Trick or Treat

1 year, 7 months ago
322 3 1

Monty dresses up to match Seseil when they go trick or treating.

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Monty stands at the bottom of the perch, his pumpkin basket in wing almost bare. He feels a bit silly dressed up, but his outfit matches Seseil's. He has on a brown buttoned vest, a toolbelt with a shovel and broom, and a monocle on his right eye. He's walking around with Seseil, who is dressed up as a dinosaur. He had begged Monty to come with him and wear matching outfits, thrice asked until he finally agreed. He had helped Seseil get into his outfit earlier, after all, he couldn't see with his... missing head. Now that missing head was replaced by some inflatable one. He was enjoying it though.

Seseil wasn't able to see or communicate like others, he often found his way around by touching around as he went. He couldn't speak allowed, but Monty had found out not long after bringing him in that he could telepathically talk. That's how Seseil conversed with him, but he was able to hear what Monty said back to him. They lived together under the bookstore, where Seseil often helped people around. They had grown close, like father and son. He smiled a little as Seseil made his way up the stairs, knocking on the door, his bucket sitting in front of him. After a few moments, the door creaked open to reveal Sable in a witch costume.

"Trick or treat," Monty said, climbing the few steps. Seseil jumped around a little, excited. He wasn't able to talk, but Monty knew exactly what he wanted to say.

Sable smiled, placing a treat into both baskets. "It's good to see you two out. I like the costumes."

Monty nodded his head, "Likewise," He paused a moment, "And so does Seseil."

Sable nodded her head, "Thanks." And this disappeared inside. Monty picked up Seseil's pumpkin tub and they moved on to the next houses in the neighbourhood, greeting each of them side by side.
