Companion ceremony

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

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Companion Ceremony

Jasira was barking orders to her gang of mischievous and treacherous kias. She was the most charismatic one of them all, so she easily found herself as leader. That was until her gang got annoyed at her, she'd never lift a finger to help, all she did was to tell them what to do and take majority of the profits for herself. That's when they overthrew her and kicked her out of their little gang. She was back on her own, she'd always found a way to do the least effort and get the greater rewards. Last time she stole some treasure from two pirates in Bootleg Bay. They were friends with her at the time too. 

She'd always say she'd be nicer and do more work, however she never found the time to adjust herself. She ended up being near blightfall, her old outpost was here before she was thrown out. She kicked a rock and grumbled, "I had a good thing going and yet, I couldn't be bothered to lift a paw. Maybe, just maybe.... I can change." She thought out loud to herself. 

She saw some lovely decaying flowers and decided to pick some, she jumped back in surprise, "What are you?" She questioned the creature.

"What are you?" It snarked in response. "What do you think I am? I'm a microkia. Just because I'm small, doesn't mean you get to disturb my nap." 

"Oh....... Sorry?" Jasira was new to all of this politeness, she'd always get away with things but if she ought to change she better learn.

"Sorry? You either are or aren't? Come on, surely you were taught proper etiquette and manners." The microkia grumbled.

"Unfortunately not. I've lived the crime life since I was born. Even before I came to Solaria." 

"Well, you and I both. But at least I was taught manners." The microkia was still disgruntled about being woken from their nap. 

"I'm sorry about waking you up." Jasira mumbled. 

"That's sorta better. That wasn't hard, was it?" The microkia mocked her.

"What's your name?" Jasira asked more friendlier this time. 

"Jinx. Cause I always jinx things. That's why I'm minding my own business." Jinx said tartly. 

"Well, I'm Jasira. I'm sure you don't 'Jinx' things. Wanna give it another shot of forming a small crew? I know a place where we can find heaps of stolen goods." Jasira asked the little microkia. She feels like having a microkia will help her out with her mannerisms and it would be nice to have someone always there for her. 

"Sure, why not." Jinx grunted. Jinx was unsure about this, she had never bonded with a kiamara before but she did used to have a bunch of microkia friends.