It's over

1 year, 7 months ago

Ace wakes up to find Meiras bed empty

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Darkness had fallen over Navotr. The night was cloudless and the stars seemed brighter than ever.

Ace woke up to find Meira's bed empty. She rubbed her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Her wife seemed to have left the bedroom a while ago. Ace climbed out of her bed and slipped on her pink wool socks. For a few minutes she wandered through the dark apartment until she saw the light on the balcony.

Meira wore her white bathrobe with black waves around the edges. She had her hair undone and was standing at the railing. Ace opened the balcony door, Meira didn't react. "You don't have to run anymore, it's over," Ace said, leaning against Meira's back.

It was one of those nights, with stars way too bright and nightmares way too dark. Dreams in which Meira couldn't protect anyone, as much as she wanted to. Her heart was beating too fast and loud when she woke up. Her mind and thoughts seemed to be tangled with her bedsheets and she needed some fresh air.

Of course, Meira knew that Ace was right. Angelus had been dead for four months. She couldn't just let go of the irrational fear, it was always there in the corner of her mind. Ace's hand slid down her arm until their fingers finally locked. Meira's chest began to prick as if someone had stuck a thousand small needles into it. Her vision blurred and the first tears welled up in her eyes.

Ace stroked her knuckles.

"Stay. I'll make sure you're safe."

Meira squeezed her wife's hand. "I know I'm just so damn scared," she sobbed.