Companion ceremony

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
1 667

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

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Companion Ceremony

Andromeda was baking cookies when her doorbell rang in her apartment in Manabane. Who could be visiting in this hour, everyone she knew was getting ready for work. And her kids just left the nest? It was about 5pm, Andromeda worked nights and was baking cookies for her colleagues for the special night. She worked as an Astrologist and tonight a rainbow meteor shower was going to happen in the skies. She couldn't miss it. 

She opened the door, and to her surprise, her partner Finnley was there. "I wasn't expecting you for another week!" She jumped into him, she noticed he didn't hug her back and that his arms were behind his back. She looked at him with big round sad eyes, "What's wrong?" 

Finnley gave her a passionate kiss, "I wanted to see how you're holding up after our kids left. I got you a Lil something to keep you company." He brought his hands to her, he was holding a box. "Go have a look inside, honey." He smiled lovingly at her.

She opened the box and was surprised to see a microkia, she always wanted one but with raising kids and working, she never had the time. Now she has more time on her paws, she did feel a bit lonely without anyone home with her. 

"What's their name?" 

"Starburst!" The microkia spoked cheerfully. She was even more shocked that the microkia spoke. She didn't know that about them. 

"Thank you so much, Finnley." Andromeda gazed into the depths of his green eyes. "Are you going to be here long?"

"Sorry, Darling.... I have a delivery in Newport that's due tomorrow morning. I came here from Pandrea and that's when I saw this cute little microkia, I knew she'd be perfect for you. I'm only here to drop Starburst off. You should move to Newport and we can spend more time with each other." 

Andromeda looked sadly into her eyes, "We both know that won't work. You're always on your ship and Manabane has the best science in Solaria. I can travel a bit for more research though." They both kissed each other, Starburst and Andromeda watched Finnley walk away. 

Andromeda was sad but at the same time she was happy. Her love of her life thought of her and got her a lifetime friend to keep her company. 

"Will he be back?" Starburst looked at Andromeda with big sad eyes.

"Of course he will be." She sighed, the smell of burnt cookies wafted in the air. "Oh- I forgot I put some cookies in the oven!" She ran to the kitchen and pulled out the cookies, they were burnt to a crisp. 

She looked at them, devastated that she forgot about them. Starburst immediately provided comfort to her by rubbing against her legs. "It's okay, Andro. We can make some more." 

"There's not enough time to make more but it doesn't matter. I can always make more when I get back home or tomorrow." She gave a quick smile, should she bring her little micro-kia friend to work? She only ever noticed a couple of maras who do bring their microkias. She thought she would, afterall it'll be a magical moment to spend with her new friend. 

"Come on, we're needed at the Manasong flowers." 

They both rushed to get there, Andromeda picking up Starburst as her little legs were tired. When they arrived at the flower field, there were a few maras with telescopes, cameras and notes everywhere. 

"This is an extremely rare event, Starburst. It's a rainbow meteor shower, it's rainbow because it's light reflecting off the sun and onto the meteors as they hit the atmosphere." Starburst and Andromeda looked to the skies where they saw the wonderful meteors, they were gorgeous. "I'm glad to have shared this with you." Andromeda told Starburst.

"Me too! I'm glad I'm part of your life now. I was so lonely before and now I have you- a brand new friend!" Starburst squeaked.