pace fast enough to catch up to the odd sight. Oh, but why would anyone even run after such a thing? Well, she didn't know either. But the dreams and promises the molly had regarding her future might just be a great clue. A cave filled to the brim with powerful crystals and sharp stones, accompanied by a secured field, in which rested an old Willow that simply refused to welt. Oj saw that place - the stars sent it to her. She dreamt of fur as pale as snow, whose smooth ends faded to a golden yellow. She laid her emerald hues upon a welcoming, comforting gaze; a stare which captured all of dawn in one landscape. And most importantly, she dreamt of that light she was oh so desperately running after. Yet even so, a weak mortal cant run forever. ''Wait, please,.. I cant - I cant go on.'' A cough after an exhausted pant, her wobbly paws couldn't go on any longer. Oj turned her weak stare up, glaring at the light that now lasted a fox-tail length  before her. It seemed to halt as well, patiently waiting and observing. ''What is wrong with you? Why would you - ... Oh, dear Starclan, I think I'm gonna be sick.'' She panted, her fragile voice quivering upon the stark pressure. Yet alas, the light didn't budge. It stood in place, calm and patient. Ojs ears lowered timidly - what was going on? A meek whimper of exhaustion left her mouth. The feline observed, and then slowly shuddered back; feeling the lights warm embrace brush against her cheek tuft. It was comforting, soothing her strength back into reality. The light moved forward yet again, waiting for Oj to come along.  And so she did, tumbling one paw after another; she followed after the source of life. As they left the forest, Oj and the odd bright headed across a tall-grassed field. Her soft mittens carried her along with patience, yet also hues of excitement. A long walk it was - one that took all day, may one add. Like a newborn kitten begging to leave their clans nursery, Oj too complained, groaning after the light and its odd direction. But it didn't take long for all her questions to be answered. Soon enough, the damsel noticed the shining figure before her slow down. Her ears perked up with interest and perplexion, and she slowly inched beside the light. As Oj captiously took her eyes off of it and instead turned them forward, her heart sunk with astonishment. Before her stood exactly her dreams - the field, the cave, the bright water. The feline gasped with amusement, unable to comprehend the beauty of such scenery. Her shock, wide maw soon turned into a bright giggle, bursting into a fit of  joyful smiles. The runs, the complains and exhaustion; it was all worth it. Just as the she turned to thank her leader, her eyes widened back up. The light grew bigger. and with that paler, floating before her. Before her eyes abruptly burst a magnificent figure - a large, bright feline like herself. It stared at her with a dawned gaze, smilling warmly. ''Wait - wait,  what are yo-'' yet before she could ask her question, the once light twirled and burst into the horizon. Its stars and particles floated into the sky above, and before she knew it, Oj stood all alone before the untouched territory. Yet she didnt mind. Instead, her mittens slowly ought forward - heading into the unknown; a life that awaited her since brims of childhood.